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The Gradivus Dilemma Has Ended, Tenno


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Shut up. Your teenage is showing.


We've all been there. The difference is that the vast majority of us grew up and realised that grandiose boasting and over-embellishment means you're full of nothing more than hot air and offal. Cut it out, grow up - next you'll be telling us you have terminal cancer and that your grandparents worked for NASA.

NOPE hahaha as much as you may want to fight it. i really am the principal engineer of intels son. no narcissism or compulsive lying here. and im a computer science major yep thats true to. and thats the only real thing special bout my life no grandparents at nasa and im 22, far too young for cancer so wrong as well. but you can believe whatever makes your little unimportant life happy :)

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We should bring balance to the FORCE since the beginning but no one thinks like that...we made it even worst!

We are the chosen ones!

I am the one? What you talking about?

What do you think an?

You think that The Lotus wake me up for the same reason...that everybody else?

You all can be the ones...but me?

I'm Sinbolt...i'm a mercenary....

I am a proud killer machine...That's why Lotus wake me up.

But after this pitiful war ...the Grineer scum vs the Corpus?

I think we all the same after all...

So sad...and i allways think that i'm the only one with the thirst for blood...and prizes.

And you call yourselfs "the ones"? You all make me laugh

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You know that "News" section on the left in the main menu? If you'd just clicked the line that said "Update 10.5: The Gradivus Dilemma" it would have taken you right to the forum post explaining the entire conflict and the rewards.


Jeez, if a whole week of these events wasn't enough, that's just too bad for you.


1) Yeah, I know those links to the left, that is what I am saying, I clicked on ALL of them and always do almost everytime I log in and notice a new one. If they edited something in, then it is not my fault. Either that, or the fn game was bugged and the specific link didn't pop up at all at which point again, NOT MY FAULT. God knows that little menu to the top left bugs out form time to time and needs constant re-logging to be fixed. Either way, it was in no obvious place and like I said, I even looked in the wiki. So no, it was not my fault and no, I do not accept a "you didn't look hard enough" response like the one before yours. This isn't where's Waldo, this is "I want to chill out a little after work and hack and slash around before I rest the night out", not look for threads and posts. My point was that it was not in an obvious place. I would have seen it, even without ever being in the mood to look at all the news I still don't miss anything, so missing this tells me a lot.


2) A whole week.... Ummm, did I say there was something wrong with the event? Did I say I didn't enjoy it? Or perhaps I stated somewhere I wanted more days? Did I in any way mention that I had a gripe or whined about the event? NO, learn to read, it's not hard. Left to right, end of line and on the next one below it. Selective reading does not suffice. And it's not too bad for me. Whenever they want to advertise their fkng Platinum sales I get posts about it flying through my a**. Something like this comes along and I have to look for it. Not acceptable. Not by a long shot. I am (like I said) in no mood to be reading at all in the 1st place after work. Much less read into detail. Of course I missed out, of course it's my bad luck, that is why I am agitated. It's not your bad luck or someone else's so thanks for that captain obvious. I am simply expecting better coverage of such news. The way it was handled was not enough. And like I also said, late edits and additions do not suffice. I want to play a game and relax, not read some more at the end of the day.



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Jesus this resulted in a lot more butthurt whining. 

OF COURSE it was difficult and time consuming to get the final top reward! it takes serious dedication and lack of a social life to obtain it! 

god I hope you guys weren't like this about fundraisers back in elementary, that would be such a freaking nightmare. 

as for the number of missions bugging and stuff, your profile always listed the number you had completed. I finished 100 exactly then went to bed last night xD 

also, it was a gamble from the start, quit whining cause you lost, they did their best to fix ALL of the bugs, and both sides had some (corpus kept sneaking outa the map like rodents)

in the end this was an amazing event, and I hope invasion becomes an actual gametype for certain alerts in the future. I enjoyed fighting alongside my once enemy's, and find myself hardpressed to shoot at them once more. 

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NOPE hahaha as much as you may want to fight it. i really am the principal engineer of intels son. no narcissism or compulsive lying here. and im a computer science major yep thats true to. and thats the only real thing special bout my life no grandparents at nasa and im 22, far too young for cancer so wrong as well. but you can believe whatever makes your little unimportant life happy :)


You won't get far in the professional world if you treat your coworkers how you treat people on here.  Getting a job in the professional world is all about contacts.  The computer development world is smaller than you may think.  It is an uphill battle if no one likes you.


Just a friendly piece of advice from a programmer.

Edited by MinimumGTP
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No I did, read what I said and stop replying with useless comments that do not help. It's not enough that I missed out on the items, now I have some dweeb running around telling me I didn't look hard enough.


I looked in all the common places that one SHOULD look and hopped in to every obvious link the site and the game offered on the event. The rest are equivalents to under a rock.


To put it simply, in the case u didn't understand anything from my comment. I didn't say it was NOT written somewhere, I said it was NOT in an obvious and just place to see it. Simple. having to look into things and search around is not putting it in an obvious spot, it is doing the exact opposite. So wtf is this "you didn't look hard enough". I am supposed to look "hard enough" for news too now am I? Like I don't already have other things to do right? No, I am not supposed to look for it at all, that is what I am saying. And yes, I DID look into the wiki page just to see details and it was NOT POSTED WHEN I LOGGED IN, late edits even if they are a few days late are LATE EDITS. Read before you reply with such nonsense.


And no I do not have a problem with you, I am just really irritated that it was something I had to "look for" and blowing off some steam here. It's pretty much the only thing left for me at this point with regards to the event so yeah, it's nothing personal. Equivalent to punching a pillow to make yourself feel better.......


Anyway whatever, next time I'll be sure to "look hard" and visit their sisters backyard for that rock too while I'm at it.


Tenno out.

I read what you said. The information was clearly visible from the get-go. It was not a late edit. It was there from the start. You shouldn't be blaming anyone but yourself for not seeing it.

My comment was useless as well? I clearly showed you where it could be found. Where it was from the start. 

The information was also on the front page so your claims that it wasn't in a just place are completely unfounded.


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AtLasVegas-EGT-, on 30 Oct 2013 - 7:09 PM, said:

Despite the rewards it was the most booring event of all =/ sry but thats a fact.

Happy it ended now ;)


Cant stand seeing those 3-4 corpus trying to pass through a door at the same time forcing the tired tenno to restart the mission...


I do agree this was basically just execution missions where you have grineer or corpus on your side.. and the sad part was that you did not even need the help from eighter faction it was very low ranked enermies.. that i could solo with my eyes closed.


so for me boring event with alot of rewards for all the kids to make em happy but nothing really new.


finally its over so hopefully they can focus on armor 2.0 and codex and the thumps up down on players systems and last but not least Tradiing / shooting range in the dojo YES PLZ. Things that in my book would make the game more enjoyable !.

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NOPE hahaha as much as you may want to fight it. i really am the principal engineer of intels son. no narcissism or compulsive lying here. and im a computer science major yep thats true to. and thats the only real thing special bout my life no grandparents at nasa and im 22, far too young for cancer so wrong as well. but you can believe whatever makes your little unimportant life happy :)


Shame your grammar isn't up to par. I shudder to think of what the professor thought of your thesis, when you're showing the grasp of basic English I'd expect from a young child.


Regardless - the burden of proof is upon you. If you want us to believe all of these poorly-woven lies, you're going to have to man up and provide some backing to those claims. Otherwise, you're simply another deluded child on a small cornet of the Internet, desperate for attention and willing to go to some fairly absurd lengths to get it. Nobody cares who your parents are, where they work, what your major is, or what your aspirations in life are - keep it to yourself, or else make a decent standing for your point, with some evidence to back it up.


If you can't do that, then I invite you to out, with the emphasis on getting the hell.

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Shame your grammar isn't up to par. I shudder to think of what the professor thought of your thesis, when you're showing the grasp of basic English I'd expect from a young child.


Regardless - the burden of proof is upon you. If you want us to believe all of these poorly-woven lies, you're going to have to man up and provide some backing to those claims. Otherwise, you're simply another deluded child on a small cornet of the Internet, desperate for attention and willing to go to some fairly absurd lengths to get it. Nobody cares who your parents are, where they work, what your major is, or what your aspirations in life are - keep it to yourself, or else make a decent standing for your point, with some evidence to back it up.


If you can't do that, then I invite you to out, with the emphasis on getting the hell.

I don't know man, I'm an ex-navy seal f22 pilot with two supermodel girlfriends in a polygamous relationship and a net worth in the millions. His story sounds legit.


corpus getting worse rewards

6 potatos vs 4. 6 potatos vs 4. 6 potatos vs 4.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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Well maybe it is 5pm pacific time, which would be 1am GMT(my time zone) and as I have never conclusively checked at exactly midnight maybe I was mistaking it for being a local time based thing.

However you are still complaining about DE not sticking to a deadline that only exists for login rewards, not updates and not events, login rewards. Precedent has been set and information was more than readily available across many media that events end at 12pm EDT, that is undeniable, not to mention they actually gave us a couple of extra hours to complete the last nodes.


i shouldnt have to go to any media site or even warframes site. all we needed was timer similar to the random alert missions. its simple programming that created a huge ammount of user error that DE should have seen coming. almost all programming conventions teach the programmers to use "robust" code. meaning you make your programs to ward off any form of error. not having that timer created user error. IE its all DE's fault and considering how much money i have put into the game i should feel free to give my input on how to make the game better without getting ridiculed by trolling forum%&^s

Edited by deagin
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