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Interception "Not eligible due to inactivity" [Fix Pending]


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Ran multiple sets of Pluto - Cerberus as Hildryn Prime to farm for Axi G10 relics after update.  It appears like the rounds are being double counted, as in 3 rounds my rewards were a Neo S17, Axi A16, and Vitality mod in that order, with multiple rounds showing in between as Not Eligible Due to Inactivity.  In the below mission, I only completed 3 rounds but it's saying I completed round 5: lUTQfEX.png

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I just experienced this on a multiplayer Arbitration mission on Mithra.  The first time it showed the "inactivity" thing was as the "reward" for Round 2 at the end of Round 3.  I thought it had happened because I waited at Point A while someone killed the last enemy at Point C at the end of Round 2, so the game had thought I was AFK, but at the end of Round 4, the rewards showed the "inactivity" thing for Rounds 1 and 3, so I knew it was a bug.

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16 hours ago, AcheronDydx said:

Having a similar issue while running Interception on Caelus. Even took a quick video to show i wasn't being inactive.

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I also just ran this mission, 2 other players with me, same result. We got to "Wave 5" where we really only got to 3rd wave, 2 waves of which were "ineligible", but didn't even exist.

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Seeing this issue also ... I have not seen this ever before in the game (even playing with people hosting from the other side of the planet in the past) since the Duviri update.  I think this is caused by server lag, or hosts with poor internet causes other players to be punished.  So DE punishes squad members because of squad hosts with poor internet.  for example a Switch should NEVER EVER be host of any co-op missions.  This LATEST ISSUES goes with the host migration issues and kicking people back to the menus on the Orb Valis, to the point that experienced players immediately leave squad so they are the host on that map, or they just play solo.  LAG LAG LAG ... FIX THIS before you lose players.

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Same thing happened to me I think, though I noticed the inactivity issues not the round part, so can't confirm that. Was on Gaia interception fissures.

However I do know that whatever is going on, on 2nd round it marked me as having 1 thing ineligible for inactivity, and at end of 3rd round it SWAPPED the one I it claimed and then marked 1st and 3rd round as ineligible.


Despite these markings I *might* be still getting the rewards, but it's hard to tell and I'm not too keen on testing with more relic cracking. >_>;

Edited by Andramal
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I'm getting the same bug on the planet Xini when playing in solo mode. It seems like every other reward icon graphic is the "Not eligible due to inactivity". I also noticed after four rounds that the reward icon graphics are showing round eight rewards instead of round four.

Must be a bug due to the new content being released.

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Same issue here , and the internet connection does not look like a deciding factor, since either solo or in multiplayer its the same result.

I've noticed it first on interception , haven't tested on every endless mission type yet , but it is easy to replicate.

1st wave is without issue , and then it keeps going up 2 rounds at a time, 1 being listed as Inactive and the reward for round 2 being displayed in round 3's slot .

Haven't checked if this makes it draw from different reward pool yet (Standard AABCAABC , Buged ABABABAB ), but it is a curious BUG .

At first i panicked , since i was doing interceptions solo and skipping past the rewards screen in a flash , only noticing it after 1h+ of farming .

I'll repost after some more testing later on . . .


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I made a post here a couple of hours ago, I experienced the same.

I did a solo mission and recorded myself, making sure that I was moving at the very least every 5 seconds. Used my entire abilities kit, relied on secondary weapons as well as primary, used melee and so on.

The AFK detection gotta be bugged or something.


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I too am experiencing this problem, I just did 8 consecutive missions where after completing the second round it would say that both rounds 2 & 4 rewards were "NOT ELIGIBLE DUE TO INACTIVITY" even though I only completed 2 rounds.  I have tried Mercury (Odin), Venus (Cytherean), Earth (Gaia), Mars (Alator) & Ceres (Cinxia) plus I have tried all 4 party types (Public, Invite Only, Friends Only, and Solo) as well.  Please fix this soon, I am trying to farm for Natural Talent and this is the only way to farm for it so until it's fixed I may as well have no way to obtaining it except by some miracle one of the Grustrag Three drop it when they decide to spawn during a mission which is a very rare chance of happening.

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