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Do Garuda's talons get to use melee arcane adapters?


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23 minutes ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Unfortunate since its not really an "exalted" weapon.

Not really gonna be worth using now.

Yeah, Talons is probably on the worse end of the exalteds that exist, maybe only ahead of balefire. Doesn't help that talons doesn't have full synergy with archon mods, mainly the two energy ones, which is one area that I have found the exalteds excel in.

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41 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

If I recall her Talons are better than Venka Prime and unlike other quasi Exalted weapons they can use the combo mods like Blood Rush / Weeping Wounds.

Theyre sure as heck not gonna be better or even close to venka prime now, between rivens being a thing and now a melee arcane existsting that will let yellow crit hits hit twice kind of like the decree.

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On 2023-12-13 at 9:37 PM, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

melee arcane existsting that will let yellow crit hits hit twice kind of like the decree.

You seem to be highly overvaluating the arcane effect. 

It is great on status weapons that have low crit, but if you got a weapon that is crit scaling you are handicapping yourself to go below 101% crit to use the arcane instead of normal crit scaling. 

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1 hour ago, Zakkhar said:

You seem to be highly overvaluating the arcane effect. 

It is great on status weapons that have low crit, but if you got a weapon that is crit scaling you are handicapping yourself to go below 101% crit to use the arcane instead of normal crit scaling. 

1) thats not the only arcane we have now, and she can use none of them. 

Theres multiple viable ways to build garuda's talons, but even if your final modded crit chance was say, 150%, half your hits would be hitting twice and getting to apply more status and build more combo. Thats still a pretty significant jump. Even if the final modded crit chance was 175, that still isnt nothing.

Its not like a weapon HAS TO be 100% cc to get significant use out of it. I think you're both under valuing the effect of that particular arcane along with the others, and ignoring it wouldnt take much for her talons to be surpassed to be begin with because: 

2) it isnt like her talon's base stats are far above weapons like venka prime, nikana prime, kronen prime, and whatever else. And those other weapons have access to rivens. 

I really dont think garuda's talons can compete with say, venka prime + arcane let alone Arcane + riven. 


I dont expect her talons to be THE BEST, but it would be nice if they didnt feel like a handicap to use. 

3) while the "no arcanes for exalted weapons" is in line with other things in the game, her claws are not an exalted weapon.


I cant think of a reason they *shouldn't* be allowed to use arcanes.


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6 hours ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

Theres multiple viable ways to build garuda's talons, but even if your final modded crit chance was say, 150%, half your hits would be hitting twice and getting to apply more status and build more combo. Thats still a pretty significant jump. Even if the final modded crit chance was 175, that still isnt nothing.

Its not like a weapon HAS TO be 100% cc to get significant use out of it. I think you're both under valuing the effect of that particular arcane along with the others, and ignoring it wouldnt take much for her talons to be surpassed to be begin with because: 

It kinda does have to be as close to 100% as possible else as you say there are other arcanes you arent using in that slot.

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1 hour ago, Zakkhar said:

It kinda does have to be as close to 100% as possible else as you say there are other arcanes you arent using in that slot.

To be fair, its not like i have all the arcanes at rank 5 to compare them to eachother. 


But X arcane being better than melee duplicate on X melee weapon might very well be true and thats fine. I'm all for there not being just a single best "you should always be using this one". I threw out duplicate as an example because it seems quite good, at least on paper for a lot of weapons. And whatever arcane is ideal for what i mean garuda still cant use a single one.


But its still kind of an unfortunate oof that Garuda cant. Is it a huge deal? No. 


Her talons are still *good*. It would just be nice.

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