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A Chance To Make It Right


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Man you guys  are a bunch of chumps supporting the Grineer. Who the hell supports a race that would sooner wipe everyone else out including the tenno? Worst alliance ever,you're being used, fools, but of course you care nothing for lore because the dev's failed on that one with the random loot. A few for the sake of many seems to me to be more like something the Tenno would actually do.

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I guess I'll agree if all these conditions are met Alad:


1. Double the rewards the Grineer is offering. All of them. No exceptions.


2. Release all the pods.


3. 1 free blueprint (Warframe/Weapon/Equipment)


4. A bonus Credit and Affinity boost week.


5. And finally, a potato!


If all these are met, we have a deal. Until then, you can babble all you want!


We pray you see the light. Tootles!

Edited by r0fld4nc3
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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent

ok but if you throw in around 10000 platinum for the people that cant afford to buy it i mean come on at least make some kind of trading system for it or sumthin i mean come on people!?!?!?!?

Edited by Dkillz1999
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I guess I'll agree if all these conditions are met Alad:


1. Double the rewards the Grineer is offering. All of them. No exceptions.


2. Release all the pods.


3. 1 free blueprint (Warframe/Weapon/Equipment)


4. A bonus Credit and Affinity boost week.


5. And finally, a potato!


If all these are met, we have a deal. Until then, you can babble all you want!


We pray you see the light. Tootles!

Maybe if you weren't in the dark dark dog house, you could see the light already Grineer dog.

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I have to admit that I like the exterminate missions (and once before I miss the raids too) and this event even when having no real depth, I mean the berseker still going to exist, in some point the corpus get a party to take some pods thats for sure, may be the grineer do it too, but I've play more in this few days than in the past 2 weeks. I would like the corpus to win, the t3 gun look a lot better and sounds better too, but I might be wrong and the grineer icon looks far better xD

And theGreatZamboni is right, I've love to see some jackals or hyenas in the field, even if they are about to be destroyed may be a background boss fight in wich we can't get in time.

Shield Osprey Blueprint. Done deal

yeap have to agre, that sentinel have to exist, add it at the energy lab may be, the overflow of bio lab and the change of mutagen sample drops make a hole in my inventory, and then the vault make me feel like I am been punish for playing solo <--- that may be the biggest fail in all the last patch, have to say "please get the mutagen sample back in the infested system back"

Have to add, start around 10 weeks ago, I played solo almost all the time, create a clan and have all the reserch but 1 the latest and newest in the bio lab.





we need the mutagen sample back to normal missions and more energy and chem research or lower the drop of samples in general.

Edited by Funphyro
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If you really wanted us on your side, you might want to offer up a bit more than you have been. Maybe some more Blueprints, or Neurodes, a crate of Neurodes would even be better. I will also accept very rare mods. Oh, and if you give up that Shield Osprey BP, I'll even LIKE you on TennoBOOK. The people I like are the ones I'll kill last.

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Tenno, I see it is difficult to persuade you. You are smart, I know this, help me take back Quirinus from the oppressive Grineer, for there is no telling what horrors they’ve done to the innocent!


I will aid you as long as you keep your end of the bargain and free most of the pods.

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As much as I hate to say it my fellow Tenno, (and I really hate to say it) we should side with the Corpus. For the moment. While we might lose some of our sleeping brethren, this is what they would have wanted. We can't let the oppresive Grineer win this. We must win. We HAVE to.



Make our sleeping brothers proud, and the Twin Queens shiver in our presence! 


Godspeed, Tenno.


-Lt. Cytro of Clan Destin.

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Alad, I do not agree with you, I wish to fight you, But the Tenno have sworn to stop the Grineer at all costs including the sacrifice of our fellow Tenno. We are soldiers, we follow orders, thus it is our most unfortunate duty to assist you.  However, the moment this is over, the moment we need not care about the Grineer, we will find you, we will hurt you, we may not kill you but we will most assuredly make you pay for what you've done. Mark my words, after this this is over you and the entirety of the Corpus army shall suffer.

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The Corpus are losing because of Dev bias, there's no fighting it. Just have fun fighting next to them while it lasts.

Viva la Alad V!

Everyone was clearly siding with Corpus, and the Warframe team has different supporters. No need to make that up my friend.




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