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Steel Path setting is ignored - maybe?



Encountered something that I can't explain. Feels like a bug, but I could be missing some detail, so I'm not posting as a bug.

Just ran an Effervo mission on public, enemies seemed weaker than I expected. Sure enough, I only received 1 splinter. Double-checked after the mission, and I was definitely set to Steel Path. I thought that maybe I had run a bounty by accident - but nope, I still had 32500 standing to earn today.

Anyone have an idea on how the game would drop me into the wrong difficulty of a mission? Does this happen if you pop into Effervo from Navigation in a relay?

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There are likely some bugs going around regarding the difficulties aswell as where you join from. It's like when you go to Sanctum, sometimes you end up in the Necralisk. I have a problem where if I do a SP Lab mission from the Navigation console it runs perfectly, but if I enter one from the Sanctum hub it will have odd hitches and performance issues throughout. So I wouldnt be surprised if there is some conflict regarding difficulty settings etc. So in your case the game cant really decide if it supposed to put you in normal or SP and for me when joining a SP through the hub it likely results in some similar conflict inside the mission where it isnt sure if I'm in SP or normal so checks things pointlessly throughout the mission.

My performance problem for instance only applies to SP, nothing else. I can join missions on normal from navigation or through the hub with perfect performance. Netracells and bounties are also flawless. And for SP if I join from navigation, complete the mission and then go back to orbiter to start a new one it runs flawlessly aswell. Not sure if your problem is solved by using nav to join up though since I havent played any multiplayer on the new maps at all and likely never will, but it is worth a shot if it is a temporary fix to the issue you have.

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This has happened to me numerous times in pub SP Mirror Defense (Munio). I'll sometimes join an existing Mirror Defense with SP set, but no acolytes spawn... that's a strong indicator you were matched with a non-SP host.

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