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A suggestion for Vaubans Bastille/Vortex


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Currently, Vaubans 4 has 2 abilities tied to it.
Bastille, which causes enemies to be excluded from an area, and ...
Vortex which causes enemies to be drawn to an area.
So far, so good as both are useful tactics.

The problem comes when a Bastille ends, as it then draws enemies into the area it was formerly excluding them from. This is problematic as it pulls things like parasitics/energy leeches/nullifiers directly into the former safe zone and right on top of anyone having taken shelter there. As a side note, it's impossible to cast a bastille and then a vortex as the key combination to do so collapses the existing bastille into a vortex ( or vice versa, depending on your hold/tap settings ). The utility of collapsing a bastille into a vortex is nice, so having to take a moment to plan your cast order strategy is suitable for Vauban. It's workable though not perfect but needed to be pointed out.
Having the bastille AUTOMATICALLY collapse into a vortex is not good and should be removed. Thanks for looking out for us and trying to automate it, but it mixes the two intents and causes more problems than it solves in my experience.

Also, while Vaubans Endless Vortex augment allows you to stack duration on your vortex it does not allow you to stack duration on your bastille in the same manner. In tandem with the overloaded key issues mentioned above it's overly complicated to maintain a bastille while maintaning a vortex.
Please expand it's abilities to include throwing a bastille into a bastille in the same manner and with the same duration ratio increase.
 Hm, now that I think about it, it would be nice to be able to expand the augment to include any of his abilities being cast ontop of each other to combine timers in this manner.... That might be OP though. :)


PS - forum post TAGS should not be mandatory. 

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