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This Game Is Too Easy.


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This is completely $&*&*#(%&, not to mention that in a MMO with drops linked to tiers and mob kinds it's the best way to break what little is left of the balance in the game.


What most games do is creating Playgrounds for High Level players.


Warframe does not. Or at least it fails in doing so.


1) $&*&*#(%&? No, let me run this by you - You have unlocked and completed every planet in the system, now everything to you is easy But wait! you now you have a slider to enter the next tier you click the newly unlocked slider to the second tier. Now the enemies start at the highest level the fully unlock tier had and the end planets are double the level the old tier had creating a new progression for higher levels.


Granted it would be better if they say instead of adding a slider added new systems that started at the highest level of enemies the final planet in the last system had, but for a quick fix I think a slider will do fine. For creating a whole new system with new bosses etc. is a massive task, it is by far not easy.


2) Most games are not co-op 3rd-ps this genre is mostly new ground to the MMO world. As a shooter that requires more skill then "Faceroll to victory" it is more difficult to create content that everyone will be happy with pre U11 the end planets where much more difficult then they are now By far simply due to the higher level enemies. Just after U11 release when I logged in I noticed the drop in levels when I asked in council chat "Is it just me or has everything dropped in level?" I was answered with a statement about how they made the AI smarter and added more enemies to the levels.


3) Atm I don't seem to see any end game content as well even before U11. The void does seem alittle more like "special stage" then end game my view. One day I think they will add the end game but as of yet they are still working on it

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So, having read the entire thread, I'm here to summarize and then add some new discussion:

It took 6 pages of running around in circles before Squirmy and Laraso finally sort of understood each other. As much as Squirmy asked Laraso to read, he seemed to miss the point from the start and I think maybe he understands what Laraso was saying.

Here's my take on why the damage is the way it is though, and let's just say I do agree if you have maxed or near maxed weapons and frame, you'll be fine vs level 25+. But is that what the game is about?

I always have at least one thing I'm leveling. I like variety. Sure, you could max out that Sobek or Gorgon and just use Rhino for the entire game. But that's not for me, and I think DE's design on that is pretty clear; Warframe is a loot game. You're playing to get new stuff to keep things interesting. If you're looking for using the same high level weapons all the time, this probably isn't the game for you.

So does it make sense yet, that most of the game is relatively easy when you have high ranked gear? I'm not saying for you to gimp yourself, but I'm saying the game's design is that you are leveling things. This means enemies need to still take some damage from your rank 5-15 whatever. Most weapons suck when they're under rank 10, but with the recent change to leveling, you have to be using the weapon to get any XP for it (if you're solo, that is, groups still share XP evenly). Just as you said going to only super high level, hard-to-access content isn't a solution for high level play, it's not a solution for lower level weapons to seek out only low level planets/enemies. So the game seems built with the idea that for most of the game, you are leveling stuff. (It's also pretty funny if you take the wrong mods/damage types into a mission, as the damage is laughable and you won't be 1-5 shotting anything, it's more like 20 shotting level 25 enemies.)

So what can you do if you want that higher level play? For now, you have missions designed for people who want to push those limits. I read the thread; I know this forum. I don't want to sound like a broken record, but [Endless] Defense and Survival have been designed for you to take the game where you want. You're right that those shouldn't be the only options, but they currently are. Even T3 Void Defense starts out pretty easy and scales up. I agree we need something consistent that is high level, without continuing to scale up to triple digit enemies. DE needs to add that.

TL;DR I agree with the OP, but I think OP needs to consider that the reason why most of the game is easy for high leveled gear is because the game is designed for constant leveling of new gear, and restricting that to lower level planets only excludes many resources and content from anyone doing so (especially without passive solo XP now). Hopefully DE adds some consistent high level stuff eventually. For now: survival, T3 Void, Defense, Nightmare mode (although usually quite easy still).

Edited by gell
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As much as Squirmy asked Laraso to read, he seemed to miss the point from the start and I think maybe he understands what Laraso was saying.



Is there anything I can do to add challenge to this game for myself without purposefully gimping myself by using bad weapons with bad mods?


I didn't miss anything. The thread started out trying to find content that would fit OP's request. It then evolved into everyone giving up hope on the current content and looking to the future with hope in their hearts. I'd appreciate it if you (and others) didn't act like I'm the one who missed the point.

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it has always been this way, we tried to reach out to DE and begged them to do something.... No response. Can´t blame anyone for leaving the game, i fell in love with the idea and art style of the game and it has beome a love/hate relationship for me. I normally only play very challenging games which Warframe is the opposite of pretty much. 

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I just tried to run Outer Terminus, the thing that made this attempted run different than normal is that I had a random with me and neither of us were using Frost. I was using my Level ~26 Valkyr and he was using his Valkyr (either low level or modded completely wrong). THAT was a challenge. Between defending the pod, making sure I was in Hysteria 100% of the time, and constantly reviving him as he went down, I had my hands full. There is also the annoying problem that came with it taking 3-4 punches to kill each Moa. We lost on wave 4. I haven't done that bad in... well, I honestly can't remember the last time I did that bad. 

If anyone is curious: My weapons were all modded for Grineer (I forgot to switch to loadout C) and I was using my Dread (level ~6, no potato), my Brakk (30 and potato'd), and my level 11 Lecta (no potato). I'm not saying "Hey go play ___" I just felt like telling everyone since it was the first time I've had trouble on a defense mission before I had at least past wave 30. 


Have fun, I'll be back on Warframe when my current download get's finished (my wifi is terrible enough without anything DL'ing).

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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For those folks complaining the game is too easy:  Quite doing levels on Mercury, Earth, Etc.  Get out to Pluto and do some missions.  You probably won't be complaining then.

Except for the part where we already reached Pluto and the game is still too easy.


@SanityRobot  Personally I think what would fix all this "game to hard" or "game to easy" posts is if DE added the difficulty slider into the game. By adding that it might make every type of player somewhat happy - lets face it a game that caters to only one type of player it does not succeed.


Or, instead of adding a difficulty slider that would only complicate already existing features, they could simply add additional missions which feature higher level enemies.

Edited by Laraso
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Awww how cute, I did not say people should not voice their opinions, you seem to put words into others mouths to create something out of nothing.


You strongly implied it. By countering the OP with "It's beta" you are saying, in essence, "because it's beta, you shouldn't complain". The whole point of beta is to provide feedback. The OP's feedback is that he wants the end-game planets to be more of a challenge when the player has end-game gear.




On top of that it is not an argument it is a statement learn to differentiate between the two.


The two are not mutually exclusive:



Edited by Notso
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its not that the game is easy but its that they dont have much late game mechanic. For those who put in many hrs in the game yeah you will be well equipped with stuff you need which making it become very repetitive gameplay . but making it hard for new players who just join the game will only drive them away. like with the new scaling how are they expecting us to farm void if you just joined the game and doesnt have the mod needed to survive pass 5mins survival. they just need to add high scaling for late game to favor the veterans not increase the scaling for the whole game with will tip the balance of the beginning phrase of the game.

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not increase the scaling for the whole game


Once again, nobody suggested that the entire game get rebalanced. I can't figure out where people are coming up with this idea that those of us who want a bigger challenge are out to ruin the game for everyone else, when it's simply not true.

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making it hard for new players who just join the game will only drive them away. 


Nobody said they wanted that.


like with the new scaling how are they expecting us to farm void if you just joined the game and doesnt have the mod needed to survive pass 5mins survival.


You're not supposed to be able to farm the void that early. DE said this in a livestream. Void is supposed to be difficult, and by the time you are supposed to be able to do Void you should have enough keys to farm a good few prime weapons/Warframes.


 they just need to add high scaling for late game to favor the veterans not increase the scaling for the whole game with will tip the balance of the beginning phrase of the game.


This is exactly what we've been asking for.

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You're not supposed to be able to farm the void that early. DE said this in a livestream. Void is supposed to be difficult, and by the time you are supposed to be able to do Void you should have enough keys to farm a good few prime weapons/Warframes.


yeh well i didnt mean it as that early. I still see the void farm mechanic is perfect because in order to get certain part you need like t2 and t3  keys meanwhile early gameplay gives you t1 which allows new players to have an enjoyable experience with the void. maybe in the future they can add more gameplay similar to it.

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Once again, nobody suggested that the entire game get rebalanced. I can't figure out where people are coming up with this idea that those of us who want a bigger challenge are out to ruin the game for everyone else, when it's simply not true.

i know nobody suggested it lol. but with the recent scaling to the game which is why im here to give feedbacks on it, isnt that what this forum is about. it just happen your thread is the only thread that claim this game is easy so it go hand in hand with the patch that has is an  increase scaling to the whole game. so i was just commenting my feedbacks.

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He wanted a challenge he got it.


Survival at 6mins level 30-40 enemies=level 100


Damage 2.0 (now you don't do diddly for damage)


Oh wait hes more....Void Missions all three enemy types so You are prepared for two but inevitably die to the other type faction.


Takes 20 mins to kill a room full of level 27s and higher. Even with being correctly and vastly modded with formas.


He got his challenge I wonder what his input is now. Dying at 6mins into survival now. lmao

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People need to stop screaming nerf. It's becoming an excuse for DE to avoid introducing fun new content. And as a primarily PVE game, it's inevitable that we reach the endgame where everything seems boring. This is where a metagame is supposed to keep things interesting. Not an infinite wave of nerfs. 


We should be asking for new levels and more interesting game mechanics. invasion mode is very close to this. All it's missing are tanky bosses, towers, or boss-towers in between. Plug in more mandatory wall-running obstacles and side objectives. Also, we need more giant enemies like Jackal and Lephantis.


Can I haz hooj Griner mech bos plz?

[size=9pt]Actually, I'll even settle for a giant roller that spits out mini-Ruks. :3[/size]

Edited by pawala
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People need to stop screaming nerf. It's becoming an excuse for DE to avoid introducing fun new content. And as a primarily PVE game, it's inevitable that we reach the endgame where everything seems boring. This is where a metagame is supposed to keep things interesting. Not an infinite wave of nerfs. 


We should be asking for new levels and more interesting game mechanics. invasion mode is very close to this. All it's missing are tanky bosses, towers, or boss-towers in between. Plug in more mandatory wall-running obstacles and side objectives. Also, we need more giant enemies like Jackal and Lephantis.


Can I haz hooj Griner mech bos plz?

Actually, I'll even settle for a giant roller that spits out mini-Ruks. :3


Stay on topic please...

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