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I Dont Know Which Decision Makers Have Farming As A Life Style In The Dev Group, But It Would Be Slowly Time To Get Rid Of Them


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So its pretty much one of the "usual" threads of mine.

The event has ended, it was something new, and it was something rather quickly thrown together.

I remember the depression i caused the last time, so i really just want to repeat myself: Im a founder, the game is awesome (nobody would be here if it was not) and i still support it, but with that being said, im really starting to send my right eyebrown through the roof here in sheer fascination.

The event featured more or less one single map (with about 5 changing map blocks in it) and revards after 5 runs on each planet. I was kind of sick and tired of it after the third planet, but i forced myself through 45 missions for the sake of my clan, and now i read on the wiki that i would have gotten the actual secondary weapons only if i had ran 100 or more missions.


At this point im really just opening my arms and am respectfully asking why some devs in the team want to kill the game.

Why is it that even tho you are PERFECTLY aware that there is no end game content and that the entire game is literally NOTHING more than farming, you create additional content and events with nothing but farming in mind.

Why is it that you so desperately want to burn out your players?

I am simply failing to understand where this is going. Will you make warframe untill every last one of us will be puking from just the mention of the name? Because im slowly but steadily getting there.

Each big patch im coming back to check whether there is something for me to finally start playing for and the end result is always the same: "we added more void missions, keys, weapons, mods, crap so you can farm some more".



Someone please take a moment and explain this to me because no matter how much i wrap my mind around it, it makes no frikin sense. Not on the first look, not on the one hundredth.

It has been pointed out over and over again:

- We need a working drop system for mods (because stuffing every drop into one single drop table is still the most $&*&*#(%& thing that an mmo has seen in at least a decade)

- We need high end content that poses at least some form of challenge

- We need boss battles that actually pose a challenge (admitting that the new golem boss was nice, but ofc instead of replacing the J3 golem with it, you were so pleased with yourself that you made it into a frikin new void zone for EVEN MORE farming)

- We need a point for having a guild beside of farming for it and farming events (and i do udnerline that base building in warframe is literally one of the best i have seen in any mmos in 20 years. Too bad there is hardly any point to it)


Yet ironically enough, these are the very things that are pushed back over and over again and/or not handled at all.

I have done the event and now i once again can quit playing till the next big patch because there is nothing to do for me at all, just like rest of my friends.

I do not understand why its so hard to create content that actually puts your overpowered as **** warframes to the test. At this point i would be satisfied with just having to use my abilities regularly, and/or standing in cover from time to time.

Instead? Blast through everything, some times not even using weapons because there is frikin nova on the party who blows up the entire map room after room.


These topics are constantly around, people repeat these things over and over again.

I really cannot understand why the developers have to wait untill the game starts die, THEN start panicking and implementing some sort of crap that might actually keep people busy for a while.

Ultimately i remember the rigged lottery practice when void missions were first introduced and the arguments that mods need to be hardly attainable otherwise players would clear content too quickly. These positions were defended over and over again by the same people on the dev team, and at this point it would be more than time to think of putting them in order or firing them to hell, because they are playing with the future of the game.

Instead of messing up the features on purpose to keep players from clearing content too quickly, maybe, just MAYBE you should implement content that is actually hard to complete and poses a challenge, so your damn players cant clear it just by running through it like basically EVERYTHING currently in the game.



It has been said and proven over and over again that Warframe is an awesome game, but you are honestly abusing it by now guys.

End game content was promised around patch 6 now we are slowly at 11 and we still keep on adding more and more farmables.

Im sure there are people who disagree, but this is me and the rest of my friend's take on the issue which keeps us from playing Warframe altogether.

Thanks for reading and putting up with the ranting

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I've done 185 Grineer and 45 Corpus missions, and still planning to go higher until the last minute of the event. I'm competing with myself to out do my previous times. As for endgame, we do have 50+ Waves on high lvl defence, or really long survivals The devs are working hard on Armor 2.0 right now, and putting in some new features. And who knows, the new gas station maps migh be endgame. Right now they are working on getting the game working + getting ready for PS4. And you can always pull out the old "It's a beta" card. My advice is take a break, come back when the game is "released" if you can't handle if right now.

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This is the best thread on this forum! Everything is true! And if you think its not, its because your not in the end game yet..


There is NOTHING to do now... Even trying to push the endless defense or survival is kind of pointless, there are no reason to do it.. no really 'hard to get' items to hope for at all... After a bit of easy farming you have everything the game has to offer in items and mods.. 

And to top it off - an event where you get a price no matter who wins? What kind of kindergarten BS is that? "Everyone is a winner!" Why should i even fight then? 


I really loved playing until now.. im out...

Cya at the next patch... Fingers crossed! 

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I've done 185 Grineer and 45 Corpus missions, and still planning to go higher until the last minute of the event. I'm competing with myself to out do my previous times. As for endgame, we do have 50+ Waves on high lvl defence, or really long survivals The devs are working hard on Armor 2.0 right now, and putting in some new features. And who knows, the new gas station maps migh be endgame. Right now they are working on getting the game working + getting ready for PS4. And you can always pull out the old "It's a beta" card. My advice is take a break, come back when the game is "released" if you can't handle if right now.

We started playing at steam release which was somewhere around U5 if i remember correctly.

I've played and maxed out my frames till u7 and im taking "breaks" ever since then. Most of my friends have been around till U8 then left too, waiting for some end game content.

The lack of any kind or type of challenge and the farming obsessed focus of the game has set us all on an endless "break".

Our opinions pretty much are the same in regards of the state of the game: We cant figure out what the hell the devs are thinking when they (seemingly) purposefully are burning out their players with maddening "do 100 runs of the same, pretty much challengeless map, not to unlock something grand, but to get a new weapon to farm with" events.


Yes its beta, but im putting this out (once again). Their denial of fixing any type of freaking end game content as priority, alienates a lot of their playerbase on the long run.

Sure. They can claim that for the new and medium players these updates are still awesome and they require to be kept around, but the group of ppl which have reached end game is growing day after day, week after week, month after month, and they have literally jack **** to do because there is nothing in the game other than farming.

No achievements, no goals, no challenge, no bosses, no point to managing clans other than farming farming farming.

This attitude is slowly but steadily going to bite them in the &#! because old players will be (if not already) in the overwhelming majority compared to newcomers.


You mentioned PS4.

It would have been a decent idea to get their **** together till then.

It didnt work out.

Now PS4 players will face the same issue: 2-3 months of awesome gameplay and then hitting the end game wall and the fact that there is literally NOTHING to do and the devs dont seem to give a flying **** about it either.

Edited by Aerensiniac
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The people designing the ultra grind don't actually play the game.


They're simply looking at some [insert flavor of spreadsheet here] metrics and making executive decisions based on logistical concerns and past event markers along with population numbers.


As I've stated ad nauseum, they have about 6 months to get stuff in order, before much much MUCH more refined direct competition begins gently kicking them in the crotch.


Will they make the awesome uplift changes by then?


Who knows.


See, when you're insulated in a nice building/campus and purposefully not reading other forums and such on direct feedback, and you have the mentality that all negative or critical feedback and suggestions are un-actionable it creates a state of molasses based paralysis that causes stuff to take a while (aka too long) to be decided upon. On top of that, DE is about a third to a fourth of the size of MOST of their direct competition, and it's also pretty obvious from all the procedural systems in place to anchor rng/grind/more grind/event grind/even more grind they intend to eventually automate Warframe so they can move on to another project while WF still makes them money.


I'm not really sure they have the logistical firepower to do that, especially with other titles that will test them mightily coming up.


I guess we'll see.

Edited by -Kittens-
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As for endgame, we do have 50+ Waves on high lvl defence, or really long survivals.

that isn't endgame. it's IDENTICAL difficulty to enemies at lv1. enemies never change between lv1 and lv300+. they have more health, and do more damage, but they don't actually change and become more difficult. just because they can kill you in 50ms if you walk outside of the Snowglobe doesn't mean they're actually difficult. that's dreary and boring, not more difficult.


if you call that difficulty, i have despair and dismay for the future of the Gaming Industry. because that isn't difficulty. 




i certainly agree there's quite a few things to be sorted out, and Warframe has these issues, along with many others. but, there's always a lot going on, Digital Extremes is working all day, every(business)day. they certainly aren't slacking, there's a ton to do. 


i do though, get that in a Multiplayer F2P title, 'farming' is the only gate there can be for completing content. there's literally nothing else. any 'clever' idea, is still 'farming', no matter what. it comes with the territory. how much of it should there be? very debatable. 


spite of all this, i can still enjoy myself in Warframe, and i play it on average, a couple of hours every day. i enjoy the core of the game, therefore i can further enjoy everything on top of it. the core of Warframe gives me a lot of freedom in solving my problems(eliminating enemies usually), and i can do things in very creative ways. 

i don't need constant item rewards in order to enjoy the game, Warframe is just as fun whether i get new items every 5 seconds, or not. i don't play Video Games to get stuff, the real world has plenty of stuff i can have too. i want an enjoyable experience. 



"do 100 runs of the same, pretty much challengeless map, not to unlock something grand, but to get a new weapon to farm with"


You mentioned PS4.

It would have been a decent idea to get their **** together till then.

It didnt work out.

honestly, the event is paced very fairly. over the course of these SEVEN days, 100 missions (at an average of 5 minutes per), results in 1hr 15m(about 15 missions) per day to complete 100 missions, and then some. that isn't a major time investement, and you could even spend 30 minutes on the weekdays and 3 hours on the Weekend days and still come out ahead of the target 100. 

while i agree that if you do too many of those missions per day they get quite boring, but for the minimum pacing, it's really not very unfair. 


i'll sum up the math a bit. 15 missions a day, easily fits into the several engagements that occour per day, which seems to just about always be atleast 3 engagements in a day. so just doing the minimum engagement requirements for every engagement(5 missions), and then maybe one more for good measure, would guarantee you 100 by the time the event ends. 



honestly, i don't see Warframe being that popular on Consoles simply because it's a Skill based shooter, on a Console. the VAST, VAST majority of Console players even willing to play shooters, expect the game to aim for them, because they all do. but Warframe has many weakpoints that you want to be aiming for, and mod loadouts and etc to be doing.... all of these things are just far, far more difficult on a controller. i just don't see Warframe doing that well on Consoles. 
sure, the touchpad on the PS4 controller will help a bit, but it's only going to do so much. it's quite rare anyone uses a touchpad on a laptop to play shooters, right? well that's effectively the same thing, so....
The people designing the ultra grind don't actually play the game...

...Will they make the awesome uplift changes by then?...
...I guess we'll see...
we will see, indeed. it's not our capability to fix things for them, we must wait and see. 
though, what other companies are making a space ninja game? haven't heard of anything else ;p
it doesn't change anything, but, honestly, i'm proud to have spent money on Warframe(which is more than i can say for most games). and far more willing to spend it here, than on most anything else that exists or will exist on the market.
i'm weird like that.
i'd rather throw money at a drastically different attempt to make something that truly stands out, and brings something new to the table('innovation') that completely fails, than 20 other products that are massively successful, but ultimately don't really do anything new or different. 
at the end of the day, i'll still stand behind right here, even if Warframe comes crashing down around us. because it was worth it. 
Edited by taiiat
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I'd like to point out, I'm not to excited about the game's state right now either, I have all frames at 30 and Potato'ed already, all clan tech, and all ranged weapons, prime and market, with a huge amount of melee weapons, I was just trying to give some good points. My hope is with the release of PS4, and Armor 2.0 out of the way, we can put enough pressure on them to put out some better endgame content, and better AI, something to do with all my multiple Forma'd frames and weapons, but for now, I'm just being patient and holding my breath. I'm hoping with the new player base that the PS4 brings, we can get some more action from DE.

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Yes, technically all game play that is not 'discovering new content' could be considered farming/grind.


That's not a bad thing by definition...However, the issue with Warframe is that there is no cycle of getting your gear 'uber' enough to take on the highest level content. Bc the highest level content is trivial, and the most powerful gear is also trivial to obtain.


So it's really just all farming for farming's sake. If they simply added a key accessed mission with some sort of planetary map (read: infrequent) access restrictions, and reskins of boss models with a few new powers and a story, we could at least pretend there was an endgame. The cycle of farming/grinding just so you can survive in each one of those new missions would have purpose.


But throwing a 5th Forma on my Synapse so that I can melt a lv 150 ancients face in 2 seconds vs 2.5 seconds, when he is already bastilled, chaosd, MP'd etc...that is just grind.

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I don't know why so many people complain about an "end game" Warframe isn't a game that hasn't an "end". It's not an MMO. There isn't an "end game" to league of legends, Counterstrike, Battlefield 3/4, Minecraft, World of Tanks, Path of Exile, etc etc.


Is it a grind? Yes. Is there any way to make this game NOT a grind without a severe and extremely expensive overhaul? No. Warframe isn't supposed to be a game you play 8 hours a day trying to get every weapon, frame, sentinel, and all of them supercharged+Forma'd x10. It's something you pick up, then put down, then pick up again when you're looking to scratch that itch. The best you can hope for are milestones like your first frame to lvl 30, ranking up to mastery 7 to use a clan research weapon, things like that.


80% of players will agree with you that the game is very grindy, but there's no clear solution to that without a ton of man hours pumped into the game that an indie developer like DE probably can't afford to do.

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Just thought I'd save people the time if they didn't wanna read it all. :)

mmm... I didn't get this out of what he said at all.  I agree, almost in total, with the OP.  Especially when he gave the DE an at-a-boy for base building because the dojo is really quite cool.  It is, however, pointless to be in a clan at this time except for the tech.




and don't even get me started on the mod drop situation, because that is the worst system I have ever seen in a game ANYWHERE.  No joke - I can't think of a single game with a worse loot system.  It has almost made me quit the game countless times, and as it is now I absolutely refuse to invest more money into this game with that system in place the way that it is.  OMFG.  You honestly mean to say that people can play this game for weeks and weeks and still have GLARING inadequacy in their mod load-outs - and I'm not just talking about missing some high level rare mods, I'm talking about basic mods. (Like for me I had tried with tremendous effort to receive Killing Blow for well over a week straight.  Every time I logged on, that's what I was working on.  Hek runs.  Survival missions for +20 minutes.  I still don't have this mod.  I have seen people make the same comments about cryo-rounds, split chamber, etc. wiki discussions.  Basic, Basic mods for Basic, Basic load-outs).  By the DE's own logic, this game is about grinding, but there is no practical way to grind for a mod drop that you want.  It's all blind, stupid, dumb, luck.

Edited by _Tox
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I liked the event with Strun Wraith more. I got a fun mission to play which involved slaughtering of enemies and survive for long enough and I only had to do it once to get the reward.


Now they could probably make that a bit different. Like survive against each faction, two factions at once or all 3 of them at once. There are plenty of ways to make it work within the lore.


But to do the same mission 100 times? For almost a week? That is not fun. Not in the slightest. It was ok for a few times to hear the banter from Alad and Ruk but that's about it.

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Agree 100%


My thoughts are: DE has some internal communication problems - left hand doesnt know what the right hand is doin. An issue most companies have.


While you get hyped at the Livestream interviews with some sentences like: "We want to make it a less grindy and farm game", DE just released an event where you grind the same map - yes you know it all - a freakin onehundred times. Wow, thats clearly the right step to make it less grindy. It starts to sound like a politician promise short before an election.


Warframe to me is a repetative 1-button-to-kill-everything-in-sight shooter, who could be much more.


Adding new weapons, mods and frames to farm for is the easiest and also the cheapest way to keep the players busy. But it ruins the game itself - no it ruins the future of the game itself by slowly chasing players away due lack of challenge and changing/improving/evolving of the game.


A game has to evolve itself - and thats what DE is preventing.

Why would they, you ask? Because its hard to keep everyone pleased in a big playerbase like warframe has - most want different things and doin big changes on a game is always risky, but if DE decides to stay in the "safe-zone" im afraid this game will be forgotten fast. But thats just my personal opinion.


Avoiding trouble/risks is sometimes causing even more.

Edited by Sunfox069
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OP acting like they're not working on this stuff...or that it'll just appear :/  They're redoing the damage/armor system atm which requires a rebalancing of pretty much everything.  After that they're scrapping the melee system and replacing it with something more engaging.  They're also revamping the bosses we do have and they're also going to over old missions types and making them more engaging (go hit the dev workshop for sabotage which is what they're currenlty working on also in DC on the codex update it looks like that may get tied into spy  although not 100% atm ofc).  


Last I checked it was we the community who told them to go back to the basics and redo all that stuff, well they listened and are now doing that which is a good thing.  Sorry they can't work fast enough for you OP but you'll just have to buckle up and wait or go elsewhere if you don't like it. 

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Next time you complain about a company that gives out roughly 1 million credits, exclusive gear, platinum purchase items and a ton of resources for practically free, I will kindly direct you to a game like Battlefield 4 which gives you player vs player for challenge, and a un-lubricated price point which you get to decide which hole it defiles.



Events aren't always supposed to be challenging. Sometimes they are just supposed to be fun and goofy with a ton of rewards. Quit being selfish.

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mmm... I didn't get this out of what he said at all.  I agree, almost in total, with the OP.  Especially when he gave the DE an at-a-boy for base building because the dojo is really quite cool.  It is, however, pointless to be in a clan at this time except for the tech.




and don't even get me started on the mod drop situation, because that is the worst system I have ever seen in a game ANYWHERE.  No joke - I can't think of a single game with a worse loot system.  It has almost made me quit the game countless times, and as it is now I absolutely refuse to invest more money into this game with that system in place the way that it is.  OMFG.  You honestly mean to say that people can play this game for weeks and weeks and still have GLARING inadequacy in their mod load-outs - and I'm not just talking about missing some high level rare mods, I'm talking about basic mods. (Like for me I had tried with tremendous effort to receive Killing Blow for well over a week straight.  Every time I logged on, that's what I was working on.  Hek runs.  Survival missions for +20 minutes.  I still don't have this mod.  I have seen people make the same comments about cryo-rounds, split chamber, etc. wiki discussions.  Basic, Basic mods for Basic, Basic load-outs).  By the DE's own logic, this game is about grinding, but there is no practical way to grind for a mod drop that you want.  It's all blind, stupid, dumb, luck.


Guess yer not a Diablo fan then, eh?  I rather like that not everyone can always get what they want and we're forced to make strategic decisions about the loadout we HAVE and not the loadout we WANT.


As far as not seeing the comparison between OP's suggestions and WoW, I can only assume you haven't played it until endgame.  Which is... pretty much what it sounds like.  The game just STOPS, and you have basically 2-3 ways to spend your time since everything else is "too low level." (expansion packs notwithstanding.  Those were a good move on Blizard's part to address THEIR problem.)


To the contrary, I think DE sidestepped the whole endgame grind quite nicely.  The problem remains one of content generation (like OP said).  But you're going to have that in EVERY game, and way sooner/more often than in Warframe.


If you're burned out, then you're burned out.  But the appropriate thing to do then is to maybe play another game, and maybe come back later when everything old is new again.  Not to bust out the Blizard playbook and add generic MMO games and activities for end-gamers only.


Not that that'd be the WORST thing ever, but you wanted clarification, and there it is.


Good day, sir.

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Events aren't always supposed to be challenging. Sometimes they are just supposed to be fun and goofy with a ton of rewards.


How come you take some sentences of OP`s post and only linking it to this event?

You may want to improve your reading skills and read this thread again.


Quit beeing selfish.


Selfish !?

Seriously - take a breath - read THE WHOLE thread - apologize and post your thoughts.

"Q.Q stop whine mimimi" answers can be found everywhere on this forum. OP took his time to write - take your time to read it.


Thank you.

Edited by Sunfox069
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that isn't endgame. it's IDENTICAL difficulty to enemies at lv1. enemies never change between lv1 and lv300+. they have more health, and do more damage, but they don't actually change and become more difficult. just because they can kill you in 50ms if you walk outside of the Snowglobe doesn't mean they're actually difficult. that's dreary and boring, not more difficult.


if you call that difficulty, i have despair and dismay for the future of the Gaming Industry. because that isn't difficulty. 


It's called artificial difficulty. It's one kind of difficulty as well... Even if it's a bad kind of difficulty. 

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OP acting like they're not working on this stuff...or that it'll just appear :/  They're redoing the damage/armor system atm which requires a rebalancing of pretty much everything.  After that they're scrapping the melee system and replacing it with something more engaging.  They're also revamping the bosses we do have and they're also going to over old missions types and making them more engaging (go hit the dev workshop for sabotage which is what they're currenlty working on also in DC on the codex update it looks like that may get tied into spy  although not 100% atm ofc).  


Last I checked it was we the community who told them to go back to the basics and redo all that stuff, well they listened and are now doing that which is a good thing.  Sorry they can't work fast enough for you OP but you'll just have to buckle up and wait or go elsewhere if you don't like it. 


It's obvious they're working on a great many things; the question most have is are they working on the RIGHT things, and in a manner that will satisfy the majority of their customer base.

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How come you take some sentences of OP`s post and only linking it to this event?

You may want to improve your reading skills and read this thread again.



Selfish !?

Seriously - take a breath - read THE WHOLE thread - apologize and post your thoughts.

"Q.Q stop whine mimimi" answers can be found everywhere on this forum. OP took his time to write - take your time to read it.


Thank you.


The rest of the thread is obviously not what I had a problem with.

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I don't know why so many people complain about an "end game" Warframe isn't a game that hasn't an "end". It's not an MMO. There isn't an "end game" to league of legends, Counterstrike, Battlefield 3/4, Minecraft, World of Tanks, Path of Exile, etc etc.


Is it a grind? Yes. Is there any way to make this game NOT a grind without a severe and extremely expensive overhaul? No. Warframe isn't supposed to be a game you play 8 hours a day trying to get every weapon, frame, sentinel, and all of them supercharged+Forma'd x10. It's something you pick up, then put down, then pick up again when you're looking to scratch that itch. The best you can hope for are milestones like your first frame to lvl 30, ranking up to mastery 7 to use a clan research weapon, things like that.


80% of players will agree with you that the game is very grindy, but there's no clear solution to that without a ton of man hours pumped into the game that an indie developer like DE probably can't afford to do.

You can't compare MOBAs or shooters with little to no progression to Warframe. It's more similar to your standard MMO in regards to the grind.


Also, while I agree some players will "complete" any game in a very short time, Warframe events (but this one especially) send the wrong message. Casual Joe will wonder "how am I supposed to get that pistol if I don't play a lot of hours every single day of the event?" No, Joe, you are screwed: this event requires some pretty hardcore dedication, as did many of the past ones.


And yes, a good endgame will be expensive to develop, no doubt, but I believe they have to try to somewhere down the line. I honestly don't believe the game can survive on just new guns, frames and maps. At least not as long as I'd like.

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Guess yer not a Diablo fan then, eh?  I rather like that not everyone can always get what they want and we're forced to make strategic decisions about the loadout we HAVE and not the loadout we WANT.


As far as not seeing the comparison between OP's suggestions and WoW, I can only assume you haven't played it until endgame.  Which is... pretty much what it sounds like.  The game just STOPS, and you have basically 2-3 ways to spend your time since everything else is "too low level." (expansion packs notwithstanding.  Those were a good move on Blizard's part to address THEIR problem.)


To the contrary, I think DE sidestepped the whole endgame grind quite nicely.  The problem remains one of content generation (like OP said).  But you're going to have that in EVERY game, and way sooner/more often than in Warframe.


If you're burned out, then you're burned out.  But the appropriate thing to do then is to maybe play another game, and maybe come back later when everything old is new again.  Not to bust out the Blizard playbook and add generic MMO games and activities for end-gamers only.


Not that that'd be the WORST thing ever, but you wanted clarification, and there it is.


Good day, sir.

I have a maxed account in WOW, including mists.  That being said, I have NOOOO idea what you're talking about here because last I checked, the most fun parts of WOW encompass end game content.  I honestly don't know many serious WOW players that would disagree with me there, so I must retort:  Have YOU played WOW all the way to the end game?


Clearly, this game is not WOW, and I'm glad for that because there's a reason that I no longer play that game.  I don't want to "break out the Blizzard playbook."  Furthermore, I honestly have no idea why we're having this conversation other than because some troll mentioned the game in a nonsensical post that had no real grounding in constructive discussion about the direction this game is taking (moreover, the apparent lack of direction).


Good day, sir.


edit.  To me, this game feels a lot like the Mass Effect series - the first two in the series, I enjoyed tremendously.  The reason I am so critical of this game, yet refuse to stop playing is simply this:  The graphics are awesome.  The model motions are awesome.  The dojos are awesome - and on, and on.  I said all of that to say this, and I hope that a DE reads it because I think it needs to be said.  Warframe has an obvious, very real potential to be not just another good game.  It has the potential to become more than just another great game.  Warframe, in my opinion, has the potential to set benchmarks in the online FPS arena - an opportunity they seem to be squandering by failing to come out with fresh ideas.  We all see it, and we've all been saying it.


The key to making this game legendary (I guess like WOW and the Diablo series are, but that's as far as I'm willing to compare this company to Blizzard - the sheer imbalance in staffing makes the argument unintelligible)  would be, again this is my opinion, working on better ways to foster cooperation amongst the players.  Quite a challenge I'm sure, especially since half the fan base says one thing while the other half says the polar opposite.  If they can pull it off, however, this game will be timeless.  It will blaze a new trail and create a new niche.  It might, and I hope that it does.

Edited by _Tox
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