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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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Yeah Stalker is waaaay too strong now, and obviously broken. He basically breaks the game's own rules. That's not challenging. Certain [ahem] Grandmasters need to learn that the meaning of "challenge" in games still means the target must adhere to the framework's ruleset of the game. You can't just create an aimbot entity that cheats with all these superpower skills while disabling the player's own powers. It's like playing against a hack.


I disliked the easy pushover Stalker as much as anyone, but this broken hacked cheater version is just as bad. Why does DE always seem to have such a problem with "finding a middle ground"? Everything in the game is either absolutely OP or absolutely worthless, it sometimes seems. Not everything has to be "big bold moves", finding a middle balance is far preferable.

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So hi everybody I will show you is what I think about THE STALKER he does not have to be a bad character tries to break the intergalactic feedback., I think he could be one of us in a good way


PIC: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/1469808_1425199641044862_32319861_n.jpg












(be kaktoos)



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Bastard came after me twice today so far, both times when I was leveling stuff (frame, primary and melee).  I had a full modded brakk on me, but I didn't think about it as I was in full panic mode...and yeah, he killed me both times.


I'm only an 'average' player (but almost 900hrs in, Rank 9), so I hardly had the skill to kill the creep before his 'buff' (only killed him once, back when getting on top of something was still possible tactic.  Now I don't stand a chance and the adrenaline rush I get when he shows up is too much (as in, extremely uncomfortable, due to an anxiety disorder I have).


- I solo 99% of the time due to wanting to take my time (explorer type)

- I don't need his weapons, as I got them all during the Ship event earlier this year (he kept showing up on ship runs to come after a teammate: that even was the only time I PuGed)

- I DO still need scans of several bosses (hence why he's been after me): I may just start getting to the boss, scan, then abort...yeah that's how bad it is.

- I DO still need a couple of scans of the Stalker himself (The one I have is from the Darvo alert), but I'm willing to forget about completing it for the sake of my sanity.


Can we get an opt out for being stalked please?  That way those that want the 'challenge' of the stalker can have it, while those that can't take him/don't want him well be left alone?

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Some say he's been toned down. I'm waiting to meet him again so I can form a proper opinion.


Whoever said that the stalker was "toned down", it doesnt make much difference at all.

I've encountered it in the past 3 days in solo play. No matter how much shield/hp/armour you got, it doesnt make any difference. unless you have a NUKE




A possible answer to this might be in the title of the company: Digital EXTREMES

1) Actually, how do you find balance between casual players and "hardcore" players that forma every single crap thing?


2) How do you balance between a newbie (who just killed vor with lato+mk1 braton), a season player (decent gears) and a hardcore player (with everything max potatoed + forma + using high end weapons + rare mods)


3) How do you balance between a solo play and a group of people?


Throw in a level 35++ AI with cheap broken multiple abilities to counter the human intellegence & whatever build they have and also, just to be sure, lets buff up the shield, health, armour, weapon damage and abilities that does tons of damage! even if it 1 shot the players, its okay! And just to be double sure, let's make it spawn with a higher rate when the player uses an unrank frame or weapon! Yes! That'll be answer to "balance" this character regardless of the 3 scenario mentioned above.


*claps hand*


At this point, i am just ..yeah i am very frustrated at this thing called the stalker. cause i cant make a nuke. so i just welcome it with open arms and end my misery instantly. No matter what i do/what i bring/who i am with..it doesnt make Any difference..as long as i dont have a nuke..it's just "oh its here again. fine. *runs towards it* take me!"

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Stalker tends to simply murder me whenever I'm running with a dispellable buff. Iron skin actually becomes a death sentence if you have it on, since you have no means of turning it off. Stalker shows up SOMEWHERE, knocks you down as he dispells, and you are dead before getting back on your feet.


To test that theory, I took upon myself to lure ol' Spook Macgee out and have a go without having deathsentence skin on.  So I killed Tyl Regor, and kept running short missions like exterminates, captures and random alerts. He shows 6 runs later, during an exterminate alert, and I was refraining from using Iron Skin. Lo and behold, this actually become a fight. He deals manageable damage, never knocks me down, and I take him out with the help of another squaddie. I even managed to scan him during the fight.


I'm not sure if people had this sort of experience, but at least for a lvl 30 frame, with -no shields, health or defense mods- only rush, stamina and power related mods, he was defeatable. The stalker took me down to half health, if that, and I was being a monkey trying to scan him for half the fight. At least what I've learned so far is, don't use anything he can dispell or your &#! is grass.

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The only problem with 

 don't use anything he can dispell or your &#! is grass.

Is that it blocks you from using large amount of warframe powers or shade, ever.  Just because he can show up multiple times in a row with no way to predict or avoid it.

The answer to an enemy should *never* be to ignore a large portion of gameplay.

I was leveling up a Loki today doing the exterminate invasion alerts for the masses.  He showed up 7 times.  I was using invisibility so that I could level up a melee weapon.  He just ripped me to shreds every time he popped up because I had invis going with no way to turn it off.  And in the last fight he took 4 high level ogris blasts from a team-mate and didn't even lose all of his shields.  That's just stupid.

If DE refuses to balance the stalker they *need* to give a way to at least run.  As it is its impossible to run from him as he doesn't require LOS to teleport to you, or to teleport you back to him.
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The only problem with 


Is that it blocks you from using large amount of warframe powers or shade, ever.  Just because he can show up multiple times in a row with no way to predict or avoid it.

The answer to an enemy should *never* be to ignore a large portion of gameplay.

I was leveling up a Loki today doing the exterminate invasion alerts for the masses.  He showed up 7 times.  I was using invisibility so that I could level up a melee weapon.  He just ripped me to shreds every time he popped up because I had invis going with no way to turn it off.  And in the last fight he took 4 high level ogris blasts from a team-mate and didn't even lose all of his shields.  That's just stupid.

If DE refuses to balance the stalker they *need* to give a way to at least run.  As it is its impossible to run from him as he doesn't require LOS to teleport to you, or to teleport you back to him.



Well, one would expect between the first light flickering event and the moment he pops up for you to wait till the invis drops off and not renew it. You still can do that as a Loki. Rhino doesn't have that option.


But I'm not defending the stalker, this is me saying how Stalker isnt as haxxors if you don't use said skills, doesn't makes it any less broken since its basically forcing us to avoid em, but hyperboles are the first thing that makes devs say "working as intended".

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I'm okay with the stalker being a challenge. but this is too much.... and its not the right direction in terms of "being a challenge" should be. 


a challenge should be something fighting on the same grounds as you. not "lol I cheat therefore I'm harder to beat" 


right now he feels as if I am playing against someone with an aimbot... and anyone been there knows how little fun that is...

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Stalker was too easy before, the fact that a boss type enemy is difficult makes you mad? Go play some more pop cap games and let people be challenged once in a while here.

He is NOT difficult.  He's easy, if you get lucky and out-damage him first.  That is not skill, that's just weapons, gear and perhaps luck.  You need to get a real difficult game, like the original Devil May Cry.

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He is NOT difficult.  He's easy, if you get lucky and out-damage him first.  That is not skill, that's just weapons, gear and perhaps luck.  You need to get a real difficult game, like the original Devil May Cry.


He's easy, if you get lucky and out-damage him first


if you get lucky



At most times you won't, unless you have a coordinated team. I agree with you, he ISN'T difficult, he's just a cheat. :>>

Being a DMC enthusiast, I can relate exactly to what you mean. If the Stalker required "Dante Must Die" difficulty, then Stalker rage threads would populate the entire Gameplay Feedback section.


Imagine what an entire level of normal enemies on Dante Must Die would be like. D:

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I've been played Warframe for a few weeks.

I don't have maxed level mods yet.

I was levelling frames and weapons every time he appeared.

I'm trying new weapons out constantly, both for fun and to advance my Mastery level.

I've seen Stalker four times and died four times.

I play pick up games with players who rush off in bloodlust and can't get back in time to even help.

One mistake is death with the equipment I have, so there is no chance to learn what tactics work and what doesn't.

Stalker is just death with zero chance for me.


I'm with the people that think he's stupidly OP, not the Grandmasters with end game, maxed modded, dojo-researched, multi formaed gear with the advice of "git good".


Seems like DE should be adjusting Stalker to match the effectiveness of the player or players and getting rid of "one-shot kill" bullS#&$. This should be an extended duel between ninjas, not a "slash-you-dead-justice-served-I'm-out" cop-out system that we have currently.

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Just went online to see if people are talking about this new stalker. I ran into him while preparing to do a derelict mission and he tore my friends and I apart. Some of it was to be expected (one of them didn't know to stop hitting him when he used Absorb) but as Trinity I EXPECT my invulnerability (on Blessing) to work. When he kills me through it, it's over the top.

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Seems like DE should be adjusting Stalker to match the effectiveness of the player or players and getting rid of "one-shot kill" bullS#&$. This should be an extended duel between ninjas, not a "slash-you-dead-justice-served-I'm-out" cop-out system that we have currently.




If you're going to give him OHK attacks, please TELEGRAPH the @(*()$ things, not 'hurr durr I randomly die for no reason'

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_ make different Stalker appearance. keep the light flicking, but not the way he appear (sitting and then slowly stand up) it like he want to say "hey jackass, i'm here shoot me" and then slash dash the hell of you. if DE make a change for Stalker. how about make him appear like sudden teleport in and kill every mobs that appear on your location and the mobs will stop spawning so that you can easily 1 vs 1 with stalker. make Stalker spam less skill and adjust his level scale and damage done according to player level so that you can have a balance fight (either you defeated or Stalker defeated), make him more maneuvers (like dodging your melee attack or your skill attack).


_ make stalker taunting you before he actually start to fight.

Edited by ZzVinniezZ
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I really really think the bottom line should be...   its not rewarding enough to kill him.

This....i have enough slash dash from him already lol, but his despair are def worth killing him.  Some of my clan mates and i have no problem killing him, even when we were on our fresh frames leveling in apollodorus, we still killed him, we have killed him 3 times since u11, 2 times this week alone, only died once, but that is because with all the grineer couldnt see that he was using absorb....

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