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Subtle Things


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Let me begin by saying that this thread is intended as overall general feedback, but cannot be put in the feedback section because it does not have a specific area of the game that it intends to provide feedback on. I find that as a tester/player of warframe, or any game really, that I tend to overlook small details because I think, "They won't be bothered to change something that small." I'm fed up with my own lack of diligence in thinking that way, and thus I have created a thread so that others may join me in giving feedback on the subtle things.


Again, these are things that I notice, but don't really care to make an entire feedback thread about because they are so small by comparison to other areas.


My list of subtle things:


-Feet in general. in-game if you move up or down a ramp or staircase, and if you observe enemies moving up a ramp or staircase, all feet remain at the same horizontal orientation.


-Windows on a space ship? First off, it doesn't make much sense, second of all, these windows can survive extreme temperature and pressure differences but a little gunfire will break them? If my guns are that powerful, I should be blowing massive holes in the walls, doors, and floor.

I knew that this was a weak point before I posted it, but I said I would mention subtle things. The number and size of windows that we encounter are, IMO, excessive for a space ship. Not everyone has to agree with me, that's not the point. I understand that it is, "just a game", and that not everything has to be a perfect model of reality. I mean, shoot, we're space ninjas for crying out loud. :3


-The exit animations are exactly the same on every mission. Only differences are between planet entrance, ship entrance, and void entrance. If I'm going to run hundreds of these things, any variety is welcome.


-Blocking should be more useful. If it had a chance to resist knockdowns and staggers, that would be an improvement. Better if I could grab the grappling hook thrown out by scorpions and use it to at least pull them over. Even better if it allowed me to grab a roller and slam it onto the ground, stunning it momentarily.


-Bravest mercenaries I've ever met. If corpus crewmen are just human, then why don't they run away when I gun down all their buddies? Are they being paid enough for them to risk it all in a one or nothing gamble against a tenno?

I think I've heard enough about this one. They're brainwashed. Got it.


-Why do shields take damage in space? Shouldn't it just be straight health? Why do moas need life-support to survive?


I'll probably add to this as time goes on, but enough from me. What subtle things are bothering other people? Just remember to keep it short, it shouldn't need its own forum post.

Edited by Oates_
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Another little addition: Autorolling 3 feet off the ground, launching yourself to the other side of the world by wall running, and how me freezing the enemy makes them defy gravity and physics and fall down slower, and blood stains randomly appearing even though this is a 3rd person camera and I'm using a flame thrower...

Edited by Hayden11121
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It bothers me when people look so far into the game to find little complaints instead of actually playing it.


All of that aside, if you use Warframe abilities on stairs (one that comes to mind is Rhino's Stomp), you actually sink down into the stairs during the animation.

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Blocking has been useless since it was added, it also brought in the stamina bar to prevent us from constantly blocking.

It bothers me when people look so far into the game to find little complaints instead of actually playing it.


All of that aside, if you use Warframe abilities on stairs (one that comes to mind is Rhino's Stomp), you actually sink down into the stairs during the animation.

If they were looking that far, they wouldn't see the problem with their feet.
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Well the Corpus are religious fanatics and apparently they brain wash people so that would explain why they'd fight the Tenno even though they're outmatched.  Yeah, the windows thing doesn't really make much sense unless you were on some sort of civilian space station but as far as I know you're always raiding military targets so I don't see why they'd have windows when they're obvious structural weaknesses.  Sometimes you have to just accept some things like sound in space.  If I remember correctly they did mention working on making new entrance and exit animations in an old livestream but I might be wrong.  It doesn't really bother me since it's just a short animation that plays while I'm busy looking over all the exp and stuff I got during that mission.  Doesn't seem like a good use of their time when it could be used fixing or improving combat animations that you'd see far more often.

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My list of subtle things:


-Feet in general. in-game if you move up or down a ramp or staircase, and if you observe enemies moving up a ramp or staircase, all feet remain at the same horizontal orientation.


-Windows on a space ship? First off, it doesn't make much sense, second of all, these windows can survive extreme temperature and pressure differences but a little gunfire will break them? If my guns are that powerful, I should be blowing massive holes in the walls, doors, and floor.

We have windows on every human craft so far in space, I don't see the human desire to look outside changing any time soon. The Corpus don't use dedicated warships, and they probably aren't intended to land. The windows don't need to be that strong and it doesn't really matter if they have a breach every now and then because their crew are ridiculously expendable (see below)


-The exit animations are exactly the same on every mission. Only differences are between planet entrance, ship entrance, and void entrance. If I'm going to run hundreds of these things, any variety is welcome.



-Blocking should be more useful. If it had a chance to resist knockdowns and staggers, that would be an improvement. Better if I could grab the grappling hook thrown out by scorpions and use it to at least pull them over. Even better if it allowed me to grab a roller and slam it onto the ground, stunning it momentarily.

Agreed, although I think counters should be a timing thing, rather than just automatic 


-Bravest mercenaries I've ever met. If corpus crewmen are just human, then why don't they run away when I gun down all their buddies? Are they being paid enough for them to risk it all in a one or nothing gamble against a tenno?

The Corpus aren't mercs, they're brainwashed civilians converted into fanatical soldiers by the Corpus Indoctrination Temples on Neptune

Edit: Ninja's!


-Why do shields take damage in space? Shouldn't it just be straight health? Why do moas need life-support to survive?

I'd guess Warframe shielding needs some kind of medium to work in. As for Moa with air supplies, it's a clear gameplay conciet. Do you really want to play Corpus Survival if none of their robotic units dropped air? Or the Infested for that matter. Where do they even get air tanks from???

Edited by ValhaHazred
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It bothers me when people look so far into the game to find little complaints instead of actually playing it.


All of that aside, if you use Warframe abilities on stairs (one that comes to mind is Rhino's Stomp), you actually sink down into the stairs during the animation.

You mean we have to ignore all these graphical errors just because it's a game?


If a game attempts reality, it should be criticized based on how it acts vs reality.


Sonic can roll as much as he wants, but the second we are forced to roll when a normal human *let alone a trained warrior* has to roll after going a couple of small steps, then we have an issue.

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The intro scene for corpus vessels - the drum shaped sections of the ship have a very rough looking texture where it connects to the curved tubing mounting them to the rest of the corpus ships.  Looks out of place with the rest of the graphics.


The way the Gram is held seems off from where it should be held.


Many odd graphical issues passing from one set in a tileset to the next, where the forward or rear section, depending on the angle of the camera, appears totally black and empty.  Especially noticed on Corpus colony maps.


Loki's disarm does hilarious yet very silly and out of place things to Moas.

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All current space objects that can support life have windows. They are very helpful to navigation and defensive surveillance, beyond what automated systems can detect. Also, I imagine they're cheaper than metal. Cost does matter(especially to the corpus, those cheap bastads!)


As far as corpus going for broke, I'd like to point out the futility, "You can run, but you can't hide." "If you run, you will just die tired."


If Tenno show up to kill everyone on the ship, you don't have an option between fight or flight--they are going to kill everyone on the ship unless you kill them first. There is statistically little hope for you escaping.


Yeah, we're scary as all get out,  and they *do* try to hide behind walls and use their shields and their moas. They just don't waste time getting shot in the back.(Tenno really don't seem to mind doing this.) They generally seem the proper amount of "scared" and "aggressive". As the millions of corpus crewmen we capture can attest, the "panic and run for it" thing doesn't work.


The feet thing is a good point. I imagine it's an efficiency thing--fewer bones in the skeleton means faster animation and gameplay. The tradeoff between the two does exist, and it seems like a kind of silly thing. I suppose they can toggle it, but it's a lot of work for a minor point.


As for shields, I'm not sure what people conceptualize "shields" as, but so far as all in-game physics appear to go, we use a rather standard(commonly found in nature) bubble shield(using water). They're not "magical", and the point of even having them(mechanics wise) is to give you a buffer before you start taking permanent damage.


As far as moas and life support: most robots and electronics are very sensitive. If you remember the challenger, you know what a little bit of cold can do to an O-ring, and how badly that messes things up. If you don't remember the challenger, look it up. Being subjected to extremes messes stuff up, even if it is made of metal or weird biopolymer stuff like our tenno wear. Moas are no exception.

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I think blocking resists stuff... at least, with the reflect mod, it appears to.


It could probably be better--you seem to take a lot of damage even when blocking AND reflecting the damage back(Why am I taking damage if his bullet hit my sword and then his head? Is the impact that much damage on my hands? Shouldn't it be WAY less, considering I'm neither taking the brunt of it, nor taking it in as focused a way, nor taking it directly?)


I suppose blocking could be "too strong", but as it is, it's a tad underwhelming(although, it is cool killing people with their own bullets).

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Let me begin by saying that this thread is intended as overall general feedback, but cannot be put in the feedback section because it does not have a specific area of the game that it intends to provide feedback on. I find that as a tester/player of warframe, or any game really, that I tend to overlook small details because I think, "They won't be bothered to change something that small." I'm fed up with my own lack of diligence in thinking that way, and thus I have created a thread so that others may join me in giving feedback on the subtle things.


It bothers me when people look so far into the game to find little complaints instead of actually playing it.


All of that aside, if you use Warframe abilities on stairs (one that comes to mind is Rhino's Stomp), you actually sink down into the stairs during the animation.

OP clearly stated that this is feedback and from the content (if you actually read it), you can see that suggestions are actually posted and no blatant flaming is present. It bothers me that some people can't see that others want to better this game and that even the little, subtle things matter. It would improve the quality of life of the game, what is there to complain about? This is also in open beta where suggestions and feedback should be common.


On topic, I would suggest that there should be fewer capture/rescue missions on infested maps. It seems strange that people would be taken hostage or that a VIP would take refuge on an infested map.

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It's amazing how many people seem to blow things out of proportion. Not to mention that people see my first line and construe it as offensive/flaming/whatever, and completely disregard the following. I offered my constructive feedback to the topic, so just shup up and move on.

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All current space objects that can support life have windows. They are very helpful to navigation and defensive surveillance, beyond what automated systems can detect. Also, I imagine they're cheaper than metal. Cost does matter(especially to the corpus, those cheap bastads!)


As far as corpus going for broke, I'd like to point out the futility, "You can run, but you can't hide." "If you run, you will just die tired."


If Tenno show up to kill everyone on the ship, you don't have an option between fight or flight--they are going to kill everyone on the ship unless you kill them first. There is statistically little hope for you escaping.


Yeah, we're scary as all get out,  and they *do* try to hide behind walls and use their shields and their moas. They just don't waste time getting shot in the back.(Tenno really don't seem to mind doing this.) They generally seem the proper amount of "scared" and "aggressive". As the millions of corpus crewmen we capture can attest, the "panic and run for it" thing doesn't work.


The feet thing is a good point. I imagine it's an efficiency thing--fewer bones in the skeleton means faster animation and gameplay. The tradeoff between the two does exist, and it seems like a kind of silly thing. I suppose they can toggle it, but it's a lot of work for a minor point.


As for shields, I'm not sure what people conceptualize "shields" as, but so far as all in-game physics appear to go, we use a rather standard(commonly found in nature) bubble shield(using water). They're not "magical", and the point of even having them(mechanics wise) is to give you a buffer before you start taking permanent damage.


As far as moas and life support: most robots and electronics are very sensitive. If you remember the challenger, you know what a little bit of cold can do to an O-ring, and how badly that messes things up. If you don't remember the challenger, look it up. Being subjected to extremes messes stuff up, even if it is made of metal or weird biopolymer stuff like our tenno wear. Moas are no exception.


Those are some very good points.  We're not exactly paladins out there just killing guys who fight back, we whole sale slaughter everything in our path so there's not much point in running away.  And yeah, I can see the Corpus having windows on their ships since they're not full-on military vessels like the Grineer have, they're more like armed merchant vessels.  Since every crew member seems to wear a suit and helmet when they're on duty it's not like someone would die from exposure if a window did go out when Tenno aren't about slaughtering everyone.


Also blocking should be buffed significantly.  It's not like it's a free action, it uses up your stamina and you can't do anything else while blocking so it should at least reduce all damage by like 80% and give you some sort of resistance to knockback and knockdown.  As is it's just a waste of time when you could be shooting or meleeing that enemy to death instead.



Edited by Laecerelius
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It's amazing how many people seem to blow things out of proportion. Not to mention that people see my first line and construe it as offensive/flaming/whatever, and completely disregard the following. I offered my constructive feedback to the topic, so just shup up and move on.

I don't quite see how I blew this out of proportion. The way I interpreted your first sentence was annoyance to people that like to complain about every little thing. However, in my view, the OP wasn't guilty of this and was trying to offer his constructive feedback on things that really do need a look at. So based on the only information you left available (your first sentence), I saw it not constructive to this discussion at all. Just because you left your constructive feedback doesn't mean you can tell people to shut up and move on either. Way to take this personal. 

Edited by Kiwilicious
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My itty-bitty pet peeve is Ancients that can be killed on Mars in 2-3 seconds, but take 7 additional seconds to fall the hell over.  (Yup, I timed several.)


And those damn dogs that spent their entire life running on all fours--until you shot them to death.  Then, as the life drains from their ravaged bodies......they suddenly, inexplicably, gain the ability to stand on two legs and wave the other two in the air, coincidentally blocking your shots.  RRrrrrr.....



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