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The Meaning Of Life


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Does life need a meaning? (I believe it does, but there are those that do not, so I thought it proper to start at the beginning.) Yes, life needs meaning. It is impossible for a human to act without motivation. To survive, we need meaning.


I have postulated that all human behaviour can be predicted if you know two factors. Assumptions (which would be beliefs, knowledge, their perspective of the world) and Motivations (love, hate, curiosity, greed, etc.)


The question, "How do you find meaning and purpose in life", seeks to discover primarily motivation, but it also cannot be fully answered without revealing assumptions as well.


Much confusion can be created by the question because no two people's assumptions are exactly the same. We all have different experiences and thus each individual has a unique perspective on life and what it means.


This has led many today to become postmodern thinkers, in that they realize that the individual's opinion is correct for that specific individual. Unfortunately, it then becomes impossible for any standard 'truth' to have meaning. "My truth is not your truth" causes strife as there is no standard for justice.


How then do we come to a conclusion? We cannot do so through this way of percieving the world.


So I invite you to take off your postmodern glasses, and see the world as I see it. Humans must survive, but in order to do so, they must have purpose, as I have explained previously. Where then do we find our purpose?


Strangely, despite all the differences between those who have posted, the serious posts have identified that spending time with family and friends is of utmost value. There is almost unilateral consent that that is where we find purpose. But why? Why do they say that family and friends are the most important thing. Here we run into a motivation.


Fear. We fear regrets. We fear remembering the poor decisions that we have made in the past. We fear experiencing the pain of a broken relationship and then continuing to live with that pain as it fades into memory. Many try to forget their pain by drowning it in alcohol and drugs, or by distracting themselves with little games, or by working so hard that they cannot devote any mental resources to remembering their regret.


How then do we break this viscious cycle? How do you prevent relationships from falling apart? You invest time into them, you work at them, you pursue them. That is why people say to value those relationships, because if you do, then you will not have to fear your regret. There are also positive benefits to those relationships intrinsically.


In many ways, this fear is healthy. It prevents us from making poor choices. The more aware you become that each passing second is one which you will never live again, the more valuable it will become to you.


So according to my theory, fear is the primary reason why we try to find meaning in life. It is just a theory however, as I have little evidence to support it.


Now, to answer your question.


I personally do not have a reason to exist on this world, save one. Other people would be more damaged by me leaving now, than if I stay and exist with them for these few brief years that we call life. I have no objections either way, and I shall die as any other man when my time has come. In the meantime, I smell the roses along my life's road and spin wild theories about my assumptions.

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There is no meaning in life. There is no fate, no higher destiny, only life itself. 

We choose to do what we want to do or what we're told to do.

We serve and get served. 

We control our lives and we can continue on because nothing, neither joy nor misery, can exist forever.


EDIT: Nvm, I found the meaning of life. It is bacon.

Edited by Scyfle
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some great responses, Thank you for all who took the questions seriously.

I'm still trying to find my purpose. But there is one thing that keeps me going though all my troubles: curiosity. I find that as bad as it gets the urge to learn what tomorrow holds for me compels me to go on. 

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Well, sadly there isn't one logically or arguably because we were not chosen to live well maybe as a sperm cell but there simply is no 'meaning of life' - sorry if I've upset you.


So you're saying that because there is no way to find out the meaning of life, it does not exist? This is an interesting perspective.

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For me, it was sport.


Took up Muay Thai/BJJ/MMA. Best thing I've ever done. 


Since then, it's been university. Nothing more fulfilling than knowing that finishing uni is allowing me to follow my dream.

I didn't know that! Remind me never to get you mad or you might hunt me down and put me into some sort of arm bar or something.....

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I didn't know that! Remind me never to get you mad or you might hunt me down and put me into some sort of arm bar or something.....



I try not to say it too much.

Most people on the internet immediately think I'm bragging, or trying to sound tough

Even though, it's no different from me saying something like "I play basketball"

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that there's no meaning to life?


then there's no u or me or anyone else


our meaning of life it's totally different of each other, just like how my face it's handsomer then u :D


but there's one similar thing: We tent to try make the best result out of it (succeed or not)

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