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New Stalker And Solo


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The new Stalker is really too strong, 

Debuff, why not, but then one hit kill (rhino) .... what s the goal? selling "lives" ?


It has no interest at all if you can't fight him or escape when playing Solo (with supercharged Frame and weapons)

I am not at home, internet is bad, so i am playing solo a lot this week .


The stalker already make me fail 3 missions in less than one hour .. perhaps if i play with my best stuff and max shield health ...i could take him down, but i am not even sure.. 

Also i would not make any XP gain (and solo xp gain is already pathetic).


+ it s spawn really often.. what is it ?insta-kill anyone anytime? failing any mission, hard or easy, after 3 or 15 min? not serious!! and break the fun..


Also if it can debuff any skill, at least release anti-debuff mod% or something to balance it, Stalker is God now!

Remove rhino shield,or loki inviisibilty ...what s left? a meat bag.. 

When playing team, it doesn't matter too much to die, but Solo !


It was not high lv stalker ...around 40, hit for 1.000+ (armor ?) ... invisble, ultra fast and of course he attack when you fight ennemies...


And finally someone joined my room mid-mission (forgot to put Solo) , Stalker come for him apparently, i don't had any warning, he didn't told me anything,he quit , and a little while after a Stalker attacked me unexpectedly, failing one more mission !

Edited by tribal556
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You get 4 on screen flashes telling you he's coming, that is when you prepare for him.  Clear the area or move to a clear area you can dodged his slash dash, or just run out the timer he has to kill you and he leaves.


I had him a few hours ago and same old story he died, this on a leveling frame

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I actually saw new stalker once now though wasnt for me, from what i could see he kept moving almost like he was teleporting non-stop, he was nothing more then a silhouette and no abilities worked on him either...hard to aim at something that stays in place only for a second or 2.

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I love the new buff, it makes it a challenge again. He debuffed my skin 4 times in a row and i panicked. I love that feeling of fear and a threat. I still manage to kill him, I still find him easy but threatening now. All you have to do is just learn to avoid his dash and tag him till he dies. Its still simple.

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The Stalker hunts Tenno.


That's right. The Stalker hunts crazy space ninja who have collectively killed more people then all of the world wars combined.


He should be scary. Because you're not alone at the top of the food chain anymore. And he's coming for each of us.

Theatrics aside, knowing that the stalker can easily kill you if not paying attention, makes this game more awesome. Honestly, you just have to prepare for him. That's what his taunts are for. To give you time to prepare. 

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I'm fine with how the stalker is currently, except for two things: The stun effect his ability-removal causes and how often he teleports right into you.


The stun is just annoying, punishing you for just fighting other enemies with abilities like ironskin, invisibility or smoke screen. A low-rank player is just as good as dead if they still have their ability active when the stalker spawns. [Especially Ironskin Rhinos]


The teleport is just plain cheap. He keeps repeatedly teleporting right in front of you or inside you and there's nothing you can do about it.

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Seriously,all of you including me have been asking for a buff to Stalker.He whoops my &#! every time now.

...And thats good.That means he DID GET BUFFED

So stop QQing and start practicing how you´re going to beat him.


if yer scared you can always run away like a lil girl (or crying on the forums works for some i guess)

previously IS/invis made the stalker A JOKE, he could do NOTHING, now he shreds all buffs, so you have to fight him fair

trying dodging, or using cover, I know its a crazy idea, but just try it

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Stalker is still too easy, it actually needs more buffs.


He is still to easy but its still a threat if your not careful and slip up. These last few days I've encountered him 8 times and died once cause i didnt see a prop in the gallion, It trapped me and i died. Still more enjoyable then before in the end.

Also Frost snow globe still slows the stalker making him far to easy.

trying dodging, or using cover, I know its a crazy idea, but just try it



That is just crazy enough to work!!!

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I don't really have a problem with the fact he has a buff stripping stun attack now, I just wish they would make it clear that was what is happening.


I have run into him twice since this buff got introduced, and I really had no idea what was going on until I saw either this thread or a similar one.


What would happen was he would spawn, I would already have IS up because I was fighting other stuff prior to that (and its not like you can just turn IS off), so the instant he spawned there would just be a completely screen filling teal flash blob, then my IS, ll my 900 something shield, and like 100 of my health would be gone.  So of course my first instinct is to put IS up to protect myself, causing me to lose a bigger chunk of health and get stunned, repeat once or twice and then I was dead.  Since the flash basically just made the entire screen a teal blob, I had no idea what was happening.  I knew he could teleport, so I just figured the flash was from him teleporting and doing some sort of tele-attack.  I really had no way of knowing it was actually my trying to cast IS that was causing me to die, and with the constant flash from his stripping attack (because I was constantly trying to re-IS) I couldn't even see what was going on.


I don't have a problem with a debuff stripping attack, but when some Buffs are spam-able, and often can serve as emergency powers, the player needs some way of knowing that the buff is whats causing the problem.

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What would happen was he would spawn, I would already have IS up because I was fighting other stuff prior to that (and its not like you can just turn IS off), so the instant he spawned there would just be a completely screen filling teal flash blob, then my IS, ll my 900 something shield, and like 100 of my health would be gone.  So of course my first instinct is to put IS up to protect myself, causing me to lose a bigger chunk of health and get stunned, repeat once or twice and then I was dead.  Since the flash basically just made the entire screen a teal blob, I had no idea what was happening.  I knew he could teleport, so I just figured the flash was from him teleporting and doing some sort of tele-attack.  I really had no way of knowing it was actually my trying to cast IS that was causing me to die, and with the constant flash from his stripping attack (because I was constantly trying to re-IS) I couldn't even see what was going on.


I don't have a problem with a debuff stripping attack, but when some Buffs are spam-able, and often can serve as emergency powers, the player needs some way of knowing that the buff is whats causing the problem.


Easy, you live and you learn, Its a learning experience. I caught on to what was going on as it happened, I spammed Iron skin 4 times just to make sure it was a buff remover, then i just ran and prepared myself to fight with my skills alone. Dying a few times just to learn from it, is nothing new. Thousands of games do this everyday, I enjoy that fact that this game will not hold your hand for everything that occurs.

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I don't necessarily agree, I think I probably would still be under the impression that it was a teleport attack and not know it was tied to buffs without seeing this thread for a long time (at least if I only played as rhino and he never showed up while I was on a different frame).  If I exclusively played rhino I think the only way I would have figured out it was buff based would be if he somehow found me when I was out of energy and couldn't recast, and since I mostly use an efficiency build that would just about never happen >.>.


If it was something like a regular boss fight where you can really just keep throwing yourself at him until you figure it out that's one thing, but for a (from my experience) rare and random encounter its annoying to waste a chance at a valuable price (since the only BPs i have gotten from him are 6 dread) because I literally have no idea what is happening.


I admit I might have a different feel for it if he ever showed up while I was playing my other frames, but since the upgrade I have only run into him as Rhino.  If I had experienced him with another frame and noticed him not doing that attack I probably could have figured it out fairly quickly, but his encounter rate is low, and I probably use rhino 1/2 the time when soloing, it could have been a while before everything lined up right for me.

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