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Steel path out of reach?


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I feel somewhat unsure about how to say this but I feel like Arbitration missions should be unlocked with the base star chart while Steel path requires the hole star chart to be completed. I say this because of two locations that have already bumped up enemy level which makes me feel unsure about the future where steel path could be out of reach for new and returning player including myself. The Zariman already is level 50-55 while the new Deimos locations have levels at 55-60 with a special mission in the 200 ranges. While yes you can point new or returning players in a certain direction on how to get better I feel like at a certain point we're gonna hit a wall. Maybe I'm wrong about this but I just there this strange taste in my mouth and that at some point we're gonna reach a limit or stopping point.

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Why should arbitration be accessible to low level players? I assume you want to get galvanised mods, extremely powerful mods at rank 10 if used correctly, why should a player struggling with level 50-55 have access to these mods? It's ment for endgame, the galvanised mods. If you want to do arbitration missions for a different reason, then I understand why tou feel this way. I think

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Steel path being locked behind Zariman completion is already a problem on its own, as you have no access to the zariman nodes before clearing the new war, which is some of the longest quest there is in warframe. Doesn't help that new war also has some prerequisites that take some time to do. Returning players probably don't want to spend a week building a necramech and railjack for two hours of a quest they wanna rush just so they can play with their friends in the content that they do. (I would know, two of my clan friends had the same complaint when they came back)


Il y a 4 heures, Avengerix a dit :

Why should arbitration be accessible to low level players? I assume you want to get galvanised mods, extremely powerful mods at rank 10 if used correctly, why should a player struggling with level 50-55 have access to these mods? It's ment for endgame, the galvanised mods. If you want to do arbitration missions for a different reason, then I understand why tou feel this way. I think

There's a clear difference between arbitrations and steel path in terms of difficulty, which isn't reflected in the way you access them. Arbitrations you can just use whatever you used on normal missions as long as you don't die. Steel path needs you to actually deal damage (which is complicated when you have don't have access to the main source of it).

Edited by Fred_Avant_2019
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3 hours ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

There's a clear difference between arbitrations and steel path in terms of difficulty, which isn't reflected in the way you access them. Arbitrations you can just use whatever you used on normal missions as long as you don't die. Steel path needs you to actually deal damage (which is complicated when you have don't have access to the main source of it).

In my view, arbitrations are Steel Path-lite. It's good preparation.

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Considering that arbitrations are low level with no 200% value additives, I don't understand why people refer to it as endgame. When the arbitrations first came out this may have been the case, yet now archon and netracells at base have more mechanics and are less forgiving than arbitrations... I agree with OP.

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10 hours ago, Zaieed said:

Considering that arbitrations are low level with no 200% value additives, I don't understand why people refer to it as endgame.

Because of the rewards. It is the the source of several staple mods and with an effective team on a good tileset it is the best Kuva farm as well. 

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10 hours ago, SirKnum said:

Because of the rewards. It is the the source of several staple mods and with an effective team on a good tileset it is the best Kuva farm as well. 

I think this is a good consideration, but I feel that good rewards do not make something endgame. For comparison, for Elder Scrolls Online Togzins Brace or Pillars of Nirn are endgame viable armor pieces to increase DPS, yet they are available to players earlier than hard-mode dungeons or normal raids. I can get behind steel-path being locked behind full star chart, as long as new content doesn't keep scaling to higher and higher levels. Considering that I was able to do arbitrations when they first came out in Update 23 before even touching eidolon/raid arcanes, they're not particularly difficult. I would say that they are more forgiving than Archon hunts, as they introduce players to survival incentives with room for mistakes. Yet they require you to unlock Archon hunts now before having access to them. 

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Frankly Arbitrations are too hard for new players.
The few hard missions you need for SP many might have just been done with a public squad.
I think it is good that we have SP missions as training wheels for new players to realize the bump in difficulty and then to test builds.

(it is not endgame though - the rewards are good, but it is a transitional game mode or for fun)

Edited by Bioskop
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