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Not a Good Main Weapon But A great one


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I must Have tried every weapon out there? Slow.not enough AMO killing sucks, not great on bosses. not even great on commons. I know some favors others but I JUST cant find one that does enough damage. The kuva guns are nice but try to get one. nobody helps ? I had a Gind Agurguk Kuva for like 6 months and cannot upgrade it. Tried every Prime in the system.(maybe its me?) cannot kill it and no one want to help?? ANY suggestions

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Better English would be a great start since i can't decipher what exactly are you asking.

You're asking for a powerful anti-boss weapon? Literally any of the Zariman guns, with the shotgun (Felarx?) in particular being stupid strong. There's literally nothing that comes even close without some dedicated riven builds. I always bring that when i just want to kill something quickly and go home.

If you want something that can kill both bosses and normal enemies quickly (as in: with AoE)... Zariman's Laetum. Get some headshots to fill up the transformation bar, then transform it into a rifle that shoots explosive radiated projectiles. No direct hits needed - just aim in the general direction of the enemies. Not as stupid against bosses, but still very strong.

Phenmor is alright as well, albeit not quite as stupid as its' brothers.


I probably should clarify: i'm speaking specifically about their Level 5 Incarnon mutation that grants them a chance to deal +1000% damage on non-critical attacks. Its all about that perk, without it Incarnons are just... Decent guns. Not bad, but that perk single-handedly sends them into S-tier.
Here's wondering if it'll get nerfed eventually. It has to be, right? There's no way they're letting this slide for long.

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It's your mods.

Not every weapon in the game is a winner, but even mid tier weapons can handle base Steel Path with proper modding and arcanes.

Kuva weapon especially were the highest tier until the new incarnons.

Find a Youtuber that you like and follow their builds.

Use the wiki to find out how to acquire the mods used.


Eventually, you'll come to understand modding and won't rely on another person's builds, but use theirs for inspiration or to understand strange mechanics or math.


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OP, for bosses its really down to how a frame and a weapon interact and what boss youre going against. Theres always multiple ways to go about any boss and a variety of combinations of frames and weapons, but the idea is to find what works. Archons? Can go rev or ivara with kuva hek or phenmor+xata whisper to one tap. Eidolons? Can go many things but the meta is volt+rubico since his shields buff amp damage and rubico can one tap limbs (though there are many ways to do this). Profit taker? Chroma is good because of his elemental stuff. Disruption? Ash or ivara with a variety of high damage weapons and armor strip will do the job.

The possibilities are nearly endless, so really its up to you to figure out what combination of these things feels best. If youre having a hard time figuring out what that combination should be for the task youre trying to complete, read the wiki on the boss. Notice what the boss is weak to, what the mechanics of the fight are, the notes and tips section to see how other people deal with it.


There isnt a single boss in the game that cant be speed run and cheesed, save for exploiter orb and orowyrms

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