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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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Yes, I have heard from a few players that the stalker *can* appear during mastery tests as well. Which means that you could fail the mastery test simply because the stalker's 1 in 40 chance happened when you decided to do the mastery rank up. And depending on what mastery test you need to do, its an automatic fail.

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Ummmm, this isn't a big deal.  I got nyx after invasions went in over the course of two days.  She finished building last night...

Keep in mind that not everyone will be around for the invasions that have an assassination node. Killing Horrid Phorrid five times for some lame resource or credits is a bit of a let down too, but that's a whole other can of worms.


Also, Stalker's 1 in 40 flag should be disabled for people running Mastery Rank tests or the Tutorial (again). I would rather he be flagged to simply not show up in Mastery Rank tests, the Tutorial, and Mercury in general because I totally want to fight the Stalker on a level 2 frame that I -just- put a Forma into (there's a thread in GD displaying exactly that in the first post).

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Lol as soon as I saw him he insta#*($%%@ me with a slash dash. Most of the time I'm levelling underpowered stuff so there's no beating him as far as I'm concerned. I did beat him once before dmg2.0, although I wasn't prepared. Shouldn't he at least scale with the target's equipment level? And how do you "prepare" for him anyway, do you give up on leveling new stuff and play several missions until he finally appears? What if he never does that day? Are you going to stick to your lvl 30 stuff until the mark has been wiped? Don't you see that shiny new lvl 5 Soma looking at you from the corner? DON'T YOU LOVE YOUR SOMAS YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD? So, lol

Edited by KazeNoKoe
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and Mercury in general because I totally want to fight the Stalker on a level 2 frame that I -just- put a Forma into (there's a thread in GD displaying exactly that in the first post).

I think he only shows up if it's rank5, but it's the same thing anyway. He appeared when I was in a rank6 Excalibur. I aborted. I won't even bother.

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Guess who just targeted me during the Cicero event and proceeded to spam Pull for 10 seconds then hit me once with Hate. I couldn't even turn to fight him; I was on the floor the second he spawned. His Pull also seems to go through walls.

Edited by Leuca
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As far as I am aware the only ability of his that has a maximum range is Absorb. But none of them require LOS to use. It doesn't matter where you are or whats in between you and him, any of his abilities can get you. He can teleport to you when you're in an elevator. Or pull you out of one. Hek, he can even pull you through a floor and down into the room that he happens to be in below you.

I really wonder what different game the people who think he's fine is playing...or if they have even actually encountered him.

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Since update 11, I get killed almost everytime by this ridiculously overpowered "thing". I've never seen the point of this random mini-boss, he was just useless before update 11, now he pisses me off. I don't want him stronger or weaker, I just don't want him at all.


And I have a good solution: when you meet him, press "esc", and "leave mission". That's so simple! Then you just retry the mission you left, with no revive lost (you loose everything else though and it sucks a lot if you were on a survival or defense mission, but it doesn't cost real life money so it's better this way IMO).


As the Stalker is an obvious, shameful and lazy way to force players to spend their platinums, I don't see why we should even loose our time to fight him. Why would I waste my time, ammo and money on him when I just joined a mission to have fun and farm some mods / blueprints / xp etc... I don't care about him, I don't want to fight him, I just want to continue what I was doing. And I have to pay 3 platinums (real money) to do so? Wow, that's dishonest.


DE should just pick up 3 platinums randomly from a player's account every 30 missions, it would be a more honest way to steal our money.


The best part is how they justify his existency: he's here to avenge the death of bosses you've killed... Wtf, seriously? I killed Phorid yesterday so he decides to kill me now? They knew each other? They were friends, and used to have some tea parties on saturday afternoon? This is ridiculous.

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Gotta say, Stalker's gotten a pendulum swing too far in the other direction now.


It's bad enough to see him grabbing people through walls, being tanky as hell, oneshotting squishier frames with his bow...


But dispel on top of that, meaning that any ability you might use to fight him doesn't stick, is really bloody obnoxious.


I, like many others, have resorted to just quitting missions he shows up in. I have all his BPs anyways, so there is literally zero reason to put up with his high-grade bullS#&$. He's just a nuisance that ruins runs for me.

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I used to think the Stalker was at least mildly interesting.

Then I fought him during the Corpus vs Infested event with a potatoed Rhino, maxed Soma (to deal with the Infested) and maxed Brakk (to deal with...well, him, if he showed up, actually). I knew that Iron Skin could be Dispelled, so I didn't use it - just in case he showed up. Which, of course, he did. Cue blasting him a few times in the face with Brakk, using Rhino Charge to get distance (knowing of his ability to murder in melee) and not even touching any other power to conserve Energy. He ate a lot of Brakk shots - at least a few clip's worth. I actually got him down to 40% HP doing that...and then he used Nyx's ultimate, became invulnerable even after it was done being used, and Slash Dashed my tanky-as-hell Rhino that, to that point, had managed to avoid being damaged at all. The Absorb didn't even deal any damage - I realized that's what he was doing after a minute and bolted out of the AoE. Still, one-shotted on a tanky Rhino by Slash Dash.

There went that Revive.

Rest of the mission was cake, though. Had been before, but now I was just not particularly happy with the game in general, as I just got ganked through a very tanky build in one hit.


Well, okay, so I actually thought he was kind of boring from the moment I realized how unrewarding fighting him was a few updates ago. Either he kills you and you burn a Revive, which...if you're just dying left, right and center that day, maybe you actually needed it, but otherwise it's a minor nuisance, or you kill him for a, what, 10% chance at one of three blueprints. Since the BPs started dropping, I've only ever gotten one - a few times, he just straight-up didn't drop anything when he died, and the rest of the time he'd drop an Uncommon resource and a Slash Dash.

And, of course, he's pretty much there to punish you for grinding bosses (going by what he says, and what the player does to get his attention). Which...just so happens to be the cash-free way to get new Warframes. Funny, that.

I kind of wonder, now that I think about it, if they're trying to ramp up the Stalker to make people more likely to just buy Frames - they can't just gank a Revive without giving a reason, or nobody'd realize it happened because they farmed a Frame. Instead, they implement an enemy who arrives in a memorable fashion, spouts off about how the blood of X boss (even if it's a @(*()$ Infested, what the hell) is on your hands, and then slowly crank him up to "I'm getting Stalkered. Quit mission, or burn Revive? Eh, there's no consequence, I'll just burn the Revive. No point fighting him."

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The new jungle tileset is a death sentence when going up against him.

I just faught him and I was using a R30 frost with R30 Brakk (and only in that gear because I'm trying to get 1 more daylight jadeleaf sample, otherwise I would be leveling gear).  I managed to get his shields down and part of his health and then he started rapid spamming pull + melee hits.  There was literally nothing I could do to avoid death at that point.  And I think he was rapid spamming pull because he got up on a small hill/bump while I was below him.

They need to definitely add a CD to how often he can use abilities....

Edited by Tsukinoki
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I've fought him twice already and the first time I got 1 shot with 700/300. Second time I kited pretty well but he still got me because his shields recharge instantly if you stop firing. So unless you Kill him with 1 clip it's impossible solo.


Edit: Trinity can probably solo because trinity.

he now uses dispel -_- its very hard to cast/keep abilities running when he contantly gets rid of them and is shooting you at the same time

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I'm pretty sure the Stalker is supposed to now be a real challenge, rather than dismissing him whenever the lights flicker. The whole reason DE buffed the Stalker in the first place was the make people uncomfortable, challenged, even potentially afraid of the Stalker, as he's not a figure to be trifled with.


I'm not disagreeing with OP, but I do agree with this post.

That being said though, if we could trade blueprints, no one in my clan would be without stalker weaponry :)

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he now uses dispel -_- its very hard to cast/keep abilities running when he contantly gets rid of them and is shooting you at the same time


I love that the solution to 'the stalker is supposed to be a threat to other warframes' is 'let him ignore all the major signature abilities of warframes'. So now he gets to be the badass ninja and I'm the naked guy in a goofy suit.

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The new jungle tileset is a death sentence when going up against him.

I just faught him and I was using a R30 frost with R30 Brakk (and only in that gear because I'm trying to get 1 more daylight jadeleaf sample, otherwise I would be leveling gear).  I managed to get his shields down and part of his health and then he started rapid spamming pull + melee hits.  There was literally nothing I could do to avoid death at that point.  And I think he was rapid spamming pull because he got up on a small hill/bump while I was below him.

They need to definitely add a CD to how often he can use abilities....

The pull spam strikes again.

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I'm pretty sure the Stalker is supposed to now be a real challenge, rather than dismissing him whenever the lights flicker. The whole reason DE buffed the Stalker in the first place was the make people uncomfortable, challenged, even potentially afraid of the Stalker, as he's not a figure to be trifled with.


I don't feel challenged when the lights flicker. I feel resigned, and start debating whether I'd rather lose a revive today, or fail a mission. Even with all the guns and frames I've thrown potatoes at.





Wow... A lot of Soma noobs in move. Dude... Stalker's weakness are these following things.


Anticipation, Preparing, Knowledge of skill set and moves, Nuke weaponry, Forcing him to go melee and knowing what he dispels from you. Mainly Frost is a champion against Stalker a lot of health, armor and warframe what must be confronted on close quarters combat.


Currently I am mostly keeping Brakk on my pocket because of Stalker. I think this thread is just full of Soma noobs who didn't anticipate him and got killed on off guard.


Good thing that Soma and Acrid where nerfed. No more W+M1 champion level weapons.


Yeah, no. I've fought him with bows, sniper rifles, shotguns, and even melee a couple times, on several frames. And it always feels like I'm a toddler challenging Darth Vader- Any hits I score are just him trying to make me feel accomplished before he slaughters me.

Edited by XanaSkullpulper
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honestly, he's pretty obnoxious if you're not correctly equipped that's for sure now

i've figured out that basically

stealthies will handle him very easily (galatine required) as the crits from charge attacks take him down a peg quite fast
Ash/Loki are needed to deal with his bs

if you have a strong shotgun (it's always been nice for the stalker since he likes to get so close) like the Brakk, Tigris (actually very good for once) or the Strun Wraith. You can easily take him down if you aren't on your stealthy warframes
the reason he's so nasty now is because of his bleed procs, you need a lot of vitality because the shields won't cut it

Valkyr is also strong against him because of her ult (you better hope you got a good melee weapon though lol)

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Well, perhaps they should scale Stalker difficulty depending on the number of players ?


Because in a group, we encountered him twice and anihilated him. The lights give us all the time to regroup and prepare.


It's really a solo problem.

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Well, perhaps they should scale Stalker difficulty depending on the number of players ?


Because in a group, we encountered him twice and anihilated him. The lights give us all the time to regroup and prepare.


It's really a solo problem.

I rarely see somebody die to him if the group actually pays attention, because his AI gives him tunnel vision. That said, adjustments need to be made so that he is interesting in both solo *and* group play. This is currently the case for neither.

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Everybody's crying about stalker while I can easily kill him with my Burston using Loki. :L 


Come on guys. A challenge is supposed to be a challenge.


Think of the difficulty like this was The Pit of 100 Trials in Paper Mario lol

Terrain causing the stalker's AI to glitch and spam Pull til you are dead is not a challenge.

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honestly, he's pretty obnoxious if you're not correctly equipped that's for sure now

i've figured out that basically

stealthies will handle him very easily (galatine required) as the crits from charge attacks take him down a peg quite fast

Ash/Loki are needed to deal with his bs

if you have a strong shotgun (it's always been nice for the stalker since he likes to get so close) like the Brakk, Tigris (actually very good for once) or the Strun Wraith. You can easily take him down if you aren't on your stealthy warframes

the reason he's so nasty now is because of his bleed procs, you need a lot of vitality because the shields won't cut it

Valkyr is also strong against him because of her ult (you better hope you got a good melee weapon though lol)


I can confirm that the Brakk is a great way to kill the stalker. Satisfying too, unloading all those bullets in his smug "I'm so tough" face. Ain't so tough when I'm around, buddy. 

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