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Anyone Else Notice Horrible Desyncs?


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It's been a problem since around 10.5. Either I'll desync, which basically turns me into a 'ghost' unable to interact with anything, or have terrible lag even though my ping filter is set to 200. Anyone else having these problems and know how to fix it?

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I do. It's absolutely horrible.


My ping limit is 300 -- that's okay for a game like this, no lag should occur (and I have tried it with an even lower limit).


Then I connect to a game and things go south in a very bad, very quick manner.

Edited by Kamal965
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I have not experienced this issue. Out of curiosity, what kind of internet and router are you using?


i doubt his internet / router combo is to blame here.


10.6.2 : was supposed to have resolved this issue.

i'm not privy to the exact fix, but the problem seems to be related to repeated mission running by a client, eventually culminating in this issue.


seems the fix didn't resolve it all.

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This was happening to me while playing with a friends every time we'd play more than one game together. We were basically having to restart the game after each run to fix it, then do it again the next run.


Sad to hear that the apparent hotfix doesn't seem to have fixed it.

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I have not experienced this issue. Out of curiosity, what kind of internet and router are you using?


It has nothing to do with the users internet. 


You literally just become invisible or a ghost to everything randomly in a mission. Beginning of the mission will be fine but then it happens. Your powers stop affecting enemies, enemies stop seeing you, doors no longer open for you, your weapons no longer do damage, your teammates stop seeing you etc.  



I sent a support ticket last night and they said they're aware of it already and were working on a fix. Patch today should have addressed it. Seems they might have to send out another. 

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The netcode has to the be the games biggest negative. Can be fine one day, then complete trash for nearly every game another day. Really sucks to see a rare Void mission pop and see it fail to join, be lucky enough to get a reinvite and then get a message back saying it's full.


Or someone trying to get a friend to join their game and failing, they will eventually just say f^#$ it, let's play  *insert not warframe game here*. So what am I'm saying?


Fix the netcode.

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You literally just become invisible or a ghost to everything randomly in a mission. Beginning of the mission will be fine but then it happens. Your powers stop affecting enemies, enemies stop seeing you, doors no longer open for you, your weapons no longer do damage, your teammates stop seeing you etc.  

It's like this. The worst part is that you can't pick anything up. One thing I've noticed is that you can kill enemies occasionally if you manage to 1 hit them.

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It's like this. The worst part is that you can't pick anything up. One thing I've noticed is that you can kill enemies occasionally if you manage to 1 hit them.


Yeah you can't pick anything up either. Elemental effects still work I noticed and your teammates can see that but they can't see you. Was running around stunning the Corpus. 


I didn't notice that when it happened to me. I had my Acrid out though and couldn't switch weapons either, it was on some Corpus alert last night. Probably still should have been able to 1 hit them. 

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Lag is on bad/worse/bad/worse/bad/worse with cycle with every new update. Last big patch broken something because i end up with lag in most of my games. I dont believe that people got worse connection, because i get lag with hosts that were lag free before the patch.

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really, it's about time to consider doing a major overhaul to the netcode.

i've been paying very close attention to the amount of bandwidth used by this game.

a client uses approx 15-40k depending on the type of mission / number of mobs active at the moment.


this seems about double what it should be. 


the end result is that the host must be able to sustain 100k - 120k/sec at peak (think survival post 15 mintues or t3 defense with 1-3 waves left)


the vast majority of lower end connections cap at 0.5 to 0.8 mbps (55-85k) upload.


optimizing the netcode so that the peak is 50k - 60k/sec for 3 users would VASTLY improve the game experience for everyone.

this isn't an unreasonable goal.

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really, it's about time to consider doing a major overhaul to the netcode.

i've been paying very close attention to the amount of bandwidth used by this game.

a client uses approx 15-40k depending on the type of mission / number of mobs active at the moment.


this seems about double what it should be. 


the end result is that the host must be able to sustain 100k - 120k/sec at peak (think survival post 15 mintues or t3 defense with 1-3 waves left)


the vast majority of lower end connections cap at 0.5 to 0.8 mbps (55-85k) upload.


optimizing the netcode so that the peak is 50k - 60k/sec for 3 users would VASTLY improve the game experience for everyone.

this isn't an unreasonable goal.

Oh you silly boy. DE doesnt have time for that. Warframe skins are needed, not new netcode. Because with those sexy skins your connection will be better also.


But seriously, DE needs to do something with this. Either netcode fixing or choosing the best host automatically before game starts.

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Oh you silly boy. DE doesnt have time for that. Warframe skins are needed, not new netcode. Because with those sexy skins your connection will be better also.


But seriously, DE needs to do something with this. Either netcode fixing or choosing the best host automatically before game starts.


it's always faster when you put stickers on it!!


i've advocated many times for a master host-election system, forced host-migration system, resolution to the void key hosting problems, etc. etc. etc.

none of this is rocket surgery and none if it is impossible to implement within the current design.

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which basically turns me into a 'ghost' unable to interact with anything


I experienced this even with the latest update. A clanmate hosted a T1 void survival, and we got forma BP rewards prompts at the 5 and 10 minute mark. Throughout the entire mission, enemies would not target me at all, like I didn't exist. I could still kill them though, I couldn't pick up any mods, ammo, and couldn't switch weapons.


When we exited at the 13 minute mark, I got no rewards AND no credits. Mission completion stats showed all zeroes for me across the board even though I was popping heads with Vectis headshots in the mission.


Worst lag ever, and I put in a support ticket with my EE.log file so they can hopefully look at it. Also, moved to the proper section.

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The fix today didn't really make sense to me. Nothing about playing multiple missions should be connected to the netcode, at all, especially on the client. Unless the game is storing old game states from prior missions (which again doesn't make sense when those sessions should have been fully closed).

This is not about picking the best host. It's about the client not getting back in sync with the host, even on super good connections. It suggest to me that somewhere along the line incorrect or corrupt information is getting passed either from the client or processed by the host. Considering that 'ghosting' (the host not updating client position correctly suggests to me its an issue host side. Where whatever the client is passing to the host isn't being registered or registered correctly.

There was one instance prior to the patch where I was the client on desync, but the host thought I was getting hit by a Roller (I was occasionally taking shield damage and getting staggered). Clearly getting data and information from the host about what it thought was hitting me was being sent and processed on my end, it just wasn't resetting my position or other game status information to get me back in sync with what the Host had going on.

If DE wants our EE.logs of bugs like this they need to put the debugging and upload tool into the Warframe UI. Alt-tabbing and digging for the EE.log to then upload by browser is not something the majority of the player base would know how to do or even to do it. Usually case is just to ALT-F4 or otherwise kill the Warframe/EE process. On top of that DE really needs both client and host logs. Now imagine this isn't happening on PC but instead on the PS4, how are the console folk supposed to send along their log files? They sure can't browse their directory and upload from a web browser.

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The fix today didn't really make sense to me. Nothing about playing multiple missions should be connected to the netcode, at all, especially on the client. Unless the game is storing old game states from prior missions (which again doesn't make sense when those sessions should have been fully closed).

This is not about picking the best host. It's about the client not getting back in sync with the host, even on super good connections. It suggest to me that somewhere along the line incorrect or corrupt information is getting passed either from the client or processed by the host. Considering that 'ghosting' (the host not updating client position correctly suggests to me its an issue host side. Where whatever the client is passing to the host isn't being registered or registered correctly.

There was one instance prior to the patch where I was the client on desync, but the host thought I was getting hit by a Roller (I was occasionally taking shield damage and getting staggered). Clearly getting data and information from the host about what it thought was hitting me was being sent and processed on my end, it just wasn't resetting my position or other game status information to get me back in sync with what the Host had going on.

If DE wants our EE.logs of bugs like this they need to put the debugging and upload tool into the Warframe UI. Alt-tabbing and digging for the EE.log to then upload by browser is not something the majority of the player base would know how to do or even to do it. Usually case is just to ALT-F4 or otherwise kill the Warframe/EE process. On top of that DE really needs both client and host logs. Now imagine this isn't happening on PC but instead on the PS4, how are the console folk supposed to send along their log files? They sure can't browse their directory and upload from a web browser.


the client data is buffered for incoming / outgoing data (i'm guessing here, but i've been in IT for a very long time)

if that data isn't maintained / flushed / etc, then we could be looking at something like a memory leak. 

(i don't know the code so i'm shooting blind here)


however, it's entirely possible that multiple missions between restarting the client could cause this sort of instability.


try restarting the client (program) between session. if that is the cause, then this should be a possible solution. (short term obviously)

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