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Loyalty Is Easy, Sacrifice Is Hard.


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The way I see it that even though Grineer gain power by claiming territory, so do we as we gain the saved Tenno as reinforcements. So balance in power between Grineer and us stays the same and as we all know, we have been able to keep up with the balance very well before so this doesn't mean anything. If I side with the Corpus however, the Grineer will be as strong as they were prior this event but we don't get reinforcements to help our cause. Of course, my opinion is just as good as any.

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The Grineer want those cryopods too. That's the whole reason they're having this little tantrum to begin with. You didn't think they were just going to hand them over once they get done throwing us at the problem, did you? Also, the civilians you're so gun-ho about saving are CORPUS civilians; not exactly our allies if the regular corpus engineers are any indication. Regardless of who you pick this is only a temporary truce; we're still going to have to fight tooth and nail for our sleeping brothers once this reaches a conclusion. 

The universe recognizes our capacity for violence; it doesn't sympathize with our plight. Whether you wear black or white you're still the pawn. 

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Easy, we first kill of the Corpus, since if they keep researching, their firepower might get REALLY dangerous. After we kill off the Corpus, go to the weakened Grineer and start going: 'OFF WITH THE HEAD' and prove the Corpus right (since the Corpus calls us the Betrayers)

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In character :


[Transmission from Xeonyx, in the name of the Hounds of Orion]

My fellow Tennos,
We are currently given a tough choice, and we have already broken our precious unity. This must cease immediately, because this choice is a false one. Both Alad V and Sargas Ruk are trying to use us as their tools. We cannot accept that, but we shouldn't refuse the unexpected opportunity they are offering us either. We must do what is best for our own kind. And it is to help the Corpus, even if it sounds absurd at first.

The way I see it, if we fight for the Grineer they will probably seize some or even the totality of the frozen Tennos while we are not looking. And their influence would be strengthened twice. Because of the new lands they would control and the Tennos they would enslave.

But if we instead fight alongside Alad V, the Grineer position will be weakened and they will be too busy healing their wounds to threaten us while we betray our Corpus "allies", true to the name they give us. Furthermore, all the Tennos in stasis will be easier to retrieve if they all stay together in the hands of Alad V.


Additionally, the Corpus do probably have a handful of research data on the Orokin technology that we could steal from their servers while they think we obey them. They may even have more information on the Orokin and Lotus than ourselves. Don't you wan't to know who they really were ? Don't you want to discover where we come from and who we serve ? Don't you wan't to retrieve all those memories you lost when you woke up from your long, cold night ?


I do, fellow Tennos, above all else. As unanimously do the Hounds Of Orion. We will hunt alongside Alad V, but only to bite him stronger afterwards.


Be strong Tennos, stand united. True to our values, free from any masters, be it the Grineer Council, the Corpus Board or even our very own Lotus. Helping Alad V is the best way for us to grow stronger. Join us, allow them to use you as their sword, when in reality you are no other than the knife which will slip their throat when they fall asleep.

[End of transmission]




Out of character :

Do you really want more Grineer ? They are the most developed faction already. They have the most "lore", the most planets, the most bosses, the most weapons, the most different units, and so on.

On the other hand, the Corpus are under-exploited in the lore. And they are way less manichean than the Grineer, so they have much more potential depth as a faction. I want to see this potential become a reality, I want to give the Corpus more room in the game. They are obviously the next faction to be lore-ified and I have the feeling that DE would be more inclined to do it sooner than later if they are the winning side here, because it would let them with more room to do whatever they want with this faction.

Alad V is also said to know a lot about the Orokin and the Tennos, this could be an opportunity for us to learn more on that subject as well. And that is something I am really looking forward to.

Plus, yeah, as a character, fighting indoctrinated Tennos is the worst perspective ever, but from a player point of view it could be awesome. This could even give birth to a whole new faction.


Join the future, join the Corpus.

Edited by Xeonyx
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In character:


If it was up to me, I would have thrown our main forces in the middle of the battle, taking advantage of the chaos to smash both the Grineer an Corpus at the same time. I would also have sent a few Tennos squads to retrieve as much of our fellow Tennos as possible.

But Lotus decided not to give us this choice and instead let us consume ourselves, choosing between Charybdis and Scylla. Therefore she is either not a good leader, or she hides some information from us. Either way, I refuse to trust her anymore.

Helping the Corpus seems to be our best option for now, in order to fully understand this new era we woke up in, and to gain access to true freedom, for the reasons I mentioned above.

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Ok simple question, what is easier, retake a dozen colonies from the grineer weaklings or bring back from the grave the hundreds or maybe thousands of fellow Tenno that you left to die on corpus hand?

Retake what? After the Grineer have plundered and taken their slaves what is left to save? Both choices are horrible and I do not begrudge your decision. I still will stand for the silent many.

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HA! How self-rightous, but before you cut our comrades throughts FOR the corpus, tell me, why do they not deserve a chance? You're killing YOUR OWN PEOPLE for corpus lives! "Ours will be the last lost to this conflict"? There is no end brother. We are the 3 superpowers just like those in 1984. Even if we do join sides with the corpus, we cant eliminate the grineer, not fully. So ask the slain Tenno if their "Valiant sacrifice" was worth it, the silence is your answer.

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Depends really. We side with Grineer the system shall be enslaved. Side with Corpus and the people would just be indoctrinated to be corpus crew members and then killed when a Tenno cell infiltrates a corpus facility. So either way, no matter who wins the people in the system won't be any better, unless enslavement is preferable to indoctrination then death by Tenno.

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