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some Inaros abilities could really use a change for the best


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inaros is a mummy...

the revive passive is thematically cool but thats it, i wish he had something that has an use when i play rather when i get downed. But really why would I or anyone use sarcophagus  which is  slow and situational (you need enemies around you), scales terribly (75 true damage x second is bad)  when i can:

a) wait for a teammate to revive me

b) just use a revive

c) bring a vaska kavat

d) bring djinn with the sacrifice/reawaken combo

egit gud.

Dessication  is a great ability which doesnt needs any change.  (except the augment really needs a  buff coz for now you use it just for fun unless it got buffed and im missing out)

Devour, devour is a single target cc that turn an enemy into a hp dispenser.  The issue with that: the enemy can be easily killed and the heal animation thing is slow.

making the target unkillable and making the healing animation faster would be an improvement maybe with some automatically generated marker on the enemy affected by devour to let teammates know that there is an healing source to use if needed. (a devour augment that gives energy x second instead of hp x second would be neat )

Sandstorm:  during sandstorm you move at the pace of a snail. thats really boring, if instead of being super slow would have the speed of for example, revenant's danse macabre that would make it much more usable.

Sandstorm 2: if you are on top of a stair or ledge, box whatever and the enemy is lower on ground than you, sandstorm will not work on that enemy, and this is actually a bug that exists since i started playing this game

Sandstorm 3: the ability instead of a drain of energy x second could be duration based since duration affects Inaros other 3 abilties 

Scarab swarm: this ability has 2 parts:

charge the ability to get scarab armor up to 100% bonus armor

consume 25% of scarab armor to cc one enemy, cc enemies that goes near the enemy, release pulsing heal waves to any ally in range

what i would change is to remove the time required to reach 100% scarab armor or decrease dramatically the time required to get the full bonus, making invulnerable the original enemy affected by scarab swarm, and making the healing waves pulse faster.


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Inaros' passive is that he heals 20% of his HP when he does a finisher, which is easy to trigger with Desiccation. That really DOES need to be listed in the Passive section, though.

Devour is a bad ability, but if you hold it you make the target invincible except to you... so... yeah. Needs to be something else.

Sandstorm needs to be an AoE, not a self cast.

Scarab Swarm needs a reason to not always be at 100%, because the heal portion of it is literally useless in most circumstances.

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10 hours ago, Sharkgoblin said:

Devour [...] making the target unkillable and making the healing animation faster would be an improvement maybe with some automatically generated marker on the enemy affected by devour to let teammates know that there is an healing source to use if needed.

Big yes on that.

Not least, with immortal Devour victims, you could set up a lasting Scarab Swarm (dispenser and) AoE healing zone,
finally being able to do something that Garuda (or any Frame thanks to Helminth actually) can just do with one button press :P

10 hours ago, Sharkgoblin said:

Sandstorm 2: if you are on top of a stair or ledge, box whatever and the enemy is lower on ground than you, sandstorm will not work on that enemy

Indeed, more generous "LOS" detection is needed here.

10 hours ago, Sharkgoblin said:

Sandstorm 3: the ability instead of a drain of energy x second could be duration based since duration affects Inaros other 3 abilties 

I'd rather have the ability be more reliable / cover a slightly bigger area, and thus be worth that indeed pretty severe drain.

Maybe instead, lower the initial activation cost tho, 75 Energy plus a strong drain is too much either way.

Plus of course, remove that nonsensical forced upward camera tilt already, why the Stug can I not look down while the ability is active?

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1 hour ago, (NSW)Electropuncher said:

Inaros' passive is that he heals 20% of his HP when he does a finisher, which is easy to trigger with Desiccation. That really DOES need to be listed in the Passive section, though.

Devour is a bad ability, but if you hold it you make the target invincible except to you... so... yeah. Needs to be something else.

Sandstorm needs to be an AoE, not a self cast.

Scarab Swarm needs a reason to not always be at 100%, because the heal portion of it is literally useless in most circumstances.

i know about the healing x  finisher passive, i forgot to list it mainly because i mistakenly associate it as a desiccation passive

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I think I would prefer Inaros' 3 get a massive buff and make it consume health instead.
Since in lore he protected a whole planet and swept away all the infested with it, I think it would be great if we focus on that aspect.

- Now consumes health instead of energy (Can't drop below 2 HP)
- The lower Inaros' HP is, sandstorm will gain additional range, movement speed, damage reduction
- Allies within sandstorm's range will share Inaros' damage reduction & scarab armour for 15 seconds. Staying in sandstorm will refresh this buff
- Enemies will no longer be flinged away, but rather sucked into the center of sandstorm (Just above Inaros' head) until the ability ends
- Once Inaros' stops channeling sandstorm, he will fling all affected enemies toward his cross hair in a lump.
Bonus: Elemental sandstorm augment will now provide an elemental damage bonus to allies within sandstorm. They will receive a damage bonus based on the damage types and mods equipped on Inaros' melee weapon.


Come to think of it, I think it would be nice if all of his abilities (except his 1) should be buffed and make it consume health instead.
It would actually make use of his giant HP and balance things out.

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Going off @Shaburanigud's post...

All right, hear me out. CRAZY IDEA. Remove Inaros' energy pool. Make him cast with health.

1: No change. It's perfect. 

2: I think we can all agree something went wrong with Devour. It's slow. It's outmoded by just blinding an enemy with pocket sand and stabbing them in the face. I don't want to be like "ah, just give him a big suck-in ability that yanks the enemies to you" because we have enough of those. How about an ability where he spreads sand everywhere that trips up enemies and makes them kinda trudge through the terrain, while sandblasting their defenses?

3: Again, simple fix: make this an AOE that he casts. Maybe make it smaller so you can spam cast it. Then make it pair with Sandblast by making sandstone sculptures of the enemies it kills that shoot pellets at enemies as decoys.

4: No change. Now you have a reason to actually to use its secondary function of healing on cast.

There. Rough and tumble rework. The meat is really his 2 and 3. But I like the idea of using HP to cast in general. Gives me WoW warlock vibes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2020-10-23 at 4:04 PM, (NSW)Electropuncher said:

Going off @Shaburanigud's post...

All right, hear me out. CRAZY IDEA. Remove Inaros' energy pool. Make him cast with health.

1: No change. It's perfect. 

2: I think we can all agree something went wrong with Devour. It's slow. It's outmoded by just blinding an enemy with pocket sand and stabbing them in the face. I don't want to be like "ah, just give him a big suck-in ability that yanks the enemies to you" because we have enough of those. How about an ability where he spreads sand everywhere that trips up enemies and makes them kinda trudge through the terrain, while sandblasting their defenses?

3: Again, simple fix: make this an AOE that he casts. Maybe make it smaller so you can spam cast it. Then make it pair with Sandblast by making sandstone sculptures of the enemies it kills that shoot pellets at enemies as decoys.

4: No change. Now you have a reason to actually to use its secondary function of healing on cast.

There. Rough and tumble rework. The meat is really his 2 and 3. But I like the idea of using HP to cast in general. Gives me WoW warlock vibes.

Neat! (Sorry for the late reply though, I've been gone for a while)
Though I still like the idea of keeping sandstorm as a channeled skill so it can differ from Zephyr (Just fix the camera when you rework the skill DE)
But either way it could work.

That said, the REAL mess is his 2.

I've been thinking since so many warframes are getting tap-rotation skills, why not turn his 2 like that as well?
Curse & Devour & Sand shadow

  • Become a tap ability where we could change from either Cursing an enemy, Devouring an enemy, or summoning a Sand shadow.
  • Curse: By sacrificing 10% of Inaros' health, enemies affected by his 1 will instantly be cursed and fall into quicksand.
    • Can't be activated if no enemies are affected by his 1.
    • Enemies who are cursed will always be open to parazon finishers during the duration of quicksand.
  • Devour: Inaros will summon a small heart by the cost of 50 energy.
    • Allies can interact with this heart to devour the health of enemies who is under the Quicksand Curse.
    • When Inaros devours, allies nearby the heart will also be healed.
    • Leaving the Devour animation is instant.
    • Interaction will become impossible if no enemies are cursed
  • Sand shadow: By sacrificing 15% of Inaros' health, you can summon a sand shadow.
    • Sand shadow will not fight, but constantly taunt enemies nearby.
    • Each sand shadow will prioritize following an ally that does not have a sand shadow following and has the lowest health
      (A buff signal will be given if a sand shadow is following you)
    • Enemies will always prioritize killing the sand shadows first. They follow you until they die.
    • When they die they will explode and apply Curse to all nearby enemies.
    • May have up to 5 sand shadows. (Surplus Sand shadows will just follow Inaros)
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