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Possible Grendel buffs


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On 2021-07-19 at 2:57 AM, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Because it’s not the armor strip that’s directly killing the teammates. The armor strip is making it possible for Feast to kill the enemies

yes its not armor strip that extends to many enemies... Trib turned this thing into a damage tool so its suppose to kill enemies if you have too much of them in your stomach its practically a nuke ability. sure it uses your entire energy tank but nothing will be left after you've spat them out.

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4 hours ago, McBrainPrime said:

yes its not armor strip that extends to many enemies... Trib turned this thing into a damage tool so its suppose to kill enemies if you have too much of them in your stomach its practically a nuke ability. sure it uses your entire energy tank but nothing will be left after you've spat them out.

Ok dude I have to ask. Why are you so against the idea of Grendel being given more gameplay options? Is this not a Grendel buff thread?

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I love Grendel and his 40k Plague Marine style, but yeah, he does feel off compared to most frames. Basically, he lives and dies by Feast, the rest is meh. Nourish's energy buff is neat, and an ok heal, but it's pretty weak as far as teamplay goes. Regurgitate seems redundant to me when I can either shoot stuff with a gun or gobble it altogether. Happy to be told if I'm very wrong and Regurgitate can actually be scaled up to the moon. In the meantime, that's my go-to helminth slot (fire blast for grineer armor stripping, fire walker for basic QoL and a bit of team support).

But worse, I can't seem to make Pulverize work, apart from using it to empty the belly while pretending I'm playing Metroid Pinball. The impact damage seems a bit meh. And well, I could just throw up and Feast again instead, at some point, stuff dies. It's a criminally hilarious skill, particularly with the augment, but it never feels like it's the right thing to do.

Still, the great HP pool and decent base armour work great with hunter's adrenalin to power the Feast cycles. And lagging behind in the Tier list means that he gets more Helminth invigoration chances, so yay.

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I'm all for Grendel getting buffed. I really like his looks.
I wouldn't call him a solo frame though, his team buffs can be helpful, but they could be more powerful or/and last longer.
I think energy usage could be better on him for sure though. Even if you have Streamline and high duration, having enemies in his belly just eats the energy away, and the buffs feel expensive to cast 3 times. One thing they could do for the buffs is either make their energy cost lower or have one buff cast apply both damage, armor and the energy buff applied instead the current cycling thing. And it'd also be nice if Nourish didn't only heal Grendel, but friendly targets in range, it'd def give him more utility and opportunity to be worthy in more mission types. Not like he's meta or too strong at any mission type right now anyway.

After trying many mod configs on him, he feels somewhat less clunky with Primed Flow, but that shouldn't be considered a band aid to all his issues. His passive won't get much use if having anything in your belly dooms you to inevitably head towards 0 energy, and not be able to cast anything, then you have to hope for something to drop an energy orb, and have your energy buff up to get more out of it. Maybe weaving some increased chance for energy (or universal pickups) being dropped from his kills into his kit could slightly change things for the better, and it'd have a synergy with his energy orb buff. And it'd bring more utility to his team. Or for a selfish buff, make his passive treat all consumable orbs as universal, because his current passive is actually just what his first ability does anyway. It's not a real passive.
I'm not sure if disabling most means of passive energy generation while he has even 1 enemy in his belly is a good design either.

It's also mildly annoying when someone just nukes whatever you're currently pulling in with Feast, so you don't even get to cast your buffs.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2021-08-05 at 6:32 PM, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Ok dude I have to ask. Why are you so against the idea of Grendel being given more gameplay options? Is this not a Grendel buff thread?

im not im actually planning making another post of grendel buffs which will hopefully be better and give him some support and will prolly make his 3 and 4 some uses im doing this since i am a grendel player who has played grendel ever since ive touched the mars junction in fact i have been using grendel since his rework however i am not a god of balance like pablo is so i posted my own personal suggestions for a buff for him the second post will be a buff that the entire community will hopefully accept with open arms 

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