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Confession Thread


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- Potato'd my skana for the lulz, i still haven't lvl'd it to 30 yet despite having over 300 hours in warframe.


-sold my lato at rank 16


-forma'd an ability slot on mag for max redirection, who uses bullet attractor anymore?


-I don't like selling weapons so i buy more slots when i run out.

Edited by Dead_Rabbits
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Oh god.


I've bought all the resources for fieldrons, rushed them, then built supra, and rushed that (God I hate myself)

I spent all my Founder's plat on cosmetics, gotta have that customization.

I ranked a Torid to 30, forma'd it.... then sold it 5 minutes later because I didnt feel like leveling it again.

I like sticking Tesla's to teammates and pretend they're my mobile turrets.

If you get downed and you're far away, I won't even attempt to revive you.

I play Mercury missions with Clan Tech weapons cause it makes me feel special showing off to new players.

I leeched 75% of my Gradivus Dilemma missions (I'm sorry.)


And probably the thing I'm most ashamed of.

I bought not one, not two, not three, not four, not even five, but SIX PHEONIX MOD PACKS and got mostly warframe skills..

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-I rip line/switch teleport my girlfriend when shes not looking, blame grineer commander


*dog lick girlfriends hand, she leans in to pet dog*


*ripline across the room*


"what the hell?!"


me - "Just some commander, I got him though"


"I @(*()$ hate those god damn mother #@*&$@s!"


"seriously thats the most annoying thing in the game"

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-Since i started to play with this account, i only potato'd my Akbolto.


-I never forma'd a warframe or weapon.


-I never went to a single derelict mission.


-I haven't built any warframe after Banshee in U7.


-I have sexual desires with my Trinity.

Edited by Probta16
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- Shotguns are better then Assault Rifles, in fact, I've yet to find an Assault Rifle that I actually want to use past getting the mastery points.


-  Rhino and Nova are noob frames, this is a fact, accept it.


- I love my Rhino and Nova, and feel no shame in spamming their ability's when playing them


- Ember and Valkyr are my two favorite over all frames


- The Lex is still the best single arm in the game far as I'm concerned, The Acrid is just a gimmicky weapon.


- Dual Vastos > every other dual side arm. Twin Gremlins are just 'ok'


- I put my Multi shot rifle mods on my Sentinels so they get used


- I like Hate over Galatine


- Bows are really only good if your trying to show off


- Sold my Excalibur Prime cause it was ugly


- Ember Prime is the only Prime to date I've really been excited over and felt I 'must have', Frost and mag primes are ... 'on the list of things to eventually get'

Edited by LunarTemplar
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-Can't stand heavy melee weapons


-When playing as trinity I use blessing strictly for bad situations, not god mode forever.


-Seer is my main secondary


-I have snipetron vandal and strun wraith, but they just sit and collect dust.


-Vectis is best sniper in my opinion.


-Even when acrid was considered overpowered, I disliked it.


-Only sentinel I like is shade.


-I started with loki, sold loki, bought loki again with plat a couple months ago, he is still only level 16


-Didn't like Nova


-Never used Rhino.


-I play apollodorus to level up.

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-I hate Rhino, Nova, and Vauban

-My favorite weapon is Braton and Dera

-I hate Soma, Acrid, and Galatine

-I use Frost as my main and take him to all missions I play (unless i'm leveling another warframe).

-I use Wyrm as my main sentinel

I'll  probably think of more later.

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- I had my Acrid's energy color "white" because it didn't matter. But then it was fixed...and I kept it white. (If you don't understand how embarrassing that confession is...if you have Acrid, make your energy "white" and play it.)


- I really wish Valkyr had a tail. A lizard tail. I see her as a lizard for some reason with her Bastet helm.


- I... I can't stop staring at my Valkyr. :(


- A long time ago, I stated on the forums that I had a Rhino. But I don't, and I probably never will unless for mastery points.


- After being here for 11 months, I just now crafted a Loki.


- I literally just crafted Dual Zorens. I mean literally, like two days ago. They're still unranked.


- I find the Grineer deserve at least some respect. Of course I'll kill them when need be, but they've done some awe-inspiring things (if a bit brutal) even though their DNA and bodies are constantly deteriorating. On a related note....


- I felt really bad when I fought the new Sargas Ruk, since I sided with the Grineer in that Gradivus event. He made me feel like S#&$ for suddenly turning on him, and he was justified in doing so.


- I also felt bad when fighting Tyl Regor for the first time many many months ago. He's the lead researcher in Grineer gene repair, and we have to assassinate him. I couldn't help but ask...why? Haven't our ancestors already decimated them to their very DNA? I'm going to feel really conflicted whenever Tyl Regor is updated like Ruk.


- I've named almost all of my warframes. Ember = Kattilina, Nyx = Calypso, Trinity = Annelith, Saryn = Jeduh, Mag = Joyce, Valkyr = Yggdrasil, Ash = Leoraei, Vauban = Cid. Nova = Nilka. Volt = Narjim, Loki = Dias.


- I see myself, SoulEchelon, as the commander of the ship my Tenno have made their home base (The ship's name is The Yggdrasil. When my Valkyr was saved, she had lost her memories. She overheard the name of the ship, and liked it. Thus that's her name.) SoulEchelon is a codename. My real name (in this universe) is -----


- If you haven't noticed yet, I'm a role player.

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-I rip line/switch teleport my girlfriend when shes not looking, blame grineer commander


*dog lick girlfriends hand, she leans in to pet dog*


*ripline across the room*


"what the hell?!"


me - "Just some commander, I got him though"


"I @(*()$ hate those god damn mother #@*&$@s!"


"seriously thats the most annoying thing in the game"




It all makes sense now...


- Foxy's girlfriend



Edit: My confession is that I accidentally fall down holes. All the time. Even if its the smallest hole in the weirdest place... I will fall down it. It is a curse, but it makes me laugh. And I don't feel bad, because I don't mean to, lol.

Edited by SamiSpider
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....(The ship's name is The Yggdrasil. When my Valkyr was saved, ....

After the Gods killed the Giant Ymir, they re-created out of his dead body everything. Yggdrasil, the first and biggest tree, which connects all worlds(Asgard, Bifröst, Midgard, Niflheim, Hel and so on....) and in your case the ship represents the middle of everything, right?

- i like mythology...


- i love to find glitches,bugs and exploits(kind of personal late game content)

- i love to troll people who activate life support @ 90%

- i hate spawn killer, spawn camper, slow turtles, nerf-Tennos, buff-Tennos, disobeying squad members.

- sometimes i want to facepalm other Tennos after a mission failed... with a chair (usually disobeying squad members)

- i havent released very useful documents for dmg2.0 calculations yet.

- i own 250+ Derelict Defense keys

- i want more Derelict Defense keys

- i dont want to use Derelict Defense Keys

- i like typing with color :-)

Edited by Fraank-EGT-
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ok......my dark side is saying nothing is true.....<===he is referring to how this game is leading too....


DARK SIDE:            -DE is making this game from F2P to P2P

                                -Certain someone told us that the game is not leading to Farming.....WARFARM.......

                                 - VALKYR crappiest WARFRAME in the GAME

                                  - I am loosing FAITH on this game and at DE

                                   - Whats a DESIGN COUNCIL? HOW does it benefit to the game? <======got mind jack

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-I actually enjoy playing support frames as supports.


-As in, I enjoy playing frost and using snowglobe.


-I enjoy Playing Nekros and walking around just pressing 3.


-I enjoy playing trinity without spamming Link.


-I enjoy playing Mag and actually using shield polarize


-My Gorgon is my baby and I will love it always and forever.


-I have yet to find a secondary weapon I like, to the point where the only one I have a Cat is I didn't even put the Cat in it.

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After the Gods killed the Giant Ymir, they re-created out of his dead body everything. Yggdrasil, the first and biggest tree, which connects all worlds(Asgard, Bifröst, Midgard, Niflheim, Hel and so on....) and in your case the ship represents the middle of everything, right?

- i like mythology...


Close. I ended up naming it that due to the diversity of the warframes that inhabit it. They come from all walks of life - both personality wise and ability wise, and my ship brought them all together under its one banner. That, and my favorite part of Norse mythology is the Yggdrasil (And Valkyries)

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