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Console daily logon vouchers, market discount vs platinum discount.


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On console some players are now starting to get platinum discount vouchers in the daily logon reward. Is this instead of market discount vouchers or as well as ? Being a lazy old timer, I usually wait for a market discount voucher to buy any new frame. Since Dagath came out I have received (and ignored) two platinum discount vouchers, am I likely to see a market discount voucher in the next month or so ?
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I've had 4 in the last 6 weeks, three 75% and one 25% off. This is considerably more than the market vouchers I've received on average in the past. I don't need plat so It's a little bit annoying that 4 login rewards have gone to waste. Being able to gift them to someone else who DOES want to use them would be a big help imho.

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I don't think market discounts exist any more. instead, you're encouraged to buy platinum and get your "value for money" from the extra plat, though it means buying everything at full price.

I don't mind it too much, since I'm not used to having a lot of plat at once, but there is a downside. changes like this as well as questionable choices like the Heirloom Skins incident are why we should ALWAYS keep an eye on what DE do and NEVER forget to call them out on any BS they try to pull.


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Haven't seen a market discount since early September of any variety.

Not sure the "bonus" plat vouchers are an instead of now or not, wouldn't surprise me from a business standpoint.  "Freeloading scum" (j/k) have had an easy ride on console for years, time to get them spending.

Especially considering who DE's overlord is now.

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They are discontinuing the Market discounts.

This is to have console vouchers fall in line with the PC plat discount vouchers, so then the system can't be gamed with Cross-save being enabled. Log into PC, get 75% off plat, then log into console and get 75% off a market purchase.

They literally made a thread about it:


Edited by Stormandreas
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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

Haven't seen a market discount since early September of any variety.

Not sure the "bonus" plat vouchers are an instead of now or not, wouldn't surprise me from a business standpoint.  "Freeloading scum" (j/k) have had an easy ride on console for years, time to get them spending.

Especially considering who DE's overlord is now.

Still on switch, yes I had a 50% discount around a week or two ago

They aren’t gone, and I’ve never had those bonus vouchers (yet)

Edit: Sister also got a discount 

Edited by (NSW)Malikili
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3 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

I don't think market discounts exist any more. instead, you're encouraged to buy platinum and get your "value for money" from the extra plat, though it means buying everything at full price.

I don't mind it too much, since I'm not used to having a lot of plat at once, but there is a downside. changes like this as well as questionable choices like the Heirloom Skins incident are why we should ALWAYS keep an eye on what DE do and NEVER forget to call them out on any BS they try to pull.


I think it's good because the cheaper plat inflates the market so consoles will have plat become easier to get, similarly to PC. 

This will also help since cross save is likely going to make plat increase in value by a large margin (more players, but not as much plat coming in from consoles), which will make it harder to sell things.

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