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My idea for a new warframe: Quasar


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Quasar, the experimental, the consumer

quasar originally started out as an experimental gravity engine before the orokin/sentient war. when the call was sent out for weapons to combat the sentient threat, a blank warframe template was fitted with a smaller version of the engine and set into battle. and while the sentient fleet was subsequently absorbed, so were the orokin backup fleets, several asteroids, and most notably, ceres was dragged out of orbit. after some proper tweaking, and more importantly, tenno training. Quasar now emerges from the darkness of space to bring the horrors of the greater galaxy to the frontlines of the conflict

role: damage + utility



passive: Gravity engine. based on certain uses of their abilities Quasar generates "gravity" fragments. at 3 fragments quasar gains 1 gravity stack with no max cap. each stack of gravity grants the following effects

range+ 1%
strength+ 1%
max overshield cap +10

while inside a nullifier bubble, quasar loses 5 stacks per second

1: accretion disk
type: duration
quasar expands a disk of light from their mid section that follows them with movement, scaling with range that deals rapid slash and impact damage to enemies inside. enemies killed inside grant 10 energy to quasar and allies in affinity range. damage scales with power strength. each kill/assist grant 1 gravity fragment and adds 2 seconds to accretion disk's duration

2: Cosmic reach
type: channel
Quasar activates the gravity engine in their chest, rapidly slowing enemies near them while granting allies and themselves increased parkour velocity. enemies that fire upon Quasar with ranged weapons will have the projectiles absorbed, granting Quasar overshields and a gravity fragment (1 per 3 seconds). slow/parkour velocity buff affected by strength. AoE aura affected by range. enemies require line of sight to be slowed, allies do not

3: Ton 6-18
type: instant cast
Quasar spreads 8 beams of solar radiation around him before rapidly spinning them. enemies hit by a beam are blinded and have their defences reduced (can reach 100% with 250% PS) reach of beams scales with range. hitting 3 or more enemies grants 1 gravity fragment

4: event horizon
type: channel (an expensive one)
quasar begins levitating in the air and moves at 50% reduced speed. emits a large AoE from their position that begins rapidly dragging enemies towards them and marking their health bars with a "horizon" mark at 20% capacity. any enemy who's health drops below the horizon line while inside the AoE is executed and absorbed by Quasar's gravity engine, grants 1 gravity STACK per enemy absorbed. while active, the duration of accretion disk and cost of cosmic reach is paused. range scales with cosmic reach's AoE. additionally, enemies executed by Quasar's event horizon grant themselves and allies in affinity range overshields. follows cosmic reach's line of sight rules for enemies

design: contains a small blackhole in their lower midsection. parts of the frame appear to have been twisted and warped by gravity, and their limbs seem to float alongside the body as opposed to being physically attached. blackhole seems to grow larger and the frame seems to shake more violently as the player's gravity stacks increase over the course of a mission

Edited by herozen13
slightly changed wording of abilities
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When I read "gravity" I thought, oh cool a counterpart for Mag but this character is definitely not what I expected, in a good way of course!

The first ability is interesting, does the disk come out of Quasar and stay around him like Yareli's Aqua Blades? Or is it more stationary?

Second ability could be good for players that like tanking as long as you can get enemies to target him

Third ability gives me Mirage disco ball vibes, big fan, we love spinning lol

Fourth ability is like a reverse Hildryn, she keeps things away when she floats and he pulls them in. Does he have a way of surviving that much melee range attention (I might've missed it)? If he's able to use the 4th and 2nd abilities together that can protect him from ranged attacks but against infested he might struggle.

Overall I like his blackhole vibes and his abilities a good balance of damage, tanking, and utility. Good job :)

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yes, the disk would be focused on Quasar's chest and follow their movement. the range would obviously scale along with their gravity stacks. this also applies to all their abilities, they are the centrepoint of all of them, much like an actual singularity. as for his 4 and the whole "survivng that much melee" thats where the floating comes in. Quasar would levitate just high enough to be outside of melee range


i got the concept from listening to a friend of mine go on a 12 minute gush about blackholes. the main things i picked up on were
black holes can grow endlessly
they strip matter down to it's base
they can drag things in, but also slingshot them away at high speed
it's almost impossible to theoretically destroy one as anything thrown at it would just be absorbed
they exist as long as there is matter and energy to absorb


Edited by herozen13
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