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Exploring My Dojo: Issues


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Hey DE,

This is a complaint. The first issue I'd like to address, is that as a clan leader, whenever I add or Delete a room in my dojo; Your programe now starts me off in, or at the spawing room. This is Has to go. As a builder of clans, im very dissapointed, never have I ever wanted, to BE SPAWNED AT THE STARTING POINT wail biulding! This is the most obtuse change iv seen by you guys to the Dojos yet. It make zero sence to start me back at the starting point of the clan, wail tryuing to build a new room! Some people spend enough time on you game, they dont want to run the entire dojo just to add or delete rooms, form the otherside of it.

How about somthing useful, Like larger message boards w/ more space in EACH OF THE Individual Dojos Room's Message Boards. (which iv complained about as well last year) So that I can actually use More Than 3 words in it possably.???????

I also do no see it stated anywhere that if the room is to Tall, they dont fit properly between two floors. I'm also unsure why this is an issue at. Again I Feel like I'm Force to get attention on clans, and make them more useful to warframe. For exapmle if I have a 4 floor dojo, why can I not put the earth sector on the lowerfloors!? Then there is Compacity, how is it that DE can add more dojo rooms, But not give us more space to put thise rooms. 128 is not nearly enough, as a matter of fact I belive it needs to be doubbled at the least. As well as the fact that All thw Warlords I have talked to are still running out of room wail decorating, meaning the ALL OF THE DOJO rooms compacity it to low.

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