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[Weapon Request] Corpus Railgun


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While I am very fond of the idea of a rail gun there are some issues that must be addressed as far as its is concerned Some of which have already been discoursed here:


First and fore most Will it be a unique and useful addition? How will it work? Will it have a charge function or just a straight single shot? If it has a charge Function how will it work? will there be variable damage, two stage damage or a charge to fire one  high powered shot? Will there be a single round in the magazine or will there be a greater number? Reload time, ROF, armor piercing values, target penetration, base damage, Crit chance, crit damage and stagger are a few of the things that must be addressed. How does one make it feel unique without causing a balancing issue. Mod synergy are also things to look at. Should it have a polarity slot and if so which one?


The next issue is availability. Do we make it something that you can get through the market or through the alert missions? If its purchased through the market how much should the BP cost? What should the resources be? How much of said resources should we use? How much should it cost to manufacture?


These are all issues that need to be addressed. Below i have compiled my thoughts on all the above. I know that there are many more things that must be ironed out before the weapon can truly be a working model but  Its a start. I will be using the Wiki template for the most part.


Corpus Railgun


Mastery level: ??

Type: Single Shot Sniper Rifle 

Base Damage:145

Base Firing Rate: N/A

Accuracy from the hip: 22

ADS Accuracy: 100

Base Magazine Size: 1

Base Ammo reserve: 72

Base Reload Speed: 2.2s

Base Charge Speed: 1.5s

Base Crit Chance: 25%

Base Crit Damage: 200%

Base Puncture: 1.4m

Base Stagger Chance: 100%

Polarity Slot: --



May only be fired once fully charged

Fires Bolts (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Weapon_Types#Bolt)

Speed Trigger mod Decreases Charge time

Metal Auger stacks with the Base puncture

Magazine Warp has no effect

Scope Is comprable to the Snipetron

Can be carried by Corpus Sniper Crewmen



Control module: 2

Circuits: 500

Polymer Bundle: 450

Alloy Plate: 500

Credits: 15,000

1 day


Now I know some of you are looking at some of my choices and are scratching your heads wondering what the heck I am thinking. Well to be honest I have balance in mind and I will give a "short" explanation on some of my notable, and possibly for some disagreeable, choices:


First most people are probably looking at the weapons stats and wondering why put the weapons damage at 145? well the answer is simple Why would you need more then that? Because my concept fires bolts it will ignore most of the damage rules. This means that with most enemies you will be able to take them out with a single well placed shot with an unmodified Railgun even at moderate levels. Once leveled and given a serration mod you how have the potential of upwards of 384 damage. More then enough to deal with all but the most pesky of enemies. With the bolt type damage people will notice that there is a 66% reduction in damage when shot at specific enemies torsos. Its a railgun shouldn't it do full damage to all targets? Its a sniper rifle shouldn't you aim better? I gave it a firing rate of N/A because I was lazy and didn't want to do the math to find out what the exact RoF would have been. On the subject of charge time I gave it a 1.5 second charge time because of the tremendous damage that it does but because of the load time i could not justify giving it a longer charge time. Again this is all about balance while keeping the weapon unique. Modding will be very important to this weapon. And now for the one that probably has everyone looking at this unfavorably The Innate puncture. Why only 1.4 for a maximum of 2 meters? why not 4 or 7 meters? well because its not exactly balanced now is it? with two meters of pen you can effectively shoot through the majority of enemy cover. hell even with 1.4 meters your doing some damage. Line up a group of baddies and you got your self a nice little daisy chain of death. With the 1.4-2 meters of penetration this will help limit the amount of time people spend fishing for kills through walls. Now this goes hand in hand with with the choice of no x-ray scope. Tunnel vision. I want the wielder of the railgun to get tunnel vision. x-ray vision somewhat removes the tunnel vision that a standard scope brings.  With X-ray vision you can see your enemy moving about and you can respond to flanking maneuvers as well as multiple enemies movements. this breaks the balance slightly. Now one could argue that a limited x-ray scope could be implemented. seeing up to 2.5 meters through objects. In theory that would work in practice that would be a nightmare to implement form a technical standpoint. So lazy wins out partially with the scope. 


My short explanation seems to be more then short. This is my concept for a working railgun within the warframe game. May still need some fleshing out but hey No ones ever perfect.

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Wow I really like how you thought this out but I think the it will be best if we have this rail gun project have 2 versions which are scoped and non scoped.


Price in plat 300

BP for scoped 80,000

BP for non scoped 75,000


Galium 5

Control Module 1

Alloy 350

morphics 15



Can shoot through enemies without loosing damage but can only penetrate 1 wall/obstacle and loose 50% effectivnes

Base damage : 550

Charge time: 0.7 seconds while charging player is able to move and aim freely but should he be stunned or knocked off balanced charge time resets

Cooldown: 0.9 seconds between each shot

Rounds: Holds 5 rounds but reload takes 4 seconds


If round hits a wall/floor causes a small radius explosion due to force of bullet penetrating surface.

 Now you might want to know why I gave this gun these crazy stats that is because its a rail gun, its precise and shoots only in 1 straight line , each time player want's to take a shot he/she has to take in the account of timing it will take them 0.7 seconds to fire a shot while avoiding to being stunned as well as he has to make sure that his shot lands or he is #*($%%@. Where if player were to take a hex+afuris he could unleash some serious hell within those 2 seconds similar to rail gun.


PS: It's not that hard to make a rail gun in real life. Me and my pops can probably make one that could shoot trough armored tank no problem. It wont be small but that puppy will work and since this is the future, not having a rail gun is kinda of a lame excuse. It would only make more since if we finality have boltor latron hence boltor is an automatic rail gun :3 and we can call it Boltron

Edited by GoneM4d
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Wow I really like how you thought this out but I think the it will be best if we have this rail gun project have 2 versions which are scoped and non scoped.


Price in plat 300

BP for scoped 80,000

BP for non scoped 75,000


Galium 5

Control Module 1

Alloy 350

morphics 15



Can shoot through enemies without loosing damage but can only penetrate 1 wall/obstacle and loose 50% effectivnes

Base damage : 550

Charge time: 0.7 seconds while charging player is able to move and aim freely but should he be stunned or knocked off balanced charge time resets

Cooldown: 0.9 seconds between each shot

Rounds: Holds 5 rounds but reload takes 4 seconds


If round hits a wall/floor causes a small radius explosion due to force of bullet penetrating surface.

 Now you might want to know why I gave this gun these crazy stats that is because its a rail gun, its precise and shoots only in 1 straight line , each time player want's to take a shot he/she has to take in the account of timing it will take them 0.7 seconds to fire a shot while avoiding to being stunned as well as he has to make sure that his shot lands or he is #*($%%@. Where if player were to take a hex+afuris he could unleash some serious hell within those 2 seconds similar to rail gun.


PS: It's not that hard to make a rail gun in real life. Me and my pops can probably make one that could shoot trough armored tank no problem. It wont be small but that puppy will work and since this is the future, not having a rail gun is kinda of a lame excuse. It would only make more since if we finality have boltor latron hence boltor is an automatic rail gun :3 and we can call it Boltron


True it is a railgun meaning damage but as stated before I would rather sacrifice Damage for game balance. A base damage of 550 could be do-able if a) the damage would not be increased by serration and b) had a much longer charge time. The Paris's unmodified charge time is about a second with a base fully charged damage of 100. Its reload time is just over a second (about 1.2s) meaning that time between shots is 2.2 seconds  The railgun would do almost 5 times that and have a shorter charge rate. even including the .9 second pause between  shots the Railgun's 5 shots would be fired in a faster volley  Granted these weapons can fill two different roles but there is much overlap. In the end it comes down to balance Vs realism and for me balance will always win out.


Admittedly I hadn't thought of a marksman version of the railgun. Faster firing rate, lower damage, no scope and a magazine proper. Decrease the charge time to .45 seconds and base damage to 90. Could be fun. Truly things to think about.

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What if we keep the awesome base damage of 550 but increase the charge up to 2.5 seconds and cooldown to 2.0 seconds? But yet again 4 seconds of maxed furis might just match average rail gun.

Edited by GoneM4d
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150 damage seems sufficient, given that any mod will have a drastic effect on its overall power.


The weapon cannot be fired prior to being fully charged, creating a very risk v. reward weapon.

with 150 this will be just a buffed sniper rifle.

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In the original post it also details 4.0 meters of puncture and charge-up time.

Ok a sniper that has charge up time and puncture. Rail gun is supposed to be slow firing cannon not a sniper rifle. It already exist and it build differently. Sniper rifle is based on chemistry and controlled explosion where rail gun is based on electricity and magnets.

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KhornesChosen, I know I was scratching my head while looking at that wall of text. But it's rather reasonable, since bolts are, uh, different. Although better remove the mag at all. Would be much better if it just took ammo from pool.


GoneM4d, stop trolling. Railgun is not based on magnets, railgun doesn't take the recoil out of equation (so handheld one will have limited efficiency), and railgun needs to be balanced. It's already a cannon with it's 150 damage. At most it could have 200, but then it would be quite OP.

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KhornesChosen, I know I was scratching my head while looking at that wall of text. But it's rather reasonable, since bolts are, uh, different. Although better remove the mag at all. Would be much better if it just took ammo from pool.


GoneM4d, stop trolling. Railgun is not based on magnets, railgun doesn't take the recoil out of equation (so handheld one will have limited efficiency), and railgun needs to be balanced. It's already a cannon with it's 150 damage. At most it could have 200, but then it would be quite OP.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railgun as you were.

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A railgun would be nice. Something between the Snipertron and the Latron (Railtron!) that pierces through objects. Slow firing rate (maybe single shot rifle with fast reload time) so you would focus on modding its damage and spare ammo.


Its shot needs to hit like a truck and kill anything in a line :)

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Still, it's not based on magnets. It's based on Lorentz force... (although it's electromagnetic one, don't let it confuse you). Gaussgun would be based on magnets.

Still with the force that bullet will be flying out the barrel will be more than enough to pierce through multiple tanks if done correctly. Therefore it should have at lease have a minimum of 200 damage but preferably 400+ including high reload+firing speed with specific mods which are all rare that can be applied to this gun. Which include ''Damage, Firing speed, Reload speed, Cooling'' the remaing 2 slots can be used add elemental damage.

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Still with the force that bullet will be flying out the barrel will be more than enough to pierce through multiple tanks if done correctly. Therefore it should have at lease have a minimum of 200 damage but preferably 400+ including high reload+firing speed with specific mods which are all rare that can be applied to this gun. Which include ''Damage, Firing speed, Reload speed, Cooling'' the remaing 2 slots can be used add elemental damage.


Well, such speed would require it to be a mounted gun. I mean... .50 cal machineguns are already too heavy with the recoil, can you imagine what a railgun would feel like to shoot? 


Ahem, irl aside, 150-175 damage would be quite reasonable. That's already shotgun tier of damage, and I don't think Devs are putting annything much more powerful in the game yet. 400 would be an ohk gun.

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Well, such speed would require it to be a mounted gun. I mean... .50 cal machineguns are already too heavy with the recoil, can you imagine what a railgun would feel like to shoot? 


Ahem, irl aside, 150-175 damage would be quite reasonable. That's already shotgun tier of damage, and I don't think Devs are putting annything much more powerful in the game yet. 400 would be an ohk gun.

Funny thing, I doubt that there will be much recoil in electric rail gun due to the lack of blow back. You get a lot of recoil in fire arms due to explosion which electric rail gun lacks thus resulting in much less force applied due to lack of explosion. 


Back to game world. I would expect a rail gun take on shot gun any day and win due to the simple power. Rail gun would deal and should deal way more damage to a target than a shotgun. Additionally having a rail gun is  @(*()$ SWEET!

Edited by GoneM4d
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Funny thing, I doubt that there will be much recoil in electric rail gun due to the lack of blow back. You get a lot of recoil in fire arms due to explosion which electric rail gun lacks thus resulting in much less force applied due to lack of explosion. 


Back to game world. I would expect a rail gun take on shot gun any day and win due to the simple power. Rail gun would deal and should deal way more damage to a target than a shotgun. Additionally having a rail gun is  @(*()$ SWEET!


Dude, railguns don't switch off physics. The force, that pushes projectile out will also push the gun back. And sure, the bullet might be small, but it will pack a LOT of power, and that power isn't just getting out of nowhere. It's going to have plenty of recoil either way.


Well, it has still to be balanced, and so far this game is all about burst damage, in which railgun with 400 damage would be the king of OP design decisions... Although no one doubts, how freaking sweet it would be to have one.

Edited by GTG3000
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Dude, railguns don't switch off physics. The force, that pushes projectile out will also push the gun back. And sure, the bullet might be small, but it will pack a LOT of power, and that power isn't just getting out of nowhere. It's going to have plenty of recoil either way.


Well, it has still to be balanced, and so far this game is all about burst damage, in which railgun with 400 damage would be the king of OP design decisions... Although no one doubts, how freaking sweet it would be to have one.

Ha but here's the beauty, force that pushes the bullet out of a electric based rail gun works like series of on/off magnets that pull/accelerate the bullet thus removing kickback or knock back from bullets at all. I suppose that there might be some force upon bullets exit but nothing that even comes close to a  latron, far less powerful.

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