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Newbie build question around ember build



Hi everyone,

Me an a group of friends that have been playing division 2 have just moved over to give Warframe a try and all very new to the game. I do much of the build design for our small group as the rest just like to shoot an enjoy the game.

The first build I'm working on is actually for my wife who played a pyro build in division.  So I spent the money to buy her ember so she can play with fire still.

I've looked up a few guides and information but it can get overwhelming as she seems to have had a few work arounds / changes and hard to know what is current, throw in the fact we are new and this type of thing can be overwhelming without the added confusion.

My thoughts at the moment are focusing on heat, so any heat mods I can throw on I will, I figure that's a given. But, I'd like to get to a point where immolation has little to no drain making it easier for her to tank. I'm not sure how viable this is though. I've seen efficiency can get it down to 25% the drain, but also found that duration slows the drain as well. Will these stack together to get her even less, or is it capped at 25%?

I guess the next thing would be is there ways to generate the energy to offset the drain a bit easier?

As we are new I figure being able to tank will make it easier to learn the game, and if immolation is maxed out I'd imagine ember is a decent tank. I'm sure this probably isn't the best thing for experienced players who can manage the over heating easily. But I'm looking for ease of playability for now and move onto better builds once we have a better understanding of the game.

Any advice or help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Hoping once I have my head around one build it'll make it easier to understand for the next few! 

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This would be the ultimate end goal for building ember:

I go with the Exothermic augment with Arcane Energize and Arcane Eruption.

Energize gives you extra energy when it procs and Eruption makes every orb you pick up trigger a 30m ragdoll on enemies.

You can subsume Nourish for even more energy gain.

Pillage and Gloom are also great subsume options for her.

Typically you build up immolation to 90 to then use fire blast to strip enemies armor for Inferno to do more damage.

This is the build I use: (ignore the forma count. I messed some stuff up in the past.)

You can replace primed flow with anything else if you find yourself not meeting the energy max, or you run subsumed Nourish 


It would be a long journey from fresh to get a build like this, but it gives you a goal.

Edited by Mr.Holyroller
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2 hours ago, (PSN)imstevil said:

My thoughts at the moment are focusing on heat, so any heat mods I can throw on I will, I figure that's a given. But, I'd like to get to a point where immolation has little to no drain making it easier for her to tank. I'm not sure how viable this is though. I've seen efficiency can get it down to 25% the drain, but also found that duration slows the drain as well. Will these stack together to get her even less, or is it capped at 25%?

I guess the next thing would be is there ways to generate the energy to offset the drain a bit easier?

the final cost cannot go below 25% of the default stat.

yeah, the options for going further are generating Energy. there are an ever increasing ways to do this, some stronger than others, some more time consuming to acquire than others, Et Cetera.

2 hours ago, (PSN)imstevil said:

As we are new I figure being able to tank will make it easier to learn the game, and if immolation is maxed out I'd imagine ember is a decent tank. I'm sure this probably isn't the best thing for experienced players who can manage the over heating easily. But I'm looking for ease of playability for now and move onto better builds once we have a better understanding of the game.

yeah, it's a decent addition. if the user isn't that experienced with purging periodically to keep from hitting the max on the bar, if they just turn it off and back on again periodically, and push Ability Strength, you can make the default value pretty solid and then just not think about it. 50% isn't anywhere as good as 90% obviously, but if you stack that with Health and Armor, then it'll be plenty until late game.



aside from that, some suggestions i might make are:

  • Archon Vitality is a nice Damage increase for Ember.
  • as for Energy, Archon Stretch could fit in nicely if the user were to subsume over an Ability that deals Electricity Damage. i know i know, that's not Fire, but i'm just mentioning it. Fireball kinda sucks anyways.
    Coil Horizon is pretty fun i think (Gyre), an Electric themed Bowling Ball. if not that, could try and see if Tesla Nervos (Vauban) works for the user. Exodia Force if your Melee Weapon has Electricity has worked, but may or may not still be working currently, i haven't checked.
    this is just one option for Energy ofc, i'm just mentioning this one in particular.
    • or if not, could go with something more 'generic' like Thermal Sunder, Pillage, Et Cetera.

i know i'm kinda getting ahead of myself here, most of the gear choices for a while will be easier/faster to acquire early game stuff.
the relevant Wiki Articles should cover your options for things anyways, like the Articles for Energy, Health, Et Cetera.

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One simple option might just be to not let immolation stay at max.

Just use fire blast whenever you hit the full immolation heat percentage to vent some heat, deal damage in a big AoE and also fully strip the armour of all enemies hit. There's a little audio cue whenever you reach max heat, so it's easy to keep track of. Even at 0% heat, Immolation still provides a good amount of damage resistance and the armour strip eventually becomes much more valuable than the resistance anyways.

Odds are, your wife is gonna have the heat management figured out long before she'll have access to all the late game mod setups that some people have been suggesting.

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Thanks everyone for the help, loving how helpful this community is! 

We sat down and played as a group for the first time last night and she hasn't needed to use immolation at all yet as her FPS and crowd control means she barely takes a hit anyways. So hopefully as the difficulty slowly increases she'll get eased into it and make it easier to get used to the over heat mechanics. I get the feeling the further you get into building her up the easier it is as you gain more energy and efficiency  so dropping fire blast more often won't be as much of an issue. It consumed about half her energy to start with, but already some basic mods maxed out and it's much more cost effective to do it. 

Again, I want to thank people for their helpful comments. I have new goals to aim for and things to look up, had no idea subsume even existed (looks to be much further in the game, but good to plan ahead) and plenty of mods to look up how to obtain when we eventually get to that point. 



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