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Why Is This Subforum Not Page After Page Of Complaints About Nova


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Have you people even been PLAYING the Gradivus event? I'll tell you how it goes:

If there is no Nova on your team, everybody gets to shoot something and you steamroll the mission.

If there is a Nova on your "team", there is no mission. You just run to the exit point behind a rolling explosion.

Has there already been a mandate from heaven that Nova is OP as hell and going to stay that way, ala Soma? Did I miss that? Because I can think of no other reason for there to not be an ocean of ongoing complaints about how utterly broken this class (well, really, molecular prime) is.

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Because this community is filled with scrub after scrub who use Nova.


Also because those of us with any common sense only complain about things in unrelated threads, gathering our strenght until DE is done with Damage 2.0 and it's time to point them towards the next hot issue.

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Have you people even been PLAYING the Gradivus event? I'll tell you how it goes:

If there is no Nova on your team, everybody gets to shoot something and you steamroll the mission.

If there is a Nova on your "team", there is no mission. You just run to the exit point behind a rolling explosion.

Has there already been a mandate from heaven that Nova is OP as hell and going to stay that way, ala Soma? Did I miss that? Because I can think of no other reason for there to not be an ocean of ongoing complaints about how utterly broken this class (well, really, molecular prime) is.


Title should be changed to "Why is this subforum not page after page of complaints about [iNSERT NUKE FRAME HERE]" because Nova is far from the only frame that can turn these missions into a stroll to the exit. My Mag kills everything, my Rhino kills everything, my Nova kills everything, my Saryn kills everything within reach, my Ember kills everything, etc. And Nova is only "OP" in lower level missions, her ult stops room clearing in higher level content. She doesn't need to be nerfed.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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Have you people even been PLAYING the Gradivus event? I'll tell you how it goes:

If there is no Nova on your team, everybody gets to shoot something and you steamroll the mission.

If there is a Nova on your "team", there is no mission. You just run to the exit point behind a rolling explosion.

Has there already been a mandate from heaven that Nova is OP as hell and going to stay that way, ala Soma? Did I miss that? Because I can think of no other reason for there to not be an ocean of ongoing complaints about how utterly broken this class (well, really, molecular prime) is.


First of all, I have to say that not all Novas play like that, spamming Molecular Prime all day. I try to minimize my use of it and treat it like an emergency button, because it is not fun to see stuff explode in bright pink clouds for the hundredth time.


So I guess that it is partially a player thing, same goes with Rhinos spamming stomp all day with Overextended, killing everything even more efficiently than Molecular Prime ever could in low-level maps. But that is not something for this thread.


I can agree that Molecular Prime explosions are overpowered. In my opinion, the range of the ability itself, the damage buff and slow are fine. But the explosions themselves could use either a nerf in damage or a nerf in range. Lowering damage to, say, 250-300 is still too powerful for lower levels as it will still one-shot, and bringing it down to 100 will make it garbage unless you pile 20 enemies on top of each other. But lowering the explosion range might be a better option as then it will still be powerful when combined with ways of grouping up enemies (making it scale at higher levels with teamwork).


That is just my opinion on what could be done to lessen the the Molecular Prime spam. Nova does not deserve to have Molecular Prime nerfed into the ground, because that means that she would be a glass cannon without the damage to back it up, as she would have only one useable ability at high levels: Antimatter Drop (and yes, that is good, but not really something for team-usage according to me).

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I just think it's funny when I join a defence as say a frost or Vauban and there are 3 novas. I find then even Novas don't like other Novas and usually 1 or more quits fairly early on. It feels as if almost 40% of people simply play Nova all the time. I certainly see the same names playing nothing else but the Nova frame.

I feel it does need a serious look at....soon!

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At run 57 out of 100 things become tedious. That's when people look for efficiency. I see a nova in party i'm thinking "sweet wormhole taxi". If you want a kill count,for whatever reason, go defense or survival, ORRRR make some in game friends to run the event without the frames you hate.


If your doing a tedious event and get stuck with a volt ember nova party blazing through missions... i'm sorry what was the problem again?

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Ahaahah, if you think anyone takes mag for shield polarize, you never used pull


You have no idea what you're talking about.


First of all, I have to say that not all Novas play like that, spamming Molecular Prime all day. I try to minimize my use of it and treat it like an emergency button, because it is not fun to see stuff explode in bright pink clouds for the hundredth time.


So I guess that it is partially a player thing, same goes with Rhinos spamming stomp all day with Overextended, killing everything even more efficiently than Molecular Prime ever could in low-level maps. But that is not something for this thread.


I can agree that Molecular Prime explosions are overpowered. In my opinion, the range of the ability itself, the damage buff and slow are fine. But the explosions themselves could use either a nerf in damage or a nerf in range. Lowering damage to, say, 250-300 is still too powerful for lower levels as it will still one-shot, and bringing it down to 100 will make it garbage unless you pile 20 enemies on top of each other. But lowering the explosion range might be a better option as then it will still be powerful when combined with ways of grouping up enemies (making it scale at higher levels with teamwork).


That is just my opinion on what could be done to lessen the the Molecular Prime spam. Nova does not deserve to have Molecular Prime nerfed into the ground, because that means that she would be a glass cannon without the damage to back it up, as she would have only one useable ability at high levels: Antimatter Drop (and yes, that is good, but not really something for team-usage according to me).


I disagree completely. They should never balance a frame around low level missions. They should just leave Nova as is. There isn't anything wrong with her, she is good for low-medium missions and ok-ish for higher level missions.

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Gradivus event mission results:


http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=190042597   95% damage done, all but 5 kills.

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=190067650   98% damage done, all but 2 kills.


I did these as Mag, not Nova.  Only used Pull.   Shield polarize is useful only when things are being buffed by shield drones.


Nova complaints invalid.


Edit:  These are just two examples, but pretty much every one of my 105 event runs looked just like that.

Edited by suraklin
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I believe DE said that she would be looked at. I think.


But we've argued this to death in here. Nobody agrees on anything.

This is how the Nova convo went for the first few weeks:


* The people who want Warframe to be a fun game think Nova needs to be nerfed

* The people who want 'press 4 to win easymode' just keep saying "Don't nerf me bro!"

* "Don't nerf me bros" come out in droves, shout down any real discussion, and +1 each other

* People who actually like playing the game get frustrated and stop posting


Any logical defense for Nova is just an articulate "make my game easier" argument.  There's no reason why Nova needs to be the way she is.  The game was able to be played prior to Nova, it just wasn't as easy.  Scrubs of the game world just want their easymode, that's all.


This will eventually lead to people not playing.

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This is how the Nova convo went for the first few weeks:


* The people who want Warframe to be a fun game think Nova needs to be nerfed

* The people who want 'press 4 to win easymode' just keep saying "Don't nerf me bro!"

* "Don't nerf me bros" come out in droves, shout down any real discussion, and +1 each other

* People who actually like playing the game get frustrated and stop posting


Any logical defense for Nova is just an articulate "make my game easier" argument.  There's no reason why Nova needs to be the way she is.  The game was able to be played prior to Nova, it just wasn't as easy.  Scrubs of the game world just want their easymode, that's all.


This will eventually lead to people not playing.


>Implying that those wanting Nova to stay useful don't want the game to be fun.

>Implying people want Nova to stay as-is purely to make their game time easier.


Nova isn't easy mode in later content, she's actually pretty lackluster there. She shines in low-medium level missions just like every other nuke-frame. You are either incredibly ignorant or you're trolling hard.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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pres 1 like a boss bro.

so pro.


poking fun aside:

nova is not any worse here (the event) than any other mission type.

you can do just as well or better with a number of setups.



One event run takes about 5 minutes (including loadtimes etc) with pressing 1 like a boss.  x100 = almost 8 and a half hours.


After 600 hours of gameplay, I wasn't looking to spend 20+ hours doing cheesy exterminate missions.  8 and half was more than enough, and I did whatever I could to finish them as quickly as possible.   I did a bunch of those 105 missions with random people online, but a lot were solo or with friends that have also played hundreds of hours, and were set up with the same Mag build because efficiency in clearing 100 missions was paramount to people that don't have unlimited time to play in a one-week timespan.

Edited by suraklin
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