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Confession Thread


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-I've had over 100+ formas used altogether on weapons, Warframes, kubrows. I have a forma addiction.  (  ._.)

-I like to kill steal when I see an Ash using Bladestorm, Nyx with Absorb, Or any other Warframe using their ult that takes time to kill.

-I don't like the Brakk, yet I use it.

-I don't like the Dragon Nikana.

-I like to color my Warframes/ weapons red and black.

-I have a crush on Nyx.

-I stop reviving a player if he/she has died too many times. Unless if they're a friend/ clan mate.

-I like Kubrows.

-I like Ordis.

-I have over 1.1k+ hours invested in missions. Yet, I'm only rank 14. 

-I don't care about mastery.

-I secretly look at other player's profiles in missions if they're around my rank or higher and laugh secretly if they have less game time than me. 

Edited by Pansoy
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I hate to see a rhino in my squad because they think they're invincible

I've built 6 warframes and in only use 2 they are rank 30 and the rest is still under rank 5

Sometimes i don't revive the downed to watch them die slowly

I hate to see a nova in the squad besides me

I have all the color palettes but I never use them

I hate mag even though it was my first warframe

I silently judge the people in mission who have nicer weapons that me

Edited by (PS4)AzazelMora
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-I potato everything. EVERYTHING. (even the MK-1's)


-If I ask someone to stop hallway heroing and they don't, then they proceed to get themselves pwned out in said hallway, I don't revive them.


-No matter how irrational it is, the fact that I don't have and cannot obtain a small few weapons will always destroy a small part of my soul.


-I ignore dark sectors completely.

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I absolutely hate new people, they never revive, always pick MK1-Paris (which is the worst of the starter weapons). They don't stick together and suddenly run into different parts of the map, meaning I have to run through 3+ rooms to revive them (Frost isn't exactly that fast) and none of the new players seem bothered by it. They're always looting. I have to carry. They never defend the objective. They waste the life support. And I had to stick with them for the back to school alerts. I ALWAYS HAD TO REVIVE THEM, they just didn't know how to do it ;'(. Of course there are exceptions.


Oh and I love Volt.

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- I potato weapons in hope of them being more viable. Does not work always.


- I often try to get my teammates killed if I don't like them


Ps. also what's with the dark sword? I've sold a lot of them before. Is it suddenly rare or even good now? Why do people talk about it like it's worth something?


At the time there was like a sudden Dark Sword drought and I could not get one until 4 months later. It also was not bad at the time because charge attacks and Orthos did not exist yet for me either.

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- Iv never forma'd anything even though I have gotten about 50+ Forma's


- Love too use Nova as my favorite frame


- Still have yet too level Soma fully even though I have put a Catalyst on it


- Sold Oberon right after leveling him too 30


- Sold Nekros as soon as he hit 30 and I am trying too rebuild him now as we speak


- Sometimes I hate Excal Prime members simply because they have the Excal Prime I want


- Never understanding the whole "Loki Prime Master Race" thing

Edited by Monybags33
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- I play Hydroid on ODD so I can Undertow the infested and keep them trapped forever, just in case I don't like my team's attitude.


- I built Rhino just for mastery, but didn't even start using him, and sold him.


- I sometimes hate people that come into any game with Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime, and Dakra Prime.  That's when I pull out Hydroid...


- I rarely feel the need to get the Paris Prime only because I have my Dread.


- I never forma'd or potato'd my Penta.


- I'll bring my Kogake to a T4 survival.


- I keep on forgetting to potato my Kunai.

Edited by (PS4)slimjim11999
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-My favourite frame is Mag/prime

-My favourite frame is Valkyr

-My Favourite frame is trinity

-first thing on "survifarm" (low level survival run) I do when I see "newbie" is saying on squad chat to not activate life support before it drops to or below 60%

-if I'll see someone who netherless above does activate life support on 80% I refuse to revive him till the end of match

-when I see downed ally and enemies upon him I always try to kill them all before reviving him

-I'm male but play only fem frames and uses female allias (not mentioning that warframe is actually first game I do such things intentionally - my first allias was "Trejgon" but changed it as soon as it came out that my first frame was mag)

-when I see in a team anyone with same frame as mine I feel internal duty of outperforming him/her

-Iastly I've met valkyr that looked in exacly same ay as mine valkyr which I was playing then - same coloristics same alt helmet - and as she outperformed me that run I changed colors of my valkyr as a "sign of loose"

-my "most used frame" is mag which I no longer have (sold her when build mag prime cause of slots issues)

-my most used weapon till yesterday was "mk-1 furis" which I no longer posses as well yesterday profile decided that its latron wraith which after leveling it to rank30 I really rarely use

-when I play valkyr I use only melee weapons

-I tend to roleplay in some extend everytime I play the game

-I argued with clanmates that soma isn't weapon that I'd call "precise"

-during a reall combat I can perform only one of all combos from my weapon

-after obtaining venka I use it on nearly every warframe I have resigning from nikana for it

-I still believe that I can mod venka in a way that will allow me to perform on similar level to top melee weapons (dragon nikana dakra prime)

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- I play Hydroid on ODD so I can Undertow the infested and keep them trapped forever, just in case I don't like my team's attitude.


- I built Rhino just for mastery, but didn't even start using him, and sold him.


- I sometimes hate people that come into any game with Rhino Prime, Boltor Prime, and Dakra Prime.  That's when I pull out Hydroid...


- I rarely feel the need to get the Paris Prime only because I have my Dread.


- I never forma'd or potato'd my Penta.


- I'll bring my Kogake to a T4 survival.


- I keep on forgetting to potato my Kunai.

Potato your Kunai. You're welcome.

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