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Do What You Must, The Grineer Have Won.


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no. overall idea is wrong you know.


Warframe is not that kind of game that actually need or implies hardcore playing. This overall situation is very badly made from DE side... like NM mode for example.


Overall concept is great but a... motivation for player base is rather weak and... controversial.


Such an event requires better organization on level of Clan leaders, but again there is no reason for them to cooperate.

Difference in the rewards also made a blow, because there is a lot of people who are hungry for orokin reactors and catalysts.

Again difference in amount of supportes for both sides, time zones. This fight just can't be fair.

There is a lot of negative sides for this event on level on individual player and clans as well.


Too much mess for a promo of new game mode.

Edited by Althix
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look. corp's member asked me to run this event for him. his account is very new and he is missing some mods and his serration is just 105%, no multishot. his loadout is boltor, lato and dual ethers. on his account it is rather fun to play this event i must admint. feels like a real challenge. and also i made like... 1,5m credits for him, which is a really decent money for a new account.


However as it now only most lazy people do not have 100 games. Given than you can have 100 games in 3-5 hours event already lost it's possible reason to play for majority of players. Progress will slow down and even shiny bitz won't do because you need to run same maps over and over and over again.


Enough is enough. I hope this event will end today. Because there is no real reason to play it. Only Clans possibly have a reason to play it. But i need to check ladders in order to confirm that.


Not everyone started this event exactly last Wednesday, and not everyone has enough time on their hands to play long enough to reach the goal quickly. DE listened to us about the events sometimes ending too quickly. Long events are a good thing. For those that have completed 100 missions, they -still- benefit from this event because of the nice Battle Pay rewards.


^ yeah also this(what Darkwahn said). event is fun. but very repetitive and boring... well at least for me.


because you rush in, you use shield polarize and finish off any possible techs alive with synapse. less than 3 mins for a run.


rewards... well i am playing for a long time this event have nothing to offer. even rewards like weapons have no real value for me because most likely i will sell it after rank 30.


Well sure it's boring for you. You're going for speed and using literally the most powerful weapon in the game against Corpus.


What I've been doing, is switching my frames, using low ranked weapons, switching them out periodically, etc. It's pretty fun when you give yourself a bit of variety.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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Not everyone started this event exactly last Wednesday, and not everyone has enough time on their hands to play long enough to reach the goal quickly. DE listened to us about the events sometimes ending too quickly. Long events are a good thing. For those that have completed 100 missions, they -still- benefit from this event because of the nice Battle Pay rewards.



Well sure it's boring for you. You're going for speed and using literally the most powerful weapon in the game against Corpus.


What I've been doing, is switching my frames, using low ranked weapons, switching them out periodically, etc. It's pretty fun when you give yourself a bit of variety.

Variety? You call doing almost the same map variety?

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yeah because of that i went to pugs. because well truth be told event is challenging for low-mid level players. i was making like 7 revives in average for a run. and i was playing against corpus and they don't really have aoe of any kind.


@ SoulEchelon you see i am kinda of guy who prefer to use best options offered. I don't want to create artificial difficulty for myself, it is not my job. It is a job of developer to provide a content where i can use my arsenal on 100%. Besides even if i would consider this option to run event on low level gear i just couldn't do that, because lowest weapon i have is braton prime with catalyst and 5 stars.


Mine concern about time this event will last, and it will last till wednesday, that people will lose interest in it. Yeah sure a week for event will allow almost any player to get a T3 reward but... a week? of the same extermination again and again? on the very same maps?



Edited by Althix
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There is content for you to use your 100% arsenal.  This isn't it and it shouldn't be, given that most of the playerbase isn't at that level.  Run some 100+ level Grineer Survivals/Defenses or anything geared toward the endgame if this isn't challenging enough for you.


The Event is restricted to Mars, and only a select few missions on it.  If you're bored with it, go back to the normal routine of what you did before it.  Once you have your 100 missions, you're functionally done unless you just want to grind out a bit more.

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Waiting on Derf Anyo.


And I seriously hope DE pulled a surprise with Nef Anyo.


If Derf Anyo just majestically faceplanted onto the battle field to rally Corpus Troops, I have this feeling Corpus would just like. Sudden comeback.



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Also, He doesn't get /nothing/ he still gets a wraith, And he still gets a bp of a new gun. Also arm holo of Corpus.

the problem with getting an arm holo of Corpus is that most of the Corpus supporters are whiny babies who can't handle losing just because they have about 100 runs total with most of them being Grineer.


the true Corpus supporters would wear their badges proudly with 500 runs.

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It would be cool if the Corpus admit defeat before the event is scheduled to end but i dont think DE is going to change what is already in place.


That would p*ss a lot of people off though. I can see it now "Hey, what gives DE!!1! We could have pulled it back! No, it doesn't matter that we were on our last node and were 1% away from defeat! DE confirmed for Grineer scum!"


Edit: Just found out that the forum auto censors you. I wish I had known about this sooner.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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I have a Question: Do players play this event 1) FOR SAVING OUR FELLOW TENNOS CAPTURED?  

                                                                        2) THE BATTLEPAY REWARDS?

                                                                        3) THE TIER 3 REWARDS?



Don't know if its just me and my friends, but we play just for 2) and the Corpus TIER 3 REWARDS. 

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I have a Question: Do players play this event 1) FOR SAVING OUR FELLOW TENNOS CAPTURED?  

                                                                        2) THE BATTLEPAY REWARDS?

                                                                        3) THE TIER 3 REWARDS?



Don't know if its just me and my friends, but we play just for 2) and the Corpus TIER 3 REWARDS. 


Varies depending on the player. For me, it started as number one then number three reaffirmed my decision. Number two was just icing on the cake. But had the t3 rewards been swapped (ignore lore problems this would cause) and battlepay not existed I still would have chosen the side I did.

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That would p*ss a lot of people off though. I can see it now "Hey, what gives DE!!1! We could have pulled it back! No, it doesn't matter that we were on our last node and were 1% away from defeat! DE confirmed for Grineer scum!"


Edit: Just found out that the forum auto censors you. I wish I had known about this sooner.


Word of warning: I got a "Warning Point" for using profanity that was auto censored. Wasn't insulting toward anyone - was basically "I don't give a F-". Even though I knew the forums would auto censor and that I SHOULD'VE been fine, turns out Megan didn't agree with it and punished me anyway So - even if it auto censors, it's best to not use profanity at all. Just a friendly warning.


Anyway, on topic-wise:


I've said this a billion times now in the past few days, but I went Grineer due to the lore, not due to the battle pay rewards. Hell, I wasn't even here for the first battle that had the Catalyst. People really need to stop putting everyone under the same umbrella.


As for the larger clans siding with Grineer - that's their prerogative. From what's been stated, Warbros as well as Broframe were already going to side with Grineer before the event even started. And, though underhanded and dishonorable lore-wise, you can't really fault Corpus sympathizers for jumping ship. It's typical human nature, and the law of nature itself. Humans love to conquer, to win, and to be rewarded for it. And only the strong survive.This would've happened the same exact way if the Corpus was winning.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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There is content for you to use your 100% arsenal.  This isn't it and it shouldn't be, given that most of the playerbase isn't at that level.  Run some 100+ level Grineer Survivals/Defenses or anything geared toward the endgame if this isn't challenging enough for you.

you see i do that in fact and i do that solo. aaaand if you were reading conversation from the beginning you may have noticed that your remark have little sense.

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