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Ideas for Sevagoth Augment Mods


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Just some ideas I had for possible augment mods for Sevagoth, thought I'd share and see what people think.


Cull (Reap Augment) - Activating Reap releases multiple shadows that spread out and seek different targets (similar to Oberon's Smite). Default number is 3 shadows, number of shadows can be increased by Ability Strength mods (possibility with a maximum?). Cull shadows can still be guided via ADS. Turns Reap into more of a fire and forget ability that can ravage larger crowds but retains the ADS guidance if you want to gang up on a single target or tight group.


Inevitability (Sow Augment) - Remove Sow's damage falloff. All enemies within Sow's range experience the full effect regardless of their distance from Sevagoth. Simple but I feel it'd be worth a mod slot. I'd use this instead of a range mod.


Necropolis (Gloom Augment) - Hold ability cast button to drop a tombstone in place. Tombstone emits the gloom effect instead of Sevagoth himself. Hold ability cast button again to remote disable tombstone. Would be great for protecting a defense target or covering a chokepoint. Lots of possibilities here.







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I like the gloom aug idea, although I think if it is a placeable item now its drain should instead be turned to a single cost duration cast. 

reap seems ok, personally however Id prefer it to give some utility to sevagoth besides just more reap, something like a teleport to the reap location i guess? 

the sow aug just seems bad. Even though its true damage, sows damage is just meh at best, and an augment that doesnt do anything but bandaid fix the damage fall off seems very lackluster. 

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)Varzin said:

Necropolis (Gloom Augment) - Hold ability cast button to drop a tombstone in place. Tombstone emits the gloom effect instead of Sevagoth himself. Hold ability cast button again to remote disable tombstone. Would be great for protecting a defense target or covering a chokepoint. Lots of possibilities here.

So it's like:

  1. Activate Gloom
  2. Go to Shadow-mode


To be honest I like to keep being "Gloomy" ("badum tss") around me. I see nothing that this augment do for me and it's already possible (unless you changed 4th as me... haha).

4 hours ago, (XBOX)Varzin said:


Cull (Reap Augment) - Activating Reap releases multiple shadows that spread out and seek different targets (similar to Oberon's Smite). Default number is 3 shadows, number of shadows can be increased by Ability Strength mods (possibility with a maximum?). Cull shadows can still be guided via ADS. Turns Reap into more of a fire and forget ability that can ravage larger crowds but retains the ADS guidance if you want to gang up on a single target or tight group.

Might be nice as it's just spamming 1st while 2nd is active. It will make "spamming" part less boring.

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