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Liches steal . . . can it be a bit more selective?


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When you grind a boss-fight for ever and on the 28th time you actually get the part your were grinding for the lich steals it and you now have a choice . . . grind a few hours more hoping it will not be stolen again when you get it . . . or kill the lich.

Prolonging your time to actually progress getting a warframe with "loaded dice RNG" and then "Super RNG" just steals it to slow you down a little more. That is not a pleasant gaming experience at all.

I really think warframe parts should be excluded from the lich stealing table.

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Well, wasn't that the whole point of the Kuva Lich system? They are your enemy and are supposed to annoy you and steal your precious stuff. And you are supposed to hunt them down and get everything back. Why even keep them roaming the system?

Also, converting the lich will work too, in case you were thinking that vanquishing is your only choice now.

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It may be the whole point of the Lich system but i have finished all weapons.

This post is because of the developers who tend to force you into playing missions which you have already grinded out and do not necessarily like.

I only have the lich because Night Wave required it for standing.

Now i must decide if i do more grinding for the part and hope when i get it again it does not steal it again or go and take time to kill it just to get that part. The second option might even take longer because of the enemy levels getting higher and mission types not always what i prefer and/or enjoy.

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6 hours later . . . . . .  The "loaded dice RNG" is forcing me to do the Lich missions just to retreive my stolen part!

At least there are less variables by doing the Lich missions.

The RNG in this game is not true RNG, especially if you can "alter" the outcome of a relic with rifinement (loading the dice) to give better odds and still get 7 exactly the same parts in a row, i say BS it cannot be RANDOM!

Maybe RNG is one of the mechanics in the game which needs a rework.

Maybe this sort of experience makes sense why some players stop playing.

"Lets be civil about this" :)

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. . . . . 13 hours later! Lich killed and what should have been 29 ± 8 runs (according to Wiki estimates for a 99.9 chance of getting the whole warframe) which i doubt will take 13 hours, tells me that RNG is certainly not a Random Number Generator which is being used for Warframe. I believe it is MNG . . . Manipulated Number Generator . . . or the other possibility is that RNG got bugged with updated content somewhere along the line.

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11 hours ago, Marcus.Argonius said:

13 hours huh. Whole lich lifetime from creation to death is 3 hours at most. 

Exactly! That's why I'm kind of confused why OP decided to make it hard on themselves and then rant about it. But well, yeah, everybody makes mistakes. We burn ourselves out sometimes for no reason.

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)isbergen said:

He said he only got the lich for NW. So maybe it was his first one, which means a huge grind to get requiem relics and mods. Let alone figure out all the nuances of lichs.

Nah, they said they completed all the weapons. So it wasn't an unexperienced decision.

Also NW weekly requires you to convert or vanquish a lich. Not keep him alive. And NW doesn't really force you to do something you don't want to do now or ever. There's plenty of standing from other tasks and glassed enemies, with catch-up mechanic you can skip some tasks and do them some other week, if you like, when you have time and mood. Yes, there are some dailies to parazon a larvling or something lich-related, don't remember. But why even bother with those? We don't need to do all the NW dailies and even weeklies to reach NW level cap.

So why make it harder on yourself and force yourself to do everything right now just to feel tired and angry and frustrated later? It sounds like greed and doesn't sound healthy.


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