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Tau Forging.


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Ordis has picked up encrypted communications. What little he has managed to decrypt talks about some ancient Tau tech that the Corpus has gotten word of. Get the information. (spy) Then find the area where the Device was... destroy the area to hide further clues to who took it from the corpus(Sabotage) Make your way to the location that the clues lead to, then try to survive the trap (Survival w/ 2x Oxy depletion). Seek out more information from the Grineer (Spy) to see if they know anything. Coordinate the 2 sets of data to the final location. (Boss Fight)

Unlock the Tau Forger. The device can deconstruct 3 Tau Shards and recombine the best parts of the 3 crystals to create 1 crystal.

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Maybe tie it all into the Stolen Dreams quest with Maroo, Arcane Codices and the Arcane Machine. Considering the transmission at the end-


All-All is silent- Hushed-hushed and empty is-is-is the womb of the sky.

All is silent and calm. Hushed and empty is the womb of the sky.


And that Sentients or at least Hunhow applies 'womb in the sky' term to the Void, it would be easy to consider that whatever the Arcane Machine was in the past, it was probably some sort of Orokin/Sentient amalgam tech, one that's supposed to be part of the Tau Forger.

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