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Confession Thread


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- I like playing as Vauban, and dropping Bounce grenades in narrow hallways.

- I like the Galatine. And the Brakk. And the Strun Wraith. And the Soma. And the...

- I like bringing Volt to Infested stages.

- I like throwing fireballs at Grineer Napalm.

- I like using gauntlets.

- I like using the Glaive with Excalibur, because Dark Sector.

- I like taking my time checking all the loot lockers before going to Extraction.

- I like practicing my Wall Attacks in the middle of a mission.

- I like charging blindly into danger.

- I like using my Super Jump on Excal, even if I could have just wallrun up the obstacle.

- I like using Melee Channel, even though whatever bonuses it gives are completely negligible, just because it looks nice.

- I like using Weapons that are appropriately leveled for the content I will be facing, and not overpowered.

- I like Trinity's Aura Helmet for its looks.

- I like daggers.

- I like putting Rush on my Ash... and then walking everywhere anyway.

- I like using Switch Teleport on Grineer Commander's.

- I always aim for the crotch with my melee weapons.

- I like bloating forum topics with incredibly long lists that no one will read.

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i have 7.4 million credits but am too stingy to max out hornet strike, redirection, and serration


i have accumulated 17 catalyst blueprints but have not built any because of credit price


i have potatoed every single item that can be potatoed, totalling over 30


i abused the hell out of login rewards when you could click on them (potatoes)

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-I always teleport my teammates away from extraction with wormhole when I can


-I block doors with wormholes


-I like to stand in front of teammates using their ogris


- I have only formaed once despite being mastery rank 7

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I absolutely hate the Soma and Supra, but for different reasons.  


I've never built the actual Frost WF, but I have all the others. :(


My steam time in Warframe says 1084 hours. 


I think Nova and Nekros are both eye-bleedingly ugly. 


I forma-ed my Gorgon just to piss off a friend that told me it sucked. 

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- Bow weapons are bad. If I had the ability to Orbital strike people who try to argue they are viable I'd do it. I'd even do an evil laugh too.


- I'm completely unconvinced DE will ever properly manage to roll out a fun stealth game mode. I believe that a good stealth game requires a certain feeling to truly work and I believe that feeling is absent in Warframe.


- If Bows were a joke, Ballistica was the punchline. Least fun I've had with a weapon in this game.


-  I don't think Melee in its current state will be useful for anything but some visual flair. We need a proper combo system.


- Derf Anyo is canon. Ignore what DE tells you.

I love you. I just had someone try and argue that bows are viable at levels above 100 in region last night.


-I had a bow phase, then my clan mates promptly slapped sense into me.


-I almost bought Excalibur with platinum before update 10.


-I believe that the galatine is a viable end game melee weapon.


-I have not catalysted the acrid yet.


-I have a bad habit of catalysting weapons that probably shouldn't get a catalyst.


-I forma'd my seer without putting a catalyst on it. :D

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- Bow weapons are bad. If I had the ability to Orbital strike people who try to argue they are viable I'd do it. I'd even do an evil laugh too.


- I'm completely unconvinced DE will ever properly manage to roll out a fun stealth game mode. I believe that a good stealth game requires a certain feeling to truly work and I believe that feeling is absent in Warframe.


- If Bows were a joke, Ballistica was the punchline. Least fun I've had with a weapon in this game.


-  I don't think Melee in its current state will be useful for anything but some visual flair. We need a proper combo system.


- Derf Anyo is canon. Ignore what DE tells you.

I love you. I just had someone try and argue that bows are viable at levels above 100 in region last night.


-I had a bow phase, then my clan mates promptly slapped sense into me.


-I almost bought Excalibur with platinum before update 10.


-I believe that the galatine is a viable end game melee weapon.


-I have not catalysted the acrid yet.


-I have a bad habit of catalysting weapons that probably shouldn't get a catalyst.


-I forma'd my seer without putting a catalyst on it. :D

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- Volt is actually my favorite warframe


Tch, I regularly choose him over all the others, regardless of the level I'm going to play. PRIDE ON! :P


What I confess is... I have always been short on credits before the Gradivus dilemma, because I'm a big spender.

Oh, and I also "waste" Catalysts on sub-par weapons. Such as, you know... the Skana.

Edited by Vintovka
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I've mastered every pistol in the game, except for Despair, because that just won't drop for me.


I'm considering getting a Sicarus, because that was fun in the beginning.


I don't have a main. I enjoyed Ember, mastering Ash and enjoying it, enjoyed Vauban, Frost.


Ballistica is badass, I might forma it. The first wep I ever forma.


I built Seer for rof and use it at closerange.


I usually do shoot Bladestorm targets by accident.


Sometimes, I try to shoot into snowglobe. I hate being in it when I'm trying to shoot accurately.

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-I keep logging in and checking the forums thinking I should like the game more than I do yet still don't play much.

-I've been around since U6 and with the exception of about 2 weeks last summer i've gotten all daily log-ins.

-I often log-in not just for the daily, but look at the star map, think about playing but don't, and log-out again.

-I stopped leveling up my Mastery rank at 4 because people judge me on S#&$ like that and F*** them.  They boot me from groups saving me the trouble of keeping track or avoiding them.

-I wasn't paying attention to what nightmare missions were when they were first around and I my first experience was a vampire run on phobos during the nightmare weekend.  I was freaking out in chat the whole time because I didn't know what was happening.

-I regularly break windows... on accident.

-The moment I got Thunderbolt mod I maxed it, equipped it... and killed myself... on accident.

-I spent over two hours on each of my first two void exterminate runs exploring.  Missed out on two timed parkour rooms because I didn't know they were timed doors.

-I haven't spent a single penny in the game, but through other plat promotions I've bought slots, but have a personal goal to never spend plat on anything that is NOT slots, except for the starter plat that was potatoes to put on my starter frame and braton.

-I re-purchased Braton MK-1 and Skana just to equip so if I get daily log-in XP it actually goes somewhere.

Edited by Wahooo
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-I always teleport my teammates away from extraction with wormhole when I can


-I block doors with wormholes


-I like to stand in front of teammates using their ogris


- I have only formaed once despite being mastery rank 7

Wormhole trolling is so much fun. xD

I've never forma'd and I'm 5. I have 3 laying around. lol

Edited by Archfiendrai
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 - I really really dislike the new damage system and find it tedious and annoying to handle and learn. I dislike spending so much time in menus adjusting my loadouts simply because I feel like fighting a different enemy or want to play on a different tile set.


- My first reaction to seeing the Stalker is to scan him rather then opening fire

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- If secondary mission goal changes to Rescue, I still just auto-hit Alt+F4, even with the 11.0 nerf of enemies not directly attacking the Rescue target.
- I always wait for other players to catch up and go back for the "lost" ones, even when I don't get mission rewards or risk getting downed myself.

- I don't mind having like only 5% of the total kills during a mission if I was the only one who actually stayed at the defense target defending, while all others go off fighting each other for mobs, trying to show how "awsome" they are and spreading loot all over the map as much as possible so no-one ever gets all mods or resources, not minding if the defense target gets annihilated. Which leads me to the point...
- I even revive those selfish people, knowing they will get downed again while showing off their "amazing" skills.

- I like Frost as much as I like Banshee. But I don't consider them my mains, as I don't have a main.

- I still like my Dual Ethers and don't have any main-weapon. Every weapon has it's pros and cons, even the low-level ones.:D

- I'm happy with the basic ideas of Damage 2.0!


And the worst of all:


- I bought back a Skana after selling it at level 30, just to have all weapons ^_^

Edited by MeduSalem
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