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More Objectives/Challenges For Regular Missions?


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I put a ? At the end cause I don’t know if that is an accurate title for this post. 

But basically the game is getting boring. Technically it got boring for me after the second year when I finally accomplished everything, leaving nothing left to farm for. Any new content gets completed pretty quickly by me and it’s very boring every time. Why? Cause they all basically the same thing. Hack, defend, kill, survive. Rinse, wash, repeat. 

They’re just too simple. One simple objective for the most part. It gets boring when speed and damage are the primary builds. Majority of the warframe fan concepts are based on creating OP nuke frames. 

Now what I’m specifically thinking about is adding more to the current missions. Would prefer a complete overhaul but that would take a while and I doubt anybody else would agree. Kuva Assault was very close but felt like it was still missing something. Bounties were extremely close but obviously the maps are huge. And only 3 places. 

What I’m thinking of is adding more objectives to complete or more areas to certain ones. Kind of like how the jackal boss fight has been upgraded. Maybe the defense becomes more mobile. Like our job is to escort the defense to a safer location every certain amount of waves. Area changes a little each time. Instead of just remaining in the exact same spot every time. Make the mission feel more like an adventure in a sense. 

Survival could have another objective that involves more hacking or protecting while trying to last. Instead of just running around collecting life support. Maybe part of the objective is getting a signal out to receive life vs them just dropping in at a random location. Have more control of where they spawn. 

For all of them, I figured it would be nice if there was a new kind of enemy/boss/assassin we have to face after a certain amount of rounds/cycles. Like basically the Grustrag 3 would be summoned to deal with us after a certain amount of rounds(2-4) or after objective is completed. Basically they spawn to block our way to extraction and we have to defeat them in order to proceed. 

Each one would be different depending on the planet. If it’s in the ship, on the planet itself, etc, there would be a different kind of new enemy to face. Still have an old concept for a new grineer boss/assassin to face during certain objectives. Originally it was meant for the Plains, but it could be used for this as well. But basically he is a physically enhanced grineer, much bigger than most and uses the Korrudo as his signature weapon. Due to severe injuries from a conflict with Sargas Ruk, he wears heavy duty grineer armor that acts as a life support. Dealing damage over time leads to performing an animation that involves damaging vital parts of his armor. 

For Kuva missions, a random Lich could show up. Except without the major parazon upgrades since these specific ones haven’t adapted to your specific warframe. 

For Corpus the Zanuka Hunter would be an obvious choice. But maybe only in one type of area. While a new Corpus enemy could spawn in others. I could see a new Sentient Zanuka for Jupiter map tile set. Maybe a Mutalist Zanuka for infested ship areas while a new more pure infested enemy for others. Basically picture Nidus but with more juggernaut like skin/shells over its chest, head, forearms, etc. that open up in a grotesque way when it’s health gets lowered a lot. 

But I feel like something more needs to be added to existing missions so that they don’t feel too repetitive. Be nice if melee could do more. Like if you press attack at the same time as like the stalker, your attacks would cancel each other out. Maybe more combos could be performed if only the melee is equipped. Make the melees more fun to use. 

Speaking of which, I feel like the weapons need more to them. Something that would make them unique. Not just different stats. Similar to how the glass sword aim slash or the tatsu slide. Something to make each weapon unique and fun to use. Not just damage and stats. 

These are just a few examples. I’m 100% open to other alternatives ideas that would make this game feel less of a chore and more like a sort of a challenging adventure. Also sorry for any Grammar. Using my phone and the autocorrect sometime likes to incorrect spelling or the letters don’t get placed even though I’ve tapped them multiple times. 

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I really liked the way Void Tower Sabotage used to work. If you managed to find all three caches in the sabotage, you would get an additional Prime Part from the same pool as a reward. As it was an optional objective, you didnt need to do it, but as it was rewarding it was quite fun.

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