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Q for Experts: Clans and focus



Just curious...

1) once you've maxed focus is there anything else with focus to do?

2) once you've gotten all the mods, glyphs and weapons from the clans (red veil, Loka, arbiters of Hexis etc) what do you experts do? I just acquired pretty much everything I want and am starting to buy relic packs. Is there a particular clan I should align with now that I've maxed them all?

Also I haven't checked the market yet but is there a way to buy an affinity booster with credits? I've downloaded every weapon blueprint I could find and have been building them and leveling them but without an affinity booster even in ESO this is very time consuming.

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7 answers to this question

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5 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

1) once you've maxed focus is there anything else with focus to do?

You unlock the "Represent" option for the specific Focus tree you maxed, allowing you to purchase themed cosmetics and decorations

7 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

2) once you've gotten all the mods, glyphs and weapons from the clans (red veil, Loka, arbiters of Hexis etc) what do you experts do? I just acquired pretty much everything I want and am starting to buy relic packs. Is there a particular clan I should align with now that I've maxed them all?

Syndicates* (clans are something completely different)

The Syndicate you choose to stick with is just a personal choice

8 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Also I haven't checked the market yet but is there a way to buy an affinity booster with credits? I've downloaded every weapon blueprint I could find and have been building them and leveling them but without an affinity booster even in ESO this is very time consuming.

Baro Ki'Teer sometimes brings Boosters that you can buy for Credits + Ducats

You could also get lucky and get one from daily login

Otherwise, you have to pay Platinum for them

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

1) once you've maxed focus is there anything else with focus to do?

As already mentioned, there are cosmetics/decorations. Otherwise, it just slowly piles up.

8 hours ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

2) once you've gotten all the mods, glyphs and weapons from the clans (red veil, Loka, arbiters of Hexis etc) what do you experts do? I just acquired pretty much everything I want and am starting to buy relic packs. Is there a particular clan I should align with now that I've maxed them all?

Some of those augments can be an easy plat source. Switch to the other syndicates and get all their stuff if you haven't already. Once you've got absolutely everything, they become a nice relic source.

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1. Not really. As already mentioned, you can visit each Focus Schools shop (should be an option on screen, Represent), and you can get various cosmetics, etc, some are cool like the Voidshell textures, or Sigils). Then the rest just accumulates. I think I have over 5 mill in each Focus roughly. Though, if they ever add more Focus nodes for schools, you'll also be set. 

2. Syndicates. Just for clarity sake, since Clans exist in Warframe quite specifically as something else. I pretty much get everything from each Syndicate. Even things I don't think I will need. I also like doing Syndicate missions, and collecting the Medallions you can get, which is great, because it can pretty much let you switch Syndicates easy. So there is a technique you can use, since the Relic Packs are of a lower tier, you can exhaust all your standing in your Syndicates, then build up the opposite with Medallions, exhaust them, then switch back (if you so choose). Basically once you have everything, then Relics are a good way to spend the standing. Oh and Spectres they offer are pretty decent too, specifically Suda (Shield Ospreys) and New Loka (Ancient Healer). Apparently the Perrin Spectre is decent too (Moa) I just have less experience with it. 

Its worth remembering that every now and then new Augments are released, so having spares or duplicates of things, so you can trade with others (if you don't want to have to switch Syndicates to get a few Augments etc) is a good idea.

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Yeah syndicate not clan. Sorry. I have all the augment mods from all the syndicate groups. I also have all the weapons leveled. I'm aligned with red veil and steel meridian. Was just wondering if I should switch to another but that's a good point about doubles. Oops. 

I also have 1M focus in 4 of the 5 schools but will just hold onto the points. Not super interested in the sigils and stuff.

Bummer on the affinity booster. I need to start trading and selling some frame BP sets.

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Oh and I forget to emphasis something, you can also sell Syndicate weapons for Plat too. I actually don't have a good idea for whats considered a normal selling rate though, but if you have nothing else to spend your Syndicate standing on, could be a good way to make some Plat to buy yourself some boosters. 

Also you could consider trying to maintain 4 Syndicates at once (if you pick Suda for example, you will lose some Red Veil standing, but only half, and then if you switch between Suda and Steel Meridian, you'll lose Red Veil but gain with them, and cut even, but you'll also passively level up Hexis and if you do certain Syndicate missions here and there, you can be in the positive with all 4, then have greater options for selling to other people). 

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7 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Also you could consider trying to maintain 4 Syndicates at once (if you pick Suda for example, you will lose some Red Veil standing, but only half, and then if you switch between Suda and Steel Meridian, you'll lose Red Veil but gain with them, and cut even, but you'll also passively level up Hexis and if you do certain Syndicate missions here and there, you can be in the positive with all 4, then have greater options for selling to other people). 

I’ll second this - I have red veil, steel, new loka and perrin at max. Just pledge to red veil or new loka only.


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On 4/14/2023 at 9:37 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

2) once you've gotten all the mods, glyphs and weapons from the clans (red veil, Loka, arbiters of Hexis etc) what do you experts do? I just acquired pretty much everything I want and am starting to buy relic packs.

That's generally all I use syndicates for at this point. But I mean don't knock it. It's kind of nice to get as many relics as you can hoard.

also maybe the occasional specters

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