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(WIP)Warframe concept: Zagreus, The Kuva Lord


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Zagreus is a Warframe that doesn’t rely on energy but instead health, using it to casts his powers. Unlike Garuda, who feast upon the blood of enemies, Zagreus uses his own blood to curse and kill enemies. Upon a cursed enemies death, he mixes their blood and dilutes it with Kuva, turning it into Ichor and enhancing his Nectar. As his Nectar becomes more potent, he becomes harder to kill and his abilities become stronger. When Zagreus activates his abilities, he cuts the palm of his hand while they’re in motion causing the blood spears to appear in the cut hand.

The allure of his Ambrosia, caused many to drink this nectar of immortality only to die of his dreadful curse. They say only his kin can taste the divine nectar and truly ascend. These grineer super soldiers, Kuva liches, fancy themselves powerful, godly, and immortal yet are not worthy of it . In truth they are just pale imitations and failed clones of the True Host of Kuva. Are you worthy Tenno?

Aesthetics: Zagreus style will share with many Mediterranean based myths and cultures. The key monikers is that he is of Blood, Wine, immortality, and rebirth. The rename was decided due to the revelation of how similarly I built him like Zagreus from mythology but I still intend on keeping some of the artistic ideas that I got from Shezmu. His helmet and deluxe skin names would probably be off of other gods of wine, immortality or blood.

 Lore: Zagreus, made by Ballas while prospecting true immortality, is a Warframe put in charge of executing Orokin conspirators and Traitors. He was also given the order to Execute Margulis, earning the nickname of Iscariot by the Tenno and the Trust of the Seven. This act invested the Seven more into the Tenno and kept them from potentially being terminated, if he shown hesitation. He is one of the few Tenno who never slept but he never died and, in fact, the Lotus and Tenno know of the Great Kuva Palace but none are willing to become permanent residents of a tomb.
It visited me in a dream or a nightmare, from the pit of despair and Hope. Where ichor flowed and ambrosia formed, a place of true horror and where lies a Court of mortality in which I was the defendant. He stood and he commanded us to kneel without speaking but who towers over gods? Were we gods or a pale imitation of what could be? Then I came with a epiphany, We were mere children playing at adulthood in this trance of immortality. What we considered our advance life time shall be just a blink for him. There is where I found him, not the judge nor jury but the Executioner. He shall stand at the edge of time, long after we turn to dust and our blood into his wine. Rise for your name shall be Shezmu, Headsman of the Gods…



Acquisition (Warframe Blueprint) WIP: Mortuus Regia 

You’ve heard about Lua, We all have. The Legends and myths that reside on it. That the Great Kuva Palace still resides there with the nonsense that it floats above a lake of blood. A Palace that once stood to represent how far we’ve come and to show the achievements of our immortality. A palace that no matter what legends are false, is stained with blood and riches. That whoever finds it will have countless Ayatan treasures, Kuva, and advance equipment to spare. The secrets it must carry about the Orokin Empire and The Seven. That it just waits for someone to crack it open but this is the place where dreams died and guilt filled the streets. Finding it won’t be the hard part, it’ll be letting go.

New event/Return- Raid: Tenno will enter the ever evolving Great Palace to fight Grineer, Corpus, and sentients to obtain the legendary treasures that lie within. This will work similar to Survival mission where after a certain time frame, The Tenno’s can leave or go deeper. The Deeper they go, the more decrepit and Kuva covered the palace becomes with more powerful enemies and eximus pop up. The host Tennos’ Kuva Lich can pop up here (once per tenno and one at a time). Eventually the Tenno will reach the boss in the throne room aptly named “The Executioner” to gain Zagreus’ parts. The executioner may be changed to Iscariot (or Iscariot will be the Steel path version)later. The Executioner is essentially the original host of Zagreus whom fused with his frame; Demonstrating the full potential power of a Tenno, whom is aptly trained and effectively Immortal, only allowing temporary victories. He is designed to have multiple people fight him and be potentially the greatest foe the Tenno has fought yet. He rigged with many high damaging abilities, the ability to break transference (forcing players to survive as their Tenno), and insta kills to drill in that “Hesitation is defeat”.

Name: Zagreus

Theme: Kuva/Blood/Spear/immortal/wine

Health: 200 (600 at R30)

Armor: 400


passive: when Zagreus kills an enemy inflicted with his blood curse, his ichor meter increases. Upon reaching appropriate amount of kills, his Nectar will become more potent and empower his abilities further. (Lv. 1=50, Lv. 2=100, Lv. 3=200)

Zagreus has health regeneration dependent on his Nectar Potency. (1/2/4/8% health per second for corresponding Ambrosia 0/1/2/3)

Zagreus does not have a shield but instead gains Kuva Shielding from abilities and slain foes. Kuva Shielding acts like a Over-Shield but for health and shares all the properties of health. It is ineffective by the magnetic status effect but is effected by Viral. Mean while toxin status effect will not go through Zagreus Kuva Shield. When Zagreus uses his abilities they do not take from his Kuva Shield, allowing for less risks. (Thanks to UpL0rdYT for this idea)

Enemies that are hurt by Zagreus Abilities contract the Blood curse, inflicting them with weakened and bleed until removed. When an enemy with the Blood Curse dies, they restore Zagreus’ Kuva Shield. Kuva Shield is only affected by mods that affect health, not shield. The Kuva Shield may have a limit yet if I decide to give it smaller gains, it will grow indefinitely.

Ability 1: Impaler’s Grace (costs 5% health)- Zagreus Throws a javelin made from his blood and impaling enemies who dare get caught in it’s path and applying Blood Curse. The damage of the ability will increase with higher Nectar Potency. Nectar Potency 3: The javelin cause enemies killed by the javelin to explode into a red mist and apply the Blood curse to enemies in the area.

Ability 2: Wrathful Blood (costs 10% health) - Zagreus creates a boiling puddle of Kuva that hurts and absorbs dead bodies of enemies for Kuva Shield and applies regen. Nectar Potency will increase the Kuva Shield gain. Ambrosia Potency 3: Zagreus will also boil the blood of those around him, stunning them and applying weakened status effect.

Ability 3: Bloody Stake (costs 15% health)- Zagreus stabs his Bloody lance into the ground, causing numerous spikes of blood to form from his location and stab enemies, applying Blood Curse. The attack area and damage will increase with higher Nectar Potency. Nectar Potency 3: Ichor leaves a pool of blood heals Allies and increases their damage dependent on the amount of impaled enemies.

Ability 4: Crimson Deluge (costs 50% health)- Zagreus Summons the Crimson Deluge, an exalted polearm with a epsilon axe head and a sharpened spear tip for the other end, sacrificing Nectar to empower it. The reach of the Crimson Deluge increases dramatically based on Nectar Potency Level along with damage. Slam attack will Cause ability 3, Wrathful blood will be active during this ability, and ability 1 will activate at the end of every combo for the duration of the ability. All abilities activated through the Crimson Deluge will act on the Nectar Potency it was activated on (encouraging player to activate it on Nectar Potency 3). Every enemy killed by the Crimson Deluge will heal Zagreus however the ability has a set duration.


Notes: wanted to do a Warframe that doesn’t rely on the typical energy system and came up with this guy. Not sure on the name but he’s supposed to be a Blood and Kuva based Warframe that uses a spear. The Kuva part is how he’s intended to use most of his abilities and control blood though not sure if there’s a sure fire way to implement it more. Not sure what’s a good way to gauge the cost of his abilities, due to them using his health, and not sure if He should have a shield (though I would need to give him more health, life leech, and probably armor). Specific stats are coming if people are interested in it enough.

Range will increase the length of the spears in ability 1, Ability 3, and Ability 4. Ability efficiency will not decrease the cost of the abilities but increase the duration (stacks with regular duration increase) of Ability 2 and Ability 4.



Alternative/ Original Powers: these powers were initially the rough draft of the frame, mostly being overpowered, or alternative possibilities. Most of them were in initial thought without considering animation, timers, nor balance. This would be his powers “lore-wise” and unrestrained. Some of these may be put as augments or Into “The Executioner” boss in the making.

The Great Deluge: Zagreus creates a tsunami of blood in all directions around, leaving a massive pool of blood in the area. Enemies within this pool will constantly take true damage until death in which Zagreus will gain health.

Feasting bloat: Zagreus will give enemies a blood curse that will permanently inflict bleed damage. Once enemies reach 10%, they explode into a red mist damaging and inflicting the blood curse on nearby enemies

Bloody Spike: Zagreus impales a enemy with his lance and drains their health. If Enemy is killed in this manor then Zagreus gains increased armor(This ability remains active and drains energy so long it’s held).

The Rain that Hates: Shezmu creates a large gaseous cloud of Kuva which then proceeds to launch liquids at high pressure, damaging enemies and causing them to panic. Panicked enemies are open to finishers and will restore health to Shezmu.

Passive: When Zagreus uses execute on a Kuva Lich, they will instantly die despite of requiem mod order. However, Kuva Liches will not be formed with Zagreus as the progenitor Warframe and are very unlikely to attack the player when they play as Zagreus. If a Kuva Lich spots Zagreus, they will instantly try to flee instead of fighting the player.


Plans: I plan on going in depth about the Tenno that resides in Zagreus as it will be a significant bit with his acquisition. I’m planning to add a new type of event that goes in hand to acquiring his parts, a boss, the conflict of the Executioner and Natah. I also plan on making a list of abilities that were to OP to actually give him which may be worked into the boss.

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I think this would be interesting if it looked like Grineer so we finally get "Grineer Warframe" we already have two for other factions. 

Corpus: Vauban and Protea 

Infestation: Saryn and Nidus 

Sentient: Revenant and Caliban

Lore wise it would also make sense since Grineer were product of Orokin and we see Orokin era Grineer soldiers in one of the trailers. normal version could resemble more current Grineer while Prime version would be more like those Orokin era soldiers. 


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8 hours ago, (PSN)IdoThea said:

I think this would be interesting if it looked like Grineer so we finally get "Grineer Warframe" we already have two for other factions. 

Corpus: Vauban and Protea 

Infestation: Saryn and Nidus 

Sentient: Revenant and Caliban

Lore wise it would also make sense since Grineer were product of Orokin and we see Orokin era Grineer soldiers in one of the trailers. normal version could resemble more current Grineer while Prime version would be more like those Orokin era soldiers. 


Yeah, I figured he would have similar aesthetics to Grineer. I’ve been thinking about basing his look after Greco-Roman soldiers though still not sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2022-04-13 at 9:48 PM, (PSN)Don_Coyot said:

Shezmu is a Warframe that doesn’t rely on energy but instead health, using it to casts his powers. Unlike Garuda, who feast upon the blood of enemies, Shezmu uses his own blood to curse and kill enemies. Upon a cursed enemies death, he mixes their blood and dilutes it with Kuva, turning it into Ichor and enhancing his Nectar. As his Nectar becomes more potent, he becomes harder to kill and his abilities become stronger. When Shezmu activates his abilities, he cuts the palm of his hand while they’re in motion causing the blood spears to spear in the cut hand.

The allure of his Ambrosia, caused many to drink this nectar of immortality only to die of his dreadful curse. They say only his kin can taste the divine nectar and truly ascend. These grineer super soldiers, Kuva liches, fancy themselves powerful, godly, and immortal yet are not worthy of it . In truth they are just pale imitations and failed clones of the True Host of Kuva. Are you worthy Tenno?

Aesthetics: Shezmu shares style of Greco-Roman and Egyptian styles, becoming reminiscent of Alexandria’s fused culture.

 Lore: Shezmu, made by Ballas while prospecting true immortality, is a Warframe put in charge of executing Orokin conspirators and Traitors.
It visited me in a dream or a nightmare, from the pit of despair and Hope. Where ichor flowed and ambrosia formed, a place of true horror and where lies a Court of mortality in which I was the defendant. He stood, observing us when I realized we were mere children playing at adulthood. What we considered our advance life time shall be just a blink for him. There is where I found him, not the judge nor jury but the executioner. He shall stand and the edge of time, long after we turn to dust. Rise for your name shall be Shezmu, Headsman of the Gods…


Name: Shezmu

Theme: Kuva/Blood/Spear/immortal/

Health: 200 (600 at R30)

Armor: 400


passive: when Shezmu kills an enemy inflicted with his blood curse, his ichor meter increases. Upon reaching appropriate amount of kills, his Nectar will become more potent and empower his abilities further. (Lv. 1=50, Lv. 2=100, Lv. 3=200)

Shezmu has health regeneration dependent on his Nectar Potency. (1/2/4/8% health per second for corresponding Ambrosia 0/1/2/3)

Enemies that are hurt by Shezmu Abilities contract the Blood curse, inflicting them with weakened and bleed until removed. Mean while Allies caught within the Blood Curse effects will benefit in the form of Regen status effect.

Ability 1: Impaler’s Grace (costs 5% health)- Shezmu Throws a javelin made from his blood and impaling enemies who dare get caught in it’s path and applying Blood Curse. The damage of the ability will increase with higher Nectar Potency. Nectar Potency 3: The javelin cause enemies killed by the javelin to explode into a red mist and apply the Blood curse to enemies in the area.

Ability 2: Wrathful Blood (costs 10% health) - Shezmu creates hardened shell of Kuva that greatly increases his armor, health regen, and applies Blood curse to those nearby whenever he’s attacked but at the cost of movement speed. Shezmu has a 50% reduction in movement speed when Wrathful blood is active. Nectar Potency will increase the armor gain. Ambrosia Potency 3: Shezmu will also manipulate the blood flow of those around him, stunning them and applying weakened status effect.

Ability 3: Bloody Stake (costs 15% health)- Ichor stabs his Bloody lance into the ground, causing numerous spikes of blood to form from his location and stab enemies, applying Blood Curse. The attack area and damage will increase with higher Nectar Potency. Nectar Potency 3: Ichor leaves a pool of blood heals Allies and increases their damage dependent on the amount of impaled enemies.

Ability 4: Crimson Deluge (costs 50% health)- Shezmu Summons the Crimson Deluge, an exalted polearm with a epsilon axe head and a sharpened spear tip for the other end, sacrificing Nectar to empower it. The reach of the Crimson Deluge increases dramatically based on Nectar Potency Level along with damage. Slam attack will Cause ability 3, Wrathful blood will be active during this ability, and ability 1 will activate at the end of every combo for the duration of the ability. All abilities activated through the Crimson Deluge will act on the Nectar Potency it was activated on (encouraging player to activate it on Nectar Potency 3). Every enemy killed by the Crimson Deluge will heal Shezmu however the ability has a set duration.


Notes: wanted to do a Warframe that doesn’t rely on the typical energy system and came up with this guy. Not sure on the name but he’s supposed to be a Blood and Kuva based Warframe that uses a spear. The Kuva part is how he’s intended to use most of his abilities and control blood though not sure if there’s a sure fire way to implement it more. Not sure what’s a good way to gauge the cost of his abilities, due to them using his health, and not sure if He should have a shield (though I would need to give him more health, life leech, and probably armor). Specific stats are coming if people are interested in it enough.

Range will increase the length of the spears in ability 1, Ability 3, and Ability 4. Ability efficiency will not decrease the cost of the abilities but increase the duration (stacks with regular duration increase) of Ability 2 and Ability 4.

The third ability feels like Nezha 4th ability. Maybe make it so it sends a circular wave of lances in a  360° circle around the frame that spread out (kinda like gloom) instead? This frame seems cool. I would personally make it so he is immortal (replenishable extra lives) while on nectar 3 or something because of the lore related to kuva and the warframe's concept. 

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11 minutes ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

The third ability feels like Nezha 4th ability. Maybe make it so it sends a circular wave of lances in a  360° circle around the frame that spread out (kinda like gloom) instead? This frame seems cool. I would personally make it so he is immortal (replenishable extra lives) while on nectar 3 or something because of the lore related to kuva and the warframe's concept. 

Another idea is a type of overhealth. Like the frame has no shield, but instead he uses extra "kuva hp" that he gets from killing enemies and using his abilities. This hp bar will have shield gating but can block toxin damage, basically having kuva provide you with protection to yourself and letting you be immortal if played correctly.

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7 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Another idea is a type of overhealth. Like the frame has no shield, but instead he uses extra "kuva hp" that he gets from killing enemies and using his abilities. This hp bar will have shield gating but can block toxin damage, basically having kuva provide you with protection to yourself and letting you be immortal if played correctly.

That would actually be a pretty good idea, it didn’t quite feel right giving him a shield in the first place due to him being very hp based.


7 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

The third ability feels like Nezha 4th ability. Maybe make it so it sends a circular wave of lances in a  360° circle around the frame that spread out (kinda like gloom) instead? This frame seems cool. I would personally make it so he is immortal (replenishable extra lives) while on nectar 3 or something because of the lore related to kuva and the warframe's concept.

The idea was for the spikes to emerge from in a burst under his location causing an area causing it to hurt enemies around him rather than a constant area damage. Though your idea is very good and can very well fit him although I may make it swinging Guillotines instead of lances.

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On 2022-04-26 at 3:42 PM, (PSN)Don_Coyot said:

That would actually be a pretty good idea, it didn’t quite feel right giving him a shield in the first place due to him being very hp based.


The idea was for the spikes to emerge from in a burst under his location causing an area causing it to hurt enemies around him rather than a constant area damage. Though your idea is very good and can very well fit him although I may make it swinging Guillotines instead of lances.

That would also be cool. Another idea i very quickly thought of while reading of your kuva palace, would be to give his signature melee weapon/exalted weapon some abilities similar to the kuva scepter (the palace reminds me of the earth temple for war within which had the kuva scepters). Like if you are using Shezmu, the weapon can absorb the lifeforce from defeated enemies (but this won't animation lock you, only causing you to point the weapon towards them for half a second), giving you overhealth (Shezmu only assuming this is for a signature melee and not his exalted) and hp for each enemy absorbed. When you absorb an enemy, they will start glowing with red energy, then they will be held up in the air while ragdolling (think force choke or similar attacks/spells) and then start having spasms (which would be quite enjoyable to watch depending on how lenient the devs are with the ragdoll effect) as your absorb all their blood (blood trail that flies into your weapon/Shezmu's chest) and then they disintegrate into red energy particles. This would be able to affect multiple enemies at once, and it might even be allowed for living enemies, except that it won't be guaranteed to kill them, or if it did, there would be a hard cap of around 3 enemies. I really wish DE did more with the kuva scepters  other than standing there for a  couple seconds after killing enemies, as melee weapons with special abilities are quite rare (Skiajati, Zaws, the new Zariman weapon, a couple of the Syndicate Weapons and Paracesis being the only others i can think of), and the Kuva Scepter was the only one that specifically interacted with dead enemies.

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3 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

That would also be cool. Another idea i very quickly thought of while reading of your kuva palace, would be to give his signature melee weapon/exalted weapon some abilities similar to the kuva scepter (the palace reminds me of the earth temple for war within which had the kuva scepters). Like if you are using Shezmu, the weapon can absorb the lifeforce from defeated enemies (but this won't animation lock you, only causing you to point the weapon towards them for half a second), giving you overhealth (Shezmu only assuming this is for a signature melee and not his exalted) and hp for each enemy absorbed. When you absorb an enemy, they will start glowing with red energy, then they will be held up in the air while ragdolling (think force choke or similar attacks/spells) and then start having spasms (which would be quite enjoyable to watch depending on how lenient the devs are with the ragdoll effect) as your absorb all their blood (blood trail that flies into your weapon/Shezmu's chest) and then they disintegrate into red energy particles. This would be able to affect multiple enemies at once, and it might even be allowed for living enemies, except that it won't be guaranteed to kill them, or if it did, there would be a hard cap of around 3 enemies. I really wish DE did more with the kuva scepters  other than standing there for a  couple seconds after killing enemies, as melee weapons with special abilities are quite rare (Skiajati, Zaws, the new Zariman weapon, a couple of the Syndicate Weapons and Paracesis being the only others i can think of), and the Kuva Scepter was the only one that specifically interacted with dead enemies.

On the topic of signature weapons, I’ve been busy trying to figure out what his should be. Doing a polearm similar to his exalted may make sense by I find it a bit redundant. Thinking about doing his signature a whip type but with heavy blades on the end (like a guillotine blade on a chain), perhaps with a unique moveset to signify it’s weight. I think that if his signature melee absorbs life force, it won’t be restricted to him but will apply to his Kuva Shield a.k.a. His “Overhealth” like how his abilities will. This would mean that players can still use its effect but really won’t have constant use unless their Shezmu.

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Can I ask you a question?
I have some doubts about the name and skill theme of Garuda frame. As far as I know, Garuda is a giant bird in ancient Indian mythology and legend, and is the mount of Vishnu, one of the three main gods in Hinduism, and one of the eight heavenly dragons in Buddhism. I don't think it has anything to do with her "blood" theme skills.
When I think about it, I think Garuda 
frame's style is more like the one to which the name of her other helmet refers, Báthori Erzsébet.
I don't understand why DE is doing this.

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4 minutes ago, qq2624790014 said:


Can I ask you a question?
I have some doubts about the name and skill theme of Garuda frame. As far as I know, Garuda is a giant bird in ancient Indian mythology and legend, and is the mount of Vishnu, one of the three main gods in Hinduism, and one of the eight heavenly dragons in Buddhism. I don't think it has anything to do with her "blood" theme skills.
When I think about it, I think Garuda 
frame's style is more like the one to which the name of her other helmet refers, Báthori Erzsébet.
I don't understand why DE is doing this.


I’ll be honest, I don’t know why her name is Garuda either, maybe because the talons but really almost nothing else (as far as I’m aware of) related to the name. Garuda is a bird-like god in Hindu and bhuddist myths. If I remember correctly he’s supposed to be a swift protector and sometimes the mount of Vishnu (when’s he just a big bird), not really the god of anything. I can definitely see the relation between her and Elizabeth Bathory, ya know the whole mass killer, bathing in and drinking blood bit.

Always found that the name Garuda would’ve befitted a Zephyr deluxe skin better or just a different bird themed Warframe.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)Don_Coyot said:

On the topic of signature weapons, I’ve been busy trying to figure out what his should be. Doing a polearm similar to his exalted may make sense by I find it a bit redundant. Thinking about doing his signature a whip type but with heavy blades on the end (like a guillotine blade on a chain), perhaps with a unique moveset to signify it’s weight. I think that if his signature melee absorbs life force, it won’t be restricted to him but will apply to his Kuva Shield a.k.a. His “Overhealth” like how his abilities will. This would mean that players can still use its effect but really won’t have constant use unless their Shezmu.

yeah, that's what i meant, if it wasn't an exalted weapon, other frames could use the weapon to heal, but shezmu would get the "kuva health" on top of his regular health for free.

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On 2022-04-14 at 9:48 AM, (PSN)Don_Coyot said:

Shezmu is a Warframe that doesn’t rely on energy but instead health, using it to casts his powers. Unlike Garuda, who feast upon the blood of enemies, Shezmu uses his own blood to curse and kill enemies. Upon a cursed enemies death, he mixes their blood and dilutes it with Kuva, turning it into Ichor and enhancing his Nectar. As his Nectar becomes more potent, he becomes harder to kill and his abilities become stronger. When Shezmu activates his abilities, he cuts the palm of his hand while they’re in motion causing the blood spears to appear in the cut hand.

The allure of his Ambrosia, caused many to drink this nectar of immortality only to die of his dreadful curse. They say only his kin can taste the divine nectar and truly ascend. These grineer super soldiers, Kuva liches, fancy themselves powerful, godly, and immortal yet are not worthy of it . In truth they are just pale imitations and failed clones of the True Host of Kuva. Are you worthy Tenno?

Aesthetics: Shezmu shares style of Greco-Roman and Egyptian styles, becoming reminiscent of Alexandria’s fused culture.

 Lore: Shezmu, made by Ballas while prospecting true immortality, is a Warframe put in charge of executing Orokin conspirators and Traitors. He was also given the order to Execute Margulis, earning the nickname of Iscariot by the Tenno and the Trust of the Seven.
It visited me in a dream or a nightmare, from the pit of despair and Hope. Where ichor flowed and ambrosia formed, a place of true horror and where lies a Court of mortality in which I was the defendant. He stood and he commanded us to kneel without speaking but who towers over gods? Were we gods or a pale imitation of what could be? Then I came with a epiphany, We were mere children playing at adulthood in this trance of immortality. What we considered our advance life time shall be just a blink for him. There is where I found him, not the judge nor jury but the Executioner. He shall stand at the edge of time, long after we turn to dust and out blood into his wine. Rise for your name shall be Shezmu, Headsman of the Gods…



Acquisition (Warframe Blueprint) WIP: Mortuus Regia 

You’ve heard about Lua, We all have. The Legends and myths that reside on it. That the Great Kuva Palace still resides there with the nonsense that it floats above a lake of blood. A Palace that once stood to represent how far we’ve come and to show the achievements of our immortality. A palace that no matter what legends are false, is stained with blood and riches. That whoever finds it will have countless Ayatan treasures, Kuva, and advance equipment to spare. The secrets it must carry about the Orokin Empire and The Seven. That it just waits for someone to crack it open but this is the place where dreams died and guilt filled the streets. Finding it won’t be the hard part, it’ll be letting go.

New event/Return- Raid: Tenno will enter the ever evolving Great Palace to fight Grineer, Corpus, and sentients to obtain the legendary treasures that lie within. This will work similar to Survival mission where after a certain time frame, The Tenno’s can leave or go deeper. The Deeper they go, the more decrepit and Kuva covered the palace becomes with more powerful enemies and exiles popping up. The host Tennos’ Kuva Lich can pop up here (once per tenno and one at a time). Eventually the Tenno will reach the boss in the throne room aptly named “The Executioner” to gain Shezmu’s parts.

Name: Shezmu

Theme: Kuva/Blood/Spear/immortal/

Health: 200 (600 at R30)

Armor: 400


passive: when Shezmu kills an enemy inflicted with his blood curse, his ichor meter increases. Upon reaching appropriate amount of kills, his Nectar will become more potent and empower his abilities further. (Lv. 1=50, Lv. 2=100, Lv. 3=200)

Shezmu has health regeneration dependent on his Nectar Potency. (1/2/4/8% health per second for corresponding Ambrosia 0/1/2/3)

Shezmu does not have a shield but instead gains Kuva Shielding from abilities and slain foes. Kuva Shielding acts like a Over-Shield but for health and shares all the properties of health. It is ineffective by the magnetic status effect but is effected by Viral. Mean while toxin status effect will not go through Shezmu’s Kuva Shield. When Shezmu uses his abilities they do not take from his Kuva Shield, allowing for less risks. (Thanks to UpL0rdYT for this idea)

Enemies that are hurt by Shezmu Abilities contract the Blood curse, inflicting them with weakened and bleed until removed. When an enemy with the Blood Curse dies, they restore Shezmu’s Kuva Shield. Kuva Shield is only affected by mods that affect health, not shield. The Kuva Shield may have a limit yet if I decide to give it smaller gains, it will grow indefinitely.

Ability 1: Impaler’s Grace (costs 5% health)- Shezmu Throws a javelin made from his blood and impaling enemies who dare get caught in it’s path and applying Blood Curse. The damage of the ability will increase with higher Nectar Potency. Nectar Potency 3: The javelin cause enemies killed by the javelin to explode into a red mist and apply the Blood curse to enemies in the area.

Ability 2: Wrathful Blood (costs 10% health) - Shezmu’s creates a boiling puddle of Kuva that hurts and absorbs dead bodies of enemies for Kuva Shield and applies regen. Nectar Potency will increase the Kuva Shield gain. Ambrosia Potency 3: Shezmu will also boil the blood flow of those around him, stunning them and applying weakened status effect.

Ability 3: Bloody Stake (costs 15% health)- Ichor stabs his Bloody lance into the ground, causing numerous spikes of blood to form from his location and stab enemies, applying Blood Curse. The attack area and damage will increase with higher Nectar Potency. Nectar Potency 3: Ichor leaves a pool of blood heals Allies and increases their damage dependent on the amount of impaled enemies.

Ability 4: Crimson Deluge (costs 50% health)- Shezmu Summons the Crimson Deluge, an exalted polearm with a epsilon axe head and a sharpened spear tip for the other end, sacrificing Nectar to empower it. The reach of the Crimson Deluge increases dramatically based on Nectar Potency Level along with damage. Slam attack will Cause ability 3, Wrathful blood will be active during this ability, and ability 1 will activate at the end of every combo for the duration of the ability. All abilities activated through the Crimson Deluge will act on the Nectar Potency it was activated on (encouraging player to activate it on Nectar Potency 3). Every enemy killed by the Crimson Deluge will heal Shezmu however the ability has a set duration.


Notes: wanted to do a Warframe that doesn’t rely on the typical energy system and came up with this guy. Not sure on the name but he’s supposed to be a Blood and Kuva based Warframe that uses a spear. The Kuva part is how he’s intended to use most of his abilities and control blood though not sure if there’s a sure fire way to implement it more. Not sure what’s a good way to gauge the cost of his abilities, due to them using his health, and not sure if He should have a shield (though I would need to give him more health, life leech, and probably armor). Specific stats are coming if people are interested in it enough.

Range will increase the length of the spears in ability 1, Ability 3, and Ability 4. Ability efficiency will not decrease the cost of the abilities but increase the duration (stacks with regular duration increase) of Ability 2 and Ability 4.

Plans: I plan on going in depth about the Tenno that resides in Shezmu as it will be a significant bit with his acquisition. I’m planning to add a new type of event that goes in hand to acquiring his parts, a boss, the conflict of the Executioner and Natah. I also plan on making a list of abilities that were to OP to actually give him which may be worked into the boss.

Hey, really cool concept here, I can definitely get behind this. Your frame's gimmick of an "Ichor Metre" reminds me a lot of my cocept which utilizes a "Rift Stability Metre". Though the latter boosts one of their abilities whilst the former boosts the entire kit.

Overall your frame's kit is quite sound. They remind me of Hyldrin, but instead uses health as energy. Unlike my concept, yours has a kit that appears to be linear correct? Because as of now, it looks like their main pillar power is their 4 because of its high damage potential, and the rest of their kit is more utility and is used to fill the Ichor Metre. Their kit is like Baruuk, but their 4 isn't locked behind a gauge, instead the gauge boosts the potency of the 4.

Although I was worried about their abilities' health costs. Percentage based drain is incredibly scary because it scales directly with your health amount. I was going to suggest that their abilities to take a flat amount of health similar to Hildryn's shields, but then I realized that your frame has inate health regen based on their Ichor Metre level and that their 4 heals you by default. Also Arcane Grace exists too.

Overall 10/10 frame concept in my book.

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16 minutes ago, (XBOX)DisarrayRae said:

Hey, really cool concept here, I can definitely get behind this. Your frame's gimmick of an "Ichor Metre" reminds me a lot of my cocept which utilizes a "Rift Stability Metre". Though the latter boosts one of their abilities whilst the former boosts the entire kit.

Overall your frame's kit is quite sound. They remind me of Hyldrin, but instead uses health as energy. Unlike my concept, yours has a kit that appears to be linear correct? Because as of now, it looks like their main pillar power is their 4 because of its high damage potential, and the rest of their kit is more utility and is used to fill the Ichor Metre. Their kit is like Baruuk, but their 4 isn't locked behind a gauge, instead the gauge boosts the potency of the 4.

Although I was worried about their abilities' health costs. Percentage based drain is incredibly scary because it scales directly with your health amount. I was going to suggest that their abilities to take a flat amount of health similar to Hildryn's shields, but then I realized that your frame has inate health regen based on their Ichor Metre level and that their 4 heals you by default. Also Arcane Grace exists too.

Overall 10/10 frame concept in my book.

Awesome to hear

He’s design to have a more linear path of growth to prevent him from being to high damage and to difficult to put down. Most of his abilities are used to ensure a constant stream of health ergo the “gotta spend some money to make some money” concept. The simple fact that if you aren’t using his abilities, then you aren’t using him right but isn’t to good to where players solely depend on his abilities for damage. Wanted to make a high risk and high reward type Warframe. At Elixar potency 3 he is effectively immortal without constant use of his abilities but his ability 4 which resets it is going to be designed to, in the best way to put it “F%cks Sh!t Up”.

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7 minutes ago, (PSN)Don_Coyot said:

Awesome to hear

He’s design to have a more linear path of growth to prevent him from being to high damage and to difficult to put down. Most of his abilities are used to ensure a constant stream of health ergo the “gotta spend some money to make some money” concept. The simple fact that if you aren’t using his abilities, then you aren’t using him right but isn’t to good to where players solely depend on his abilities for damage. Wanted to make a high risk and high reward type Warframe. At Elixar potency 3 he is effectively immortal without constant use of his abilities but his ability 4 which resets it is going to be designed to, in the best way to put it “F%cks Sh!t Up”.


Just a nonsensical funny thought. If they were to get a prime variant would it be considered a prime? Or would it be a Kuva/Wraith variant. Shezmu Wraith/Kuva Shezmu sounds way cooler than Shezmu Prime.

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On 2022-04-28 at 2:45 PM, qq2624790014 said:

Can I ask you a question?
I have some doubts about the name and skill theme of Garuda frame. As far as I know, Garuda is a giant bird in ancient Indian mythology and legend, and is the mount of Vishnu, one of the three main gods in Hinduism, and one of the eight heavenly dragons in Buddhism. I don't think it has anything to do with her "blood" theme skills.
When I think about it, I think Garuda 
frame's style is more like the one to which the name of her other helmet refers, Báthori Erzsébet.
I don't understand why DE is doing this.

Honestly think Carmilla would’ve made a fantastic name for Garuda or Bathory off of Elizabeth Bathory. Her name is in a weird spot to it doesn’t quite match her concept

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