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Warframe Stream Schedule Website/PWA App: Announcement & Feedback Thread


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On 2024-05-29 at 5:16 AM, holy_vicar said:

That would most certainly be convenient and appreciated! Even having it refresh once a day seems like it would be enough. Thanks for the quick reply! <3


5 minutes ago, TomeWyrm said:

Can confirm. I use an auto-refresher set on a 6 hour interval... I could probably set it higher honestly, not like they do surprise streams.

But yeah, I just keep it always in a tab, because the auto-launch is supremely helpful in making it so I don't miss drops while I'm distracted doing other things :)

Thanks for the feedback! I've set the auto refresh to 6 hours.

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  • 1 month later...

The schedule seems off by an hour when I enabled clock location for my local timezone.  Is it because my zone uses daylight savings time?

(ie. the stream appears to have started but the time says that there's still about an hour to go before it starts).

Edited by Anonymouse7611
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On 2024-07-14 at 7:08 PM, Anonymouse7611 said:

The schedule seems off by an hour when I enabled clock location for my local timezone.  Is it because my zone uses daylight savings time?

(ie. the stream appears to have started but the time says that there's still about an hour to go before it starts).

Hi! Thanks for letting me know. The local time is determined from your browser so it could be that your browser doesn't recognise or know about daylight savings in your area of the world?

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I think your web app is working fine. It appears that Kengineer started an hour earlier and went like an hour longer, but the drop really happened at the time your web app indicated (ie. I watched the first hour and got no credit toward the drop, and into the 1hr to 1.5 hrs is when I got credit for watching, so I'm guess your schedule was right on.

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