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Pc Vs Ps4


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Funny thing as someone pointed out...

The PS3/360 fanboys fight over which system looks better all the time. But you put out a screenshot of the PC version and suddenly they all agree that "graphics don't matter!"


Looking on reports that none of those "next-gen" consoles can run modern games properly (fps at or under 30 and running on upscaled 720p in many cases), i will just sit here and laugh with my "old-gen" and upgrade when 4K resolution will become a thing, since today even 1080p is considered "resolution for babies" (-> Jim Sterling's thoughts on escapist website). The question is, will we get PS4.5 and XboxTwo when those resolutions will become a thing since those consoles with hardware specs already behind our PC's won't be able to catch up?


Anyway, back on topic. I will stick with PC. Why? DE already confirmed development will go forward on PC platform even if that means that PS4 version will have to fall behind. In terms of comfort, i can just plug-in a controller into my PC and play Warframe from my bed. But this also comes from someone who doesnt need any console at all with exception of my N64 to play Golden Eye and Perfect Dark few times in a year, to watch the new spunkgargleweewee gerne drowning in itself.




In the end. Just lay back, watch the internet worlds burn and laugh. ;)

Edited by eStecko
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Looking on reports that none of those "next-gen" consoles can run modern games properly (fps at or under 30 and running on upscaled 720p in many cases), i will just sit here and laugh with my "old-gen" and upgrade when 4K resolution will become a thing, since today even 1080p is considered "resolution for babies" (-> Jim Sterling's thoughts on escapist website). The question is, will we get PS4.5 and XboxTwo when those resolutions will become a thing since those consoles with hardware specs already behind our PC's won't be able to catch up?


Anyway, back on topic. I will stick with PC. Why? DE already confirmed development will go forward on PC platform even if that means that PS4 version will have to fall behind. In terms of comfort, i can just plug-in a controller into my PC and play Warframe from my bed. But this also comes from someone who doesnt need any console at all with exception of my N64 to play Golden Eye and Perfect Dark few times in a year, to watch the new spunkgargleweewee gerne drowning in itself.




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In two years from now, you can upgrade your PC to run Warframe at 100+ Frames Per Second with full 1080p, full PhysX, all of the goodies turned up to max assuming they don't make the engine more complex/harder to run (you can even do that RIGHT NOW, even though it'd be pretty pricey to do so; waiting a couple years would make it a LOT cheaper).


By then, maybe DirectX 12 will be out.


Your PS4, however, will still be the same PS4, struggling with 1080p, and using two-year old hardware that is inferior to PC (even today).


That's assuming that in 2 years, absolutely nothing in the PS4 breaks down and needs replacement (Sony has absolutely lousy track records with optical drives for example in ALL models of their Playstations). Replacing a part in a PC: Just open the box and replace whatever went bad. PS4? Ship the whole console back to Sony and wait for it to come back, probably wiped clean and you'll have to reinstall everything anyways.


Consoles these days are just PCs in a fancy box with a proprietary BIOS/OS. That's it. They use the same hardware as a PC, they are x86 machines just like PCs are, using much the same CPUs, GPUs, RAM, HDDs, etc. They just use proprietary (designed especially by Sony for Sony's console) OS instead of Windows.


If you cracked the PS4 BIOS to trick it into thinking it is a PC, you could even install Windows7/8 (Or Linux) on it if you wished (people have done this with other consoles).


I really really really don't understand the huge hoo-ha over consoles. Seriously, I don't.


EDIT: And wait until Valve releases their take on consoles -- PCs designed to be hooked up to the living room TV that can play Steam Games and use a specialized controller.

Edited by Xylia
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  • 1 month later...

In two years from now, you can upgrade your PC to run Warframe at 100+ Frames Per Second with full 1080p, full PhysX, all of the goodies turned up to max assuming they don't make the engine more complex/harder to run (you can even do that RIGHT NOW, even though it'd be pretty pricey to do so; waiting a couple years would make it a LOT cheaper).

I already play maxed out above 100 fps on my laptop....

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P. PP SSS. 444. 444

P. PP SSS. 444. 444


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P. P. S 4. 4

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P. S. 4


Its not coming out right they are supposed to be huge ps4 signs


Why are you spamming PS4?

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What really amazed me in the Xbox 360 and PS3 era is how people were waging rage wars over multiplatform games.


"Oh, you play CoD on PS3; so you're not GB material"

"You can't get serious games off of <game> if you're on <console>, only on <console>"


Which is amazing in that other than graphical fidelity and perhaps a few differences in overlay and perhaps contrast and shaders, the gameplay itself is the same.


Sure, the controller is different... and so is the controls on PC. Yet, the game is still, content-wise, feature-wise and story-wise, the same thing. When you take a moment to step back and look at it, you can't help but be like : 


"... Whoa... you know, I think we're a pretty big bunch of egocentric hypocrites..."


Enjoy the game wherever and however you like; controller, keyboard, mouse or whichever : be fan of the game, not the platform.


As I often tell myself as a sort of gamer philosophy : "In a console (and by extension, platform) and fanboy war, there is no winners... only whiners."

Edited by Wiegraf
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What really amazed me in the Xbox 360 and PS3 era is how people were waging rage wars over multiplatform games.


"Oh, you play CoD on PS3; so you're not GB material"

"You can't get serious games off of <game> if you're on <console>, only on <console>"


Which is amazing in that other than graphical fidelity and perhaps a few differences in overlay and perhaps contrast and shaders, the gameplay itself is the same.


Sure, the controller is different... and so is the controls on PC. Yet, the game is still, content-wise, feature-wise and story-wise, the same thing. When you take a moment to step back and look at it, you can't help but be like : 


"... Whoa... you know, I think we're a pretty big bunch of egocentric hypocrites..."


Enjoy the game wherever and however you like; controller, keyboard, mouse or whichever : be fan of the game, not the platform.


As I often tell myself as a sort of gamer philosophy : "In a console (and by extension, platform) and fanboy war, there is no winners... only whiners."





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