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[Weapon Request] Corpus Railgun


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I'd kill for a Railgun in this game, just make it like the Paris that draws directly from its ammo pool and have it have a charge time between shots, it could have the same firing animation that the railgun MOAs have, it looks pretty cool too. Stats are up to the devs, but innante puncture should be a must x3

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Interesting, maybe this could be the bolt-action type sniper that Warframe currently lacks.

I do support a single shot magazine with a large slug, as picture of Metal Gear Solid 4's railgun pops into my mind. However, just by the laws of logic, I'd support its ability to shoot through cover. Being able to shoot through walls like Resistance 2's Auger should be allowed by logic, but may be too overpowered. But unless we get scopes that allow us to see thermal images enemies through cover and walls (which would be cool and fitting of the railgun as it is) I don't think hitting enemies through walls would be a problem enough to make shooting through walls a nono. What about the grineer that hide behind the walls around the circular asteroid base doors? Example right there.


The thing that matters the most is if it's going to have a satisfying 'boom' to go with it's supersonic projectile or not.

On a slightly more serious note, the hit-though-walls can be limited, like (apologies) the piercing rifles in ME3. I mean, you don't quite shoot through any wall there, and there's really no reason it could work differently here. The blast doors could be too thick, or at the very least shooting such a slow gun through doors and walls to try your luck would be too annoying and slow to matter. The rentgen scopes are the nono here, without them massive piercing would be perfectly in balance with your normal skill to just go on and shoot dudes anyway.

I'd kill for a Railgun in this game, just make it like the Paris that draws directly from its ammo pool and have it have a charge time between shots, it could have the same firing animation that the railgun MOAs have, it looks pretty cool too. Stats are up to the devs, but innante puncture should be a must x3

That would be awesome too. Just make sure it charges after the shot is made, not starting to charge before it when you pull the trigger. Bonus points for making it recharge every time you pull it out.
Edited by GTG3000
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Awesome! Can't wait.

Also, maybe you should change mag in the op to draw from the stock, like Paris? I mean... A different kind of horse snipetron is nice, but maybe a gun with it's own mechanic (drawing from the stock, charging after the shot (I mean, with possibility to shoot a weaker shot again quite soon, or wait a bit for the full-power shot)/being taken) would be better?

Edited by GTG3000
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I want to avoid similarities to the Paris and Snipetron, as a mechanically different sniper would be most interesting. A fully charged shot should have a good amount of penetration, but you are risking losing high penetration potential and insane damage if you miss. A very high risk vs. reward mechanic.


There would be some delay time, between shots, and that's understandable, but I'd like it to be able to pull off a rapid follow-up shot if the first shot misses. If you miss both shots, you wasted ammo, and have to endure a 2.2s or lower reload time. If you hit both shots and get a crit bonus, you are greatly rewarded for your precision.


I don't think the player should be able to fire without a full charge, though. Increasing the fire rate by 60% would drop the charge time to 0.36s and the fire rate would increase to 1.28.

Edited by Vaskadar
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I would like to see another sniper, and this sounds pretty good! I would gather that shooting through walls (1 meter) would be the special and the con would be the charge time. Maybe 1 second for firing with a 5 round clip and a very meh reload speed. All these can be improved so it makes sense to keep them meh instead of just decent since they are a negative. It should be able to go through multiple enemies if it doesn't go through a wall first though...that would be beast!

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I want to avoid similarities to the Paris and Snipetron, as a mechanically different sniper would be most interesting. A fully charged shot should have a good amount of penetration, but you are risking losing high penetration potential and insane damage if you miss. A very high risk vs. reward mechanic.


There would be some delay time, between shots, and that's understandable, but I'd like it to be able to pull off a rapid follow-up shot if the first shot misses. If you miss both shots, you wasted ammo, and have to endure a 2.2s or lower reload time. If you hit both shots and get a crit bonus, you are greatly rewarded for your precision.


I don't think the player should be able to fire without a full charge, though. Increasing the fire rate by 60% would drop the charge time to 0.36s and the fire rate would increase to 1.28.

Well, mods be mods. Albeit nothing quite says "High risk, high reward" as "You get one bullet at a time, don't waste it.". If the damage grows exponentially, then letting players shoot early wouldn't do much harm.

Edited by GTG3000
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I'd say that showing players opened rails would make it look more railgun-y. But that's just me.



Well the idea of a rail gun would not use combustion at all so yes, open rails would give it better look.  The idea behind a mass driver (AKA rail gun) is an object (ammo) is propelled through a series of magnetic hoops that at first moves slowly, but as it passes through each hoop the magnetic polarities cause the object to increase in speed exponentially.  Speed only limited by how many hoops you have with the proper reaction time for the electronics to fire off the magnets.  More or less, that is the short and easy version.  :D  But yes, I would love to see one in the game.

Edited by Starbridge
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Well the idea of a rail gun would not use combustion at all so yes, open rails would give it better look.  The idea behind a mass driver (AKA rail gun) is an object (ammo) is propelled through a series of magnetic hoops that at first moves slowly, but as it passes through each hoop the magnetic polarities cause the object to increase in speed exponentially.  Speed only limited by how many hoops you have with the proper reaction time for the electronics to fire off the magnets.  More or less, that is the short and easy version.  :D  But yes, I would love to see one in the game.

No, that's gauss gun you're talking about. Railgun uses two conductive rails, high voltage and lorenz law to propel the projectile. Either by means of just sliding along the rails or the 'plasma piston'. Speed is mostly limited by how big the capacitor banks are and if you're ballsy enough to have the projectile ignite from friction so soon.

Edited by GTG3000
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My scanner cables are broken (or the scanner doesn't work anymore somehow), but here's something I sketched up in approximately 15 minutes. Its design is meant to reflect the Corpus philosophy of 90-degree angles and... RECTANGLES! I'll update the original post with it as well. The camera angle makes it look odd, but it looks fine when holding the drawing pad in my hand. That said, I didn't really take my time making the lines look nice, at all.


Please Rebecca, move this thread to Weapon Feedback when you see it in the morning. PREEZE. It's been sitting in the Warframe Feedback since the division of the original warframe and weapons feedback subsection.

Edited by Vaskadar
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My scanner cables are broken (or the scanner doesn't work anymore somehow), but here's something I sketched up in approximately 15 minutes. Its design is meant to reflect the Corpus philosophy of 90-degree angles and... RECTANGLES! I'll update the original post with it as well. The camera angle makes it look odd, but it looks fine when holding the drawing pad in my hand. That said, I didn't really take my time making the lines look nice, at all.


Please Rebecca, move this thread to Weapon Feedback when you see it in the morning. PREEZE. It's been sitting in the Warframe Feedback since the division of the original warframe and weapons feedback subsection.


Damn, that looks AWESOME!

I sure hope devs will implement something like this.)

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Спасибо - Thank you! It's not very good compared to some of my other designs, though.


Всегда пожалста, мил человек.)

It still looks very nice. And has plenty of detail more than a 'not very good' sketch.)

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