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5 Best Warframes To Keep?



Hey guys, so for warframes I've been playing them and selling them if I don't like them, and now I'm starting to look at a potential end game for my characters and am wondering what is considered to be the best, right now I have:


Ash: plan on replacing don't know what with yet

Banshee: Probably the only warframe I intend to keep

Rhino:plan on replacing with frost prime as a better tank

Loki:He's alright but might replace

Vauban: I've been told by many to keep


I've already leveled and sold: Ember, Mag


So if I could have 5, most likely keeping banshee and vauban, what are the other 3 I should get?

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Hey guys, so for warframes I've been playing them and selling them if I don't like them, and now I'm starting to look at a potential end game for my characters and am wondering what is considered to be the best, right now I have:


Ash: plan on replacing don't know what with yet

Banshee: Probably the only warframe I intend to keep

Rhino:plan on replacing with frost prime as a better tank

Loki:He's alright but might replace

Vauban: I've been told by many to keep


I've already leveled and sold: Ember, Mag


So if I could have 5, most likely keeping banshee and vauban, what are the other 3 I should get?


Ok Loki is not a good endgame frame. (people will tell you different but hes not)


Nova: she has bad stats but due to her abilities shes a God teir frame.


Zephyr: She fun to use, and has very good crowd control. (20 seconds of tornadoes that do the work for you, Tornadoes number are calculated by enemies onscreen aka more enemies more tornadoes, and you can change there element).


Valkyr: She is 3x better of a tank then Rhino, 3k armor + a ability that can make her indestructible for a minute and a half.



Keep Vauban. *keep him hes soooooo rare*

Edited by Feallike
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Ok Loki is not a good endgame frame. (people will tell you different but hes not)


I take it you have not dual man extremely high level Grineer defense with loki and Vauban.

With frosty bubble of shielding gone, Loki with Vauban are the premier choices for CC based defense.

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That's all you need.


This is either a joke or someone has forgot a whole lot about play style variation.


But I'd say Oberon, Excalibur, volt, zephyr and rhino (but maybe replace on of them for a frost or Vauban because they are the masters of defense or replace one for personal preference ), just because rather than fitting only a few roles, they are very versatile.

But trinity is just play 'Overpowered'....

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But if you have 1 to keep.

Keep Nyx.

Why Nyx should be everyone's number 1 ?

1. She has 2 infinite scaling CC skills.

Mind control and Chaos

2. She has an infinite damage scaling skill + invulnerability.


But she sees very little use unless you are absolutely certain facing a very tough situation.

In fact, I only use her in Clan missions where my mates need it.

She has turned "dangerous" missions like the old Fomorian event (that is before they nerf eviserators, they can 1 shot to 2 shot 700 shields and 300 hp together and those are only level 50) into an absolute joke. We were even leveling newbie crap there.

The last time I used her in an event is the Cicero event, and everyone was joking that my Chaos turned the entire thing into a shooting gallery again (Over-E + stretch + fleeting that is all you need).

Other than that, I only use her for ODD, but people rather I use my Vauban for ODD, oh well.

Or very high level defense or survival. But even that I will still consider because it does take the challenge out of such games.

Number 2 to keep for me will be my Loki.

But hey I am biased. I can run almost everything smoothly as long non-defense related.

On defense I am relegated to as the secondary role, but it works very well with Troll ban (vortex + rd = win).

Number 3 is Trollban.

Enough said. With frosty now more on a nuker role, he is the only prime defense frame now.

But only for infested. However a RD kitted Loki will complete him and they can take on any comers.

Number 4 is Trinity.

I use her almost exclusively in T3 survival / ODS unless I am using Nekros for Desecrate spam.

Invulnerability is always nice no ?

Number 5 is your choice.

This is a post from before but just to make the 100% clear..... THERE IS NO BEST FRAME!

If there was a best frame it would be measured by their versatility and is the frame wasn't didn't have many roles it would only be the best at what it does and no just the best, so unless the role it it plays is you favourite role to play or your strong point it probably isn't the best frame for you and you would rather just use a frame that better suits your play style or just the most versatile frame around.

And no nyx is not technically the best frame, she is just for really lazy, tired or bad players, a bad player spamming chaos is just as good as a skilled player spamming it, seriously, practically every warframe with an attack ult can clear the room faster than nyx(even on endgame), she is just:

1) If your to lazy to kill them yourself.

2) Your really desperate to win (with minimal effort).

3) you or your team suck too much to kill them yourselves or....

4) You just love seeing enemies beat the tar out of each other.

And another thing, don't force you beliefs onto other people because It will only p%#* them off, trust me, besides things can get over-rated and over used to the point they become undesirable, like CoD Modern warfare 3 (and it was a nasty disappointment of a game), I mean, you don't see me forcing my Oberon onto people saying he is the best frame, just because a frame suits your play style best doesn't mean it will suit everyone.

But seriously though, if nyxs were everyone's favourite and everyone was almost always using nyx I can't lie, but I'd murder the entire warframe population aggressively!

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It is only an opinion.

And I already said, keep all frames.


But in my opinion Nyx is number 1 because solely of  what she can do..

She has a proven history of soloing games that aren't "soloable".

Not even old Frost or Vauban can claim to solo as easily as her.

Edited by fatpig84
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This is a post from before but just to make the 100% clear..... THERE IS NO BEST FRAME!

If there was a best frame it would be measured by their versatility and is the frame wasn't didn't have many roles it would only be the best at what it does and no just the best, so unless the role it it plays is you favourite role to play or your strong point it probably isn't the best frame for you and you would rather just use a frame that better suits your play style or just the most versatile frame around.

And no nyx is not technically the best frame, she is just for really lazy, tired or bad players, a bad player spamming chaos is just as good as a skilled player spamming it, seriously, practically every warframe with an attack ult can clear the room faster than nyx(even on endgame), she is just:

1) If your to lazy to kill them yourself.

2) Your really desperate to win (with minimal effort).

3) you or your team suck too much to kill them yourselves or....

4) You just love seeing enemies beat the tar out of each other.

And another thing, don't force you beliefs onto other people because It will only p%#* them off, trust me, besides things can get over-rated and over used to the point they become undesirable, like CoD Modern warfare 3 (and it was a nasty disappointment of a game), I mean, you don't see me forcing my Oberon onto people saying he is the best frame, just because a frame suits your play style best doesn't mean it will suit everyone.

But seriously though, if nyxs were everyone's favourite and everyone was almost always using nyx I can't lie, but I'd murder the entire warframe population aggressively!

nope, nyx is the best frame by far. 

Every other frame is like a thrown rock whereas nyx is a nuke. She can literally make everything so bloody easy, and absorb and chaos are just so good.

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Wat?!? No no, keep Rhino, he is a general purpose power-house. Frost shines in Defense and thats about it.

Get Nova for massive AoE damage

Banshee is a good support

Rhino (swiss-army knife frame), Trinity (blessing bot ftw), Loki (can't shoot what you cant see), Nekros (more drops = good), Vauban (CC all the things), and Nova (kill all the things) would be my choices -- I always seem to come back to them, and yes, I know that is 6 frames...

frost is S#&$ in everything now

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Well, it's really up to you. My personal preferences are: (in order)

1. Frost Prime (awesome at defense and tanking, but lacking because of the recent nerf) [endgame]

2. Rhino (swapping out for the Prime version when it's released, beast at tanking and damage output) [endgame]

3. Loki (fun stealth Warframe, although suffering in health, armor, damage, and sheilds) [starter-mid level]

4. Excalibur (fun balanced Warframe, well-rounded) [starter-mid level]

5. Vauban (good for farming and defense/survival) [endgame]

Warframes that you should definitely consider buying/farming for/keeping:

1. Vauban [endgame]

2. Rhino!!! [endgame]

3. Loki!!! [starter-mid level]

4. Frost (will get buffed soon to make up for the recent nerf to Snow Globe, perhaps even reverted) [endgame]

5. Nekros (support/farming/damage/survival) [starter-mid level-endgame]

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I will state once again


Nyx for PvE because nyx is the best warframe bar none (not joking like Loki master race, statistically she the the best, no if ands or buts.)

Ash/Rhino/Valkyr/Preference for Pvp


Specialized roles-


Volt for Rushing

Trinity for When your team has a nyx or you need to kill a boss

*Any favored frame here* for Playstyle variation and to ensure you never get bored with the game.

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Hey guys, so for warframes I've been playing them and selling them if I don't like them, and now I'm starting to look at a potential end game for my characters and am wondering what is considered to be the best, right now I have:


Ash: plan on replacing don't know what with yet NOVA maybe?

Banshee: Probably the only warframe I intend to keep REALLY ?

Rhino:plan on replacing with frost prime as a better tank NOPE

Loki:He's alright but might replace NEVER PLAYED HIM

Vauban: I've been told by many to keep YES


I've already leveled and sold: Ember, AH AH YEAH :-) Mag WHAT YOU SOLD THE CORPUS NIGHTMARE ?


So if I could have 5, most likely keeping banshee and vauban, what are the other 3 I should get?





Edited by Vultor
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What I've got, and kept from all warframes I tried until now, are:

1. Trinity - nice support, heal, good with explosive weapons too :D.

2. Nova - good offense, fun, also pretty nice support (slow and damage bonus).

3. Vauban - great at ODD's, D's and MD's with infestation.

4. Frost - nice (even after nerf) at D's and MD's with corpus&grineer.

5. Nekros - LOOT Master! (go on tower / od's survival and defs).

6. Valkyr - somewhat tanky dps and a lot of fun.

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1- Nyx : Chaos is everything you need , ok , maybe Absorb too . Having no nuke , Nyx cannot kill stuff fast on as other nuke frames but Chaos just makes most things in Warframe easy mode . She is just so safe to use that i can put her in everything except Assassination missions . You don't even need a potato or forma to make her good , just slap that Energy Siphon in the aura slot then put those range,duration mods on her , and that's it .


Chaos is the king/queen of all CC/Ultility abilities .


2- Nova : Another easy frame . Although it is riskier to use Nova instead of Nyx , Nova just makes killing things super easy . She is by no means a fun to play frame but when you just want to get the job done quickly , M . Prime is your best bet .


3- Trinity : 1 word : Assasination .



With those 3 ladies you can pretty much do every content in Warframe

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Well, IMO if I had to use only 5 warframes, I would keep:

1. Loki - No need to explain, he's the frame to use if you love melee and teleportation and being stealth etc. Besides, he's one of the most fun frames.

2. Zephyr - Extremely fun!

3. Mag Prime

4. Excalibur

5. Saryn



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Nova -> big bomb everywhere and debuff 50% slow with double damage, warp for team teleport

Rhino -> stomp help friends and stop the enemies when in critize situation, roar for more damage [+nova] , iron skin for all situation.

Trinity -> link for resist against knockback and other effects or mana/health heal for your team, blessing for team survive

Loki -> for stealth play, any mission that too diffcult to get pass, melee superior , distract enemies by decoy, and disarm enemy's long range attack.

Nekros -> find item , summon help tank for their own team

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So disappointed that everyone neglects my Ember :(. Okay honestly you can sit there and try to make up ways to sound like you know what your talking about but a couple of people hit the nail on the head by saying it flat out comes down to preference, if you mod any warframe correctly and use them the best way they can be used you can do any and everything with all warframes, yeah some may take longer to complete objectives but like I said.... preference. But this is totally aside from saying which warframe's make the best group, this is solely on a single warframe itself.


BUT since everyone is talking about their preferences I guess I say mine:


1. EMBER (seriously try to find a reason why she isn't amazing and whatever you come up with just remember when it comes to abilities in tight spots just remember accelerant, fire blast, and world on fire simultaneously. don't believe then whatever I wouldn't say it if it wasn't so OP if used correctly)


And that's it. lol. I can honestly say that all the other warframe's I have used are all amazing in their own way but hands down Ember is my favorite and like I said it's based on preference, however if you never gave her a chance then lvl her up mod her correctly and then go do a TIII Survival/Defense and when things look grim try that combo.... just don't spam it, that's just no fun -.-

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I don't have many warframes, but I find Loki's invisibility mod extremely useful for getting into and out of dangerous places and reviving fallen teammates. His decoy mod is also very useful. He also looks pretty awesome, depending on the helmet. I wouldn't give Loki up for anything.

Edited by Damnation-Cleric
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