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Is it just me that feels like DE nerfs things too hard on the first go


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I do believe most of the nerfs DE brought were justifiable one way or other. However, I can not agree with the degree of nerfs they bring to the table every time. Instead of putting the meta weapon/frame/ability on a level playing field with the less popular ones, DE smites the meta stuff to ashes untill they creep it back up to meta months or years later. I don't mind the slide attack nerf but I feel mighty sad everytime people call my lecta trash. FeelsBadMan

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No justification to rhino nerf

no justification for ember nerf

no justification for breaking continuals for five years while making nerf jokes in livestreams

no justification for .5 rivens in a game the literally depends on power creep and one shot room kills

no justification for hurry up and wait boss battles to incentivize grind

no justification for the grind needed for harrow nidus or octavia

and your lecta is trash, but not because of one button win mechanics, your lecta started as trash was promply forgotten about a week later.


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That's because DE doesn't make changes for the purpose of balancing out options. It is done for the purpose of altering usage statistics or appeasing complaints from a specific group of people.

Part of the issue is DE also makes changes in a way that suggests they get their information from someone who's never actually played Warframe. As a nerf to melee they talked about attack speed stacking through mods, even though it's necessary on some weapons, and you can stack it on fast weapons without even using any mod but Berserker. If you were hard limited to one speed mod, this does more harm than good. If anything, there should be a hard limitation on how high attackspeed even reaches, with this being mentioned clearly. 

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