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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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As anyone who's played Dark Souls or Demon's Souls knows, there's a fine line between difficult and unfair.

Stalker has crossed that line. He isn't interesting to fight, he doesn't use tactics or interesting weapons or abilities that require skill and fast thinking to overcome. He's just a really fast and hard-hitting bulletsponge, which is why certain builds find him easier than others.

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I'm pretty sure the Stalker is supposed to now be a real challenge, rather than dismissing him whenever the lights flicker. The whole reason DE buffed the Stalker in the first place was the make people uncomfortable, challenged, even potentially afraid of the Stalker, as he's not a figure to be trifled with.


Yeah but dude, you're supposed to be able to beat a challenge, and this guy is currently inmortal and won't even let you run away

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I think his ability to teleport you should be removed. That's still taking control away from the player, similar to all the knockdowns from Grineer Scorpions. Other than that, he sounds alright.


Edit: But if he's so tanky that he becomes a bullet sponge and is immune to elemental procs, he does need a nerf.

Edited by Destro6677
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I just had Stalker spawn in the very first mission of the game.


It says level 1-1.


Stalker spawned as level 32.


That's ridiculous scaling right there.


i thought he wasn't supposed to spawn on mercury at all. so much for that and good luck new players excited about finally beating their first boss.


had another issues where he killed his target (me) then refused to leave. fought some mobs, then killed another player. i revived and he killed me again, then killed another player who someone else revived. then he fought some more mobs, killed the player who revived the other, ran into the next room, killed some more mobs, then suddenly left. i have no idea what this was about but it's not even an issue of him being strong or fun to fight anymore. i'm fine with him getting an upgrade but not like this. he was absolutely weak before but it sort of seems like he didn't swap over to the new D2.0 model or something. like his armor just negates the new damage types and the player's armor is like paper to his.


this isn't even combat. it's just griefing now.

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In general, I'd like to see more robust reactions to tenno abilities rather than just straight up dispelling everything.  In particular, maybe a line like "I don't need to see you to find you!" and then he just doesn't care about invisibility instead of dispelling it.  Maybe his high-power slash dash becomes a response to skills like iron skin or nyx absorb that breaks through it instantly and knocks down instead of instagibbing everyone.  Give him a valid response to each ability and you won't even need to make him omnipotent - he would be able to respond to and nullify a skill with a valid counter but through excellent teamwork and timing players would still be able to land skill hits and that would feel great.  Just give him a custom fit.


This.  SO many times this.


Maybe have different versions of the stalker depending on his target, I mean we change our loadout now depending on the mission, right?  Well, Stalker is another tenno, why wouldn't he do the same?  I'm still relatively new so I don't know all the abilities and what would be good counters for them but an instadispell on everything just screams cheese!

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I'm pretty sure the Stalker is supposed to now be a real challenge, rather than dismissing him whenever the lights flicker. The whole reason DE buffed the Stalker in the first place was the make people uncomfortable, challenged, even potentially afraid of the Stalker, as he's not a figure to be trifled with.

There is a HUGE difference between a challenge and broke dude.

If a clip of maxed soma cant even take down sheilding then he is BROKE.

(not to mention that dispell ability of his + teleport + his high damage guns + his high level.) 

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Totally broken.

As usual instead of buff enemy I.A and resources they simply added a bunch of op skills to him and maxed out his stats to the point that make him more resilient than any boss of the game in a pathetic way.

When a five starts Hek ins't capable to put down a single target after 4 reloads is simply broken,or he is tougher than lephantis????BullS#&$.

Fix this crap already.

Edited by Raijinmeister
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>.< he 1 hit me with using Slash Dash

1170 Shield

720 Health

It gave me no fighting chance he didn't even start sitting like before he just spawned in next to me slash dashed killed me and left.

Epic battle to say the least (My friend codexed before he left) Just to not see him in the codex's at all. Not to mention he barely gave anything.

Yes his drops are no longer worth farming everyone has his gear at this point.

If he is going to be Achilles at least give us something worth while for damaging his heel.

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Magnetic element combo works wonders on him test it out. He is ment to be very difficult and I love the new Stalker I met him 8 times with parties of random tenno and 6 times he killed his target with ease, I got 8 scans though >:3, anyway practice with the combos and as I said magnetic seems to be very effective on him as he does have a massive shields and semi quick shield recharge. Try it promise him next time you will almost or you will kill him. 


I used despair with the magnetic combo brakk would do better probably.

Edited by AllanIncubi
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Magnetic element combo works wonders on him test it out. He is ment to be very difficult and I love the new Stalker I met him 8 times with parties of random tenno and 6 times he killed his target with ease, I got 8 scans though >:3, anyway practice with the combos and as I said magnetic seems to be very effective on him as he does have a massive shields and semi quick shield recharge. Try it promise him next time you will almost or you will kill him. 


No because he one-shots you.


What about using max Reflection? Never tried it, but it should do a lot of the work for you right? Especially if your a high health Warframe.



No because he one-shots you.

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I have been one shotted but dang its not too difficult to keep moving and dodging hes very fast and teleports to you but still just keep trying as people have been able to kill him maybe not the one being the target but that is why you have people playing along side you.


I feel like he is fine maybe a slight decrease to his damage output but overall he is ment to strike fear into you those blinking lights should make you S#&$ yourself and plan immediately what the hell you are going to do. He is a bounty hunter (I assume) of Tenno he is ment to be one badass @(&*@#$#. He is great the way he is as I said maybe a slight lower damage output.


If you are worried you could also use quick thinking that may provide your allies more time to focus fire. 

Edited by AllanIncubi
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I have been one shotted but dang its not too difficult to keep moving and dodging hes very fast and teleports to you but still just keep trying as people have been able to kill him maybe not the one being the target but that is why you have people playing along side you.


Actually it is. He teleports/pulls you, which disorients and immobilizes you.


Then he Slash Dash or kill you with a couple of arrows.


Pick one: abilities to disable you -or- abilities to one-shot you. You can't give him both, DE....


Face it, he is not fine. Not fine at all. The opposite of fine....enif.

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He can also proc due to damage 2.0 so i doubt anyone can handle bleed + stagger on all his weapons. And his Slash Dash is always 1hitKO but you can revive people who were killed by slash dash but not that you can revive them in time anyway. Why can't his dispell be a generic dispel.

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So much cries...

I can understand your pain, you've got too accustomed to the fact that Warframe is a no-skill game.

I wonder, why I can easily dodge his dashes while taking scan of him and then pumping him with lead?

Try to NOT use your powers while fighting Stalker, they will just backfire in most of the cases.

Don't be sitting suck, MOVE! Use cover to your advantage. Have some battlefield awareness, you should always know where Stalker is. He is very predictable, you can always say what he will do depending on current situation.

Stalker IS fun to fight. He is just a bit of a refreshing air after the myriads of broken dumb enemies trying to zerg-rush us 24/7.

Edited by Khranitel
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Yeah, basically if I see the lights start flickering I just stop doing whatever I was doing and wait for the inevitable beat-down.  You could just remove Stalker and make killing a boss burn one of your revives right away and save us all the trouble. XD

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As anyone who's played Dark Souls or Demon's Souls knows, there's a fine line between difficult and unfair.

Stalker has crossed that line. He isn't interesting to fight, he doesn't use tactics or interesting weapons or abilities that require skill and fast thinking to overcome. He's just a really fast and hard-hitting bulletsponge, which is why certain builds find him easier than others.

And unlike Dark/Demon's Souls,. Stalker has cross the line from difficulty to annoyance.


(If you're saying DS is difficult, then...  No, it's not.  It's slow and tedious, not difficult.)

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I like the fact how there are about 10-20 people on the entire forum (counting all the stalker posts so far) saying that he is EZ MODE, spitting bs like 'use your mobility' or better yet 'git good'. I use a Loki, with brakk. I run around... wait... i...nvm im dead. Battle time 1 second.

Where is the challenge here people? Something being challenging means beaing BEATALBE! Not easy or medium. Hard. But BEATABLE.  With a cappital B. I have zero interest running with max gear 100% of time for a 5% chance boss that i can't even attemp at beating. 

Sure as he was it was a easy battle but this it now bordering on broken. I dare all of you 'pros' to take normal mods (no rage and quick thinking) get a normal weapon and try beating him (i dont buy bullS#&amp;&#036; like i did it with a mk1 braton like someone in some other post). Better yet make a video of so we can all see those moves and skill you guys have.


Back on toppic the only way, and i mean only way, that will ever see Stalker being anything more that a kid screaming for candy in a store waveing bazooka is if DE gives him mods we all use. Again not rage+quick thinking i mean real normal mods: vitality, redirection.. you know the good stuff. And have the frame mods scale double for a full party of four meaning he will have double the shields and health (and armor ofc) but will still hit like the rest of us.

And i dont see a reason why he should be totaly immune to our skills. Sure Nyx's chaos shouldnt affect him (an example) but i dont see why stomp shouldnt at least slow him down. I didnt notice in conclaves that we are immune to skills.

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Is the Stalker hard to beat?


Yes, but he is beatable, have only done it once since U11 out of the 3 times he's visited.


Is he too powerful?


Hard to say. Since he is, in fact, not invincible, it becomes a matter of luck that you have the right mix of players and Warframes.


Are his abilities new and interesting?


NO, THEY ARE NOT. I would have much less of problem with how DE has shaped the U11 Stalker if he had his own set of abilities. All he has done is copied other Warframe abilities. His only unique ability is is the ability to dispel other abilities. I mean, really? The lack of creativity is what irks me the most, and so whether or not he's OP, he might actually be fun to play against if he was maybe a little unique. 

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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