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So, sometimes Kompressa projectiles just get deflected by Mag's magnetize bubble. I think it has something to do with the slow speed of the projectiles but I'm just guessing here. I suspect that the same thing would happen on other weapons with a slow projectile flight speed. I'd prefer not to test a bunch of weapons, make videos and upload them but I probably will eventually.

In this clip you can see that none of the projectiles from Kompressa reach the enemies while shooting from outside mags bubble. Instead, they come flying back at me as they enter the bubble.


In this clip you can see that Kompress projectiles are deflected and do not hit enemies in Mags bubble when fired from outside or inside the bubble but the projectiles for Tenet Tetra work as they are supposed to.


In this clip you can see that again Kompressa projectiles are deflected but Tenet Tetra works just fine. Then, just a few seconds later both Kompressa and Tenet Tetra are working normally. 

I just did a quick one rotation SP Ani survival to document this. I figured it would be easier to chop it up into 3 short clips instead of uploading a full 5 min video expecting someone to watch the whole thing. 

Also we have to add a tag to each post but none of them apply so you get all possible tags. 

p.s. I know, video quality sucks. If you don't like it feel free to buy me a new computer. Mine is an outdated pos.

Edited by Berzerkules
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  • 4 weeks later...

Guess I'll bump this since Kompressa still does not work with magnetize bubble. I'll even show it in the sim so there is nothing else going on. It's just broke.

Kompressa projectiles are deflected outside of the bubble hitting the back wall before they reach center and hit an enemy inside Magnetize bubble. 

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On 2022-12-11 at 5:19 PM, momotech764 said:

Still an issue! So sad... This is such a cool potential combo, but it never works as intended. Really sucks tbh. Praying for a fix.

I'm still salty that kompressa totally bugs out in Mag bubble after a year and a half. When it does work it works extremely well but it's so inconsistent that it's not worth using. 

Edited by Berzerkules
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  • 2 weeks later...

The bug also occurs with Xata's Whisper, and the Bullet Attractor on the Scourge. I also tested with Zephyr's Jetstream mod for + 229% flight speed + a 84% flight speed riven, and the Kompressa was still redirecting projectiles to the back wall.

* Also effects bullets drawn to other parts of the body when used with Xata's Whisper, I think Mag Bubble tries to force projectiles to the head like the Scourge.

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5 hours ago, IDystopiaI said:

The bug also occurs with Xata's Whisper, and the Bullet Attractor on the Scourge. I also tested with Zephyr's Jetstream mod for + 229% flight speed + a 84% flight speed riven, and the Kompressa was still redirecting projectiles to the back wall.

* Also effects bullets drawn to other parts of the body when used with Xata's Whisper, I think Mag Bubble tries to force projectiles to the head like the Scourge.

So I've been thinking about the Scourge again since you commented. That weapon is what initially drew my attention to Kompressa and Mag like a year and a half ago. They can both be built for corrosive/viral/heat so Kompressa was kind of like a secondary version of Scourge but without the bullet attractor. I wanted to pair that with Mag to get a secondary Scourge with a much larger bullet attractor field. 

Does the Scourge also have an embed delay like Kompressa and do other weapons with an embed delay have a similar reaction with attractor field? I'm not in game right now so I can't test but off the top of my head Zakti/prime, Zhuge/prime, Proboscis Cernos and Zymos have embed delay. If those weapons also bug out with attractor field we might have the interaction that is causing this bug. 

After work tomorrow I'll go through the arsenal looking for weapons with embed delay and test. 

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As far as I can tell, its only the Kompressa with this issue. Certain melee projectiles go straight through the bubble without being redirected like the hit-scan gun blades and Exodia Contagion, but they've always behaved this way. As for other projectile primary/secondary weapons they seem to redirect correctly towards a bubbled enemy.

*Certain projectiles can only do one instance of damage for some reason while continuing to float inside the bubble like the Tenet Grigori projectile.

Post-Speargun update, thrown Spearguns that I've been able to test behave weird. (To me the updated spearguns I've used don't feel good to use compared to pre-update, but they seem to be buggier when combined with Magnetize)

Thrown Scourge Prime in Mag Bubble only does damage once while continuing to float inside the bubble.

Throwing the Afentis at an enemy already pinned, and under the effects of Magnetize:

  1. The visual effects for the Mag Bubble disappear but the CC and bullet attracting effects are still there
  2. If the Bubble's timer expires while it is not visible, no damage is dealt to enemies with the "Detonation" effect at the end of the ability


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