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Loyalty Is Easy, Sacrifice Is Hard.


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Especially since there is no lore on how the Grineer empire runs it's planets, no lore on the civilian population of the warframe universe. But think, how would you feel? Would you rather be saved at the cost of many other lives? Would you consign Mars and beyond to slavery under the Grineer?


I say hail our valiant dead, honor their sacrifice with the lives billions. Oppression is the greater evil. Even though it is hard, even though we will feel the loss of our comrades so keenly, hold fast against Grineer. Brace your hearts against the Grineer propaganda Tenno. 


Support the Corpus in this dilemma.


After the Grineer are held back Alad V will know the full fury of our displeasure. I promise you he will feel the pain of many deaths brothers and sisters. 


Hold fast.



Edit: From further on in the thread


Truly Tenno? Is freedom worth so little? If I were the one is cryostasis I would rather die a hundred times than be saved in place of freedom. The Grineer tyrants will treat our fallen no better. We do not have the stasis pods, how can we save something we cannot see? How can we justify a week of destruction and oppression? Will I turn my back on so many in need because it is easier to sympathize with my sleeping brothers and sisters? We can save the people on Mars. We can touch these lives. Alad V is horrible thing and he will get his just reward soon Tenno. 


We can show the Grineer that the slavery, the oppression, it ends. We will no longer suffer our Solar System to sit under their tyranny.

Edited by Noteleet
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Words from my very mouth. Our fellow Tenno will be of the last few to lose their lives in this conflict. With the Grineer advancement halted, we would be able to use the momentum to fight back, and teach those degrading clones just what it means to threaten the Tenno!


The Corpus are weak, feeble, and selfish. Once the Grineer are dealt with, the Corpus will know our wrath, and it will be swift. 


The meaning of sacrifice is not lost, and we will ENSURE that their loss ensures our ongoing survival!

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we are tenno.

we are not grineer, nor are we corpus...

we do not seek profit, nor do we seek to enslave.

to let our comrades die for the profit of another benefits us in no way.

saving out brothers and sisters at the cost of the pathetic grineer oppressing others is a cost worth the reward.


can you look your brother in the eye as you plunge your dagger into his heart and claim its for the greater good?

or will you sacrifice weakness so as to gain power of numbers so that we may regroup and take the fight back 10 fold?


make no mistake about this brothers and sisters.

the tenno do not fight for grineer or corpus in this war.

we fight for our own.



out of character:

we do have lore on the grineer, or at least a little bit of it, its the corpus that we are struggling to understand atm...

either way though, the tenno are kinda screwed.

also... if you cant tell, im rooting for grineer :P

Edited by alchemistjkt
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We are not sacrificing our own, we are sacrificing other innocent Tennos who are sleeping!!


I'm not gonna do it. I dont wanna fight in the future against some "cyborgized-tenno" i left behind in Alad V's hands.


I'll go there, save them and kill whoever will block my way back home, Corpus or Grineer regardless.

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This is a dark time, Tenno. We only have two contracts, help the Grineer enslave the solar system or help the Corpus with their vile experiments at our own expense. Surely some will abstain, some will follow the easy path and justify oppression. I refuse! I will stand against the Grineer.

Tyranny must be halted despite the costs. Stand strong Tenno.

Edited by Noteleet
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We don't die under a butcher's knife, we die in battle.


Alad wants to throw away his colonies?  That's his problem.  We have a war to fight, and the Grineer will be in prime position to eat a counterattack with an added compliment of Tenno to drive the point home.

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we are tenno.

we are not grineer, nor are we corpus...

we do not seek profit, nor do we seek to enslave.

to let our comrades die for the profit of another benefits us in no way.

saving out brothers and sisters at the cost of the pathetic grineer oppressing others is a cost worth the reward.


can you look your brother in the eye as you plunge your dagger into his heart and claim its for the greater good?

or will you sacrifice weakness so as to gain power of numbers so that we may regroup and take the fight back 10 fold?


make no mistake about this brothers and sisters.

the tenno do not fight for grineer or corpus in this war.

we fight for our own.



out of character:

we do have lore on the grineer, or at least a little bit of it, its the corpus that we are struggling to understand atm...

either way though, the tenno are kinda screwed.

also... if you cant tell, im rooting for grineer :P

i understand you, but grineer want tenno the same way corpus want ?you really think they would give our brothers and sister back ? really i rather help alad make him think he has our help and them when he isn´t looking we rescue or brothers and sister, a much better solution them let grineer fool us and take or brothers and sisters away we can and will kill alad v and save ALL or brothers and sister and ALL the inocent people that need help

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Don't be a pawn.  Alvad is throwing his colonies into the fray to throw attention off of what he is doing to those Tenno.  Don't fall for it, save our kin.

grineer shall do the same with them if we let them grow stronger, remember one thing tenno are strong don´t underestimate our brothers and sisters they´re strong really strong we shall save EVERYONE not only tenno not only civillian

Edited by kyriezn
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Any death that prevents other deaths is a noble thing. Are the civilians of Mars and the rest of our solar system simply trash to us? Is tyranny and oppression so light?  Don't succumb to the blackmail. 


There is nothing noble about sacrificing another's life.

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Here's my argument for why you should roll with Team Grineer.


Brotherhood: Beyond saving a number of 'Tenno Sympathizers', we've had little to no interaction with the citizens of the galaxy. They offer us no refuge; our safehouses are self-constructed Dojos in the Void. They offer us no access to or discounts on new, advanced weaponry, and they have hardly helped our war effort apart from being severe burdens in Rescue missions that seem to have no larger impact.


I see no reason to prize the freedom of these peoples over the lives of Tenno in captivity. Side with the Corpus to halt Grineer oppression, and Alad V gets to chop away at the flesh of our brothers and sisters at his mercy. Why would you save the anonymous, distant people of the solar system before you save your own blood? 


The Tenno are a tiny faction in a sea of Grineer and Corpus. Every rescued Tenno is an invaluable addition to our ranks - in terms of loyalty and brotherhood, and in terms of strength, as we'll see later. We won't leave these humans to a fate of oppression and tyranny, but when Tenno lives are on the line, that clearly takes precedence. It's a moral duty.




Strength: The humans have already proven themselves as inefficient combatants in the war. Alad's alleged resistance militia have left no footprint on the war. Even if they did, they are a Corpus-organized force, and hence suspect of allegiance or sympathy to the Corpus conglomerate. Beyond that, the humans are virtually defenseless, so pushing the Grineer expansion back by supporting Team Corpus will do nothing, other than delay the colonization of the former's hapless victims.


The Tenno are almost polar opposites. Millions of Tenno are awakening across the stars. This pales in comparison to Grineer and Corpus numbers, but each Tenno is worth his/her weight exponentially in thousands of bleeding Grineer and Corpus bodies. A four-man cell can wipe out an entire galleon. One skilled Tenno can decapitate the head of an enemy's strike force. 


Helping the humans will do nothing to strengthen us - saving the Tenno will.




Balance: With the collective strength of the Tenno in mind, supporting Team Grineer will ultimately bring greater balance to the solar system in the aftermath of the war. Team Corpus' argument is that by supporting the Grineer, you will unbalance the solar system by allowing the Empire to expand. But the greater disturbance actually comes from allowing the Corpus to gain dominance. This is why: 


By supporting the Corpus, you presumably balance out the conflict by halting the Grineer and allowing resistance to take root. But we've already proven how human resistance is futile, and Alad's militia will most likely be a Corpus proxy. On top of this, Alad will also harness the sheer destructive ability of the large numbers of Tenno that he has in captivity, and use them to forward the Corpus expansion. And we all know how deadly a Tenno can be. 


You aren't just trading one empire for another - you are becoming an active agent of Corpus dominance.


When you go Team Grineer, yeah, you temporarily allow the Grineer to gain a stronger foothold. But you also bolster the strength of the Tenno by saving the captive ones, and the Tenno are, after all, the most powerful balancing agent in the galaxy.


When this is over, we are the ones who will be most capable of containing Grineer expansionism. We will do this in the way we know best - by filling their bodies with bullets, leaving their corpses in steaming, cleaved piles, and wrecking their armada like we've done in the past. 


So - for Brotherhood, Strength and Balance. Go Team Grineer.


Rraahuud, Tenno.

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Truly Tenno? Is freedom worth so little? If I were the one is cryostasis I would rather die a hundred times than be saved in place of freedom. The Grineer tyrants will treat our fallen no better. We do not have the stasis pods, how can we save something we cannot see? How can we justify a week of destruction and oppression? Will I turn my back on so many in need because it is easier to sympathize with my sleeping brothers and sisters? We can save the people on Mars. We can touch these lives. Alad V is horrible thing and he will get his just reward soon Tenno. 


We can show the Grineer that the slavery, the oppression, it ends. We will no longer suffer our Solar System to sit under their tyranny. 

Edited by Noteleet
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Especially since there is no lore on how the Grineer empire runs it's planets, no lore on the civilian population of the warframe universe. But think, how would you feel? Would you rather be saved at the cost of many other lives? Would you consign Mars and beyond to slavery under the Grineer?


I say hail our valiant dead, honor their sacrifice with the lives billions. Oppression is the greater evil. Even though it is hard, even though we will feel the loss of our comrades so keenly, hold fast against Grineer. Brace your hearts against the Grineer propaganda Tenno. 


Support the Corpus in this dilemma.


After the Grineer are held back Alad V will know the full fury of our displeasure. I promise you he will feel the pain of many deaths brothers and sisters. 


Hold fast.


Those who are enslaved can be liberated later. Our brother Tennos turned into monsters would be much more difficult to recover. And we'll need all of our strength to free the populations from their bondage.


Defending freedom require power, else it's just words in the wind. Do not weaken us. Do not allow the Corpus to grow stronger.


Fight for our brothers.

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there is no lore on how the Grineer empire runs it's planets

They are oppressive, they hate all non-grineer. They enslave or kill whatever is not Grineer. That's in the lore. Read the planet descriptions, on the website description, and in livestream 16 when Steve talks about the Grineer shipyard. There's lore, and the Grineer are grade A tyrants.

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I see no reason to prize the freedom of these peoples over the lives of Tenno in captivity. 

The lives of many outweigh the lives of few

If we were talking about lives on an equal platform, that would make sense. 


But you missed what my argument was about. These lives aren't on an equal platform. Considering what's at stake, the lives of the few Tenno (whose numbers, according to lore, are actually a very large percentage, relative to how many other Tenno there are in the galaxy right now) vastly outweigh the lives of the humans.  

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