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Change Gauss' subsumed ability to his 2


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hace 4 horas, BiancaRoughfin dijo:

Wile i am an advocate against the braindead AoE playstyle people have adopted in the game, i think his 2nd ability as subsome would be equally compromising due to how strong it is for protection, unless DE prevents it from being infused into frames that already have some form of protection and/or caps its Bonus to 25~50%.

It wouldn't be as strong without the battery and I'm sure it would be the 20% it has as a base because it can regenerate energy when taking damage to shields and health and why it avoids knockdowns and stuns.

Edited by --Leyenda-yight6
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Why don’t they just add an internal cooldown to the subsumed version of thermal sunder?

1 second between cast time, and spammed multiple times adds another second, stacking to 5 seconds. 
That should stop em 

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On 2024-01-10 at 1:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

No more Wukong's

Wukong sucks at using TS.

On 2024-01-10 at 1:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

breaking the waypoint tracker

Has nothing to do with how fast you kill enemies. It's just bad coding that semi-randomly happens, and almost always as client. (And IDK if I've even seen it anywhere but Europa.)

On 2024-01-10 at 1:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

setting off "change of plans"

Again, afaik this is random and has nothing to do with speed... It also doesn't matter at all in fissures, as you're killing regardless.

On 2024-01-10 at 1:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

blinding everyone

I am all for them toning down TS' visual effects.

On 2024-01-10 at 1:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

The arguments in favor of Thermal Sunder are nothing but what-aboutisms, fallacies and false equivalents that all turn into arguments

Get off your high horse. Not only is this a fallacy in-and-of-itself, but this is coming from a guy arguing about game balance in level 30 missions... when DE expects us to be able to reasonably do level 200+ SP/augmented missions.

On 2024-01-10 at 1:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

and if you had any idea what you were doing, you would bring Wisp or Volt to keep the squad together

Just to have someone else come and b*tch on the forums instead about how much they hate shared speed buffs? Obviously you do not spend much time here.



I am so tired of these low effort parroted threads. B*tching on behalf of new players is one thing, but coming on here with your 7+ year old account and whining about how fast we can kill level 30 enemies is unsightly. (Yes, the same level 30 Lancer that has 2,637 EHP, which we're then expected to also kill in SP when it has 448,371 EHP.)

And these threads always opt for nerfs, never addressing the root problem. That way, in 6 months, you all can just ask for more nerfs yet again. So no, instead this is how you fix it.

  • We seriously need need 2 different public queues. One for the slow flower-sniffers and one for the min/maxers that want to play the game. We have more than enough players with crossplay. Or...
  • (I don't even want this one as a solo fix anymore because I am tired of being at odds with this subsection of the community, and the above will forever fix that.) DE needs to make SP fissures significantly more rewarding (i.e. opening 3 relics at once).
Edited by KitMeHarder
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On 2024-01-10 at 4:30 AM, chaotea said:

 I think its just random.

It is.

Amusingly enough, I watched a sunday morning stream by DEBadHorse when he addressed this issue. Watched him pour over the raw code for capture missions for over an hour. The answer?

Even DE doesn't know what causes the bloodthirsty Lotus switch.

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  • 2 months later...
En 14/1/2024 a las 8:27, shockwave311 dijo:

Ah, sí, ¿el marco que no hace nada si no juegas tiene muerte cerebral y no es interactivo? Revenant anima a la gente a jugar moviéndose y usando sus armas por una vez.

Revenant se implementó antes de que Steel Path existiera, y durante la era en la que LITERALMENTE TODOS usaban Saryn, Volt, Mirage... etc. Y si estás aburrido, juega algo como Frost, Ember, etc. de rango máximo.


No odias a Revenant porque tenga muerte cerebral, sino que lo odias porque no te ayuda como lo hace Wisp. Y no todos los fotogramas tienen que ser como Wisp. Si están jugando (a diferencia del estilo de juego clonado de AFK Wukong antes de nerf), eso es SUFICIENTE en mis libros. Período.


Completely truth bro. All that people hate mesmer skin is because they love spam.ts with titania. Revenant have just a few use from his abilities the concept inside revenant is being unkillable warframe that is his lore. They can not complain that sometimes mermer skin in a member of my team make me carry 2 useless teamates they won't stop dying and that give me freedom to kill every enemy and still keeping alive that guys i respect every opinions and people. But rev is just a tank but the new people can play with him and got fun and i am glad of that because = more new people much updates to this great game = money = pl= trades = no death game. I have not problem with that but with titania spamers when i am seen one i am out surely because i can not see nothing i want to kill some mobs and got fun that is the purpose of the game not just farm fort hat i can play any other rpg, i want to meet new people new friends and all going killing everything but when a nuke ability existe that make me mind blow certainly because is not funny = thtat players need play alone anybody want to see spamers in the game. So sorry to all i am learning english and maybe i had to many grammar problems imo. 

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 The helminth system is one of these things that make the game more fun but not having it would just make the game better in quality.

 Just considering that resonator and gloom spam was one of the things that very likely demanded a need for a system like overguard says enough.

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On 2024-01-10 at 7:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

No more Wukong's and Titania's breaking the waypoint tracker

WP tracker is broken on its own, it has to be fixed instead. I get the problem without running thermal sunder.


On 2024-01-10 at 7:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

breaking the void rift transformation triggers

It breaks with other frames that kill quickly. It has to be fixed on its own. Personally I never really had much issues with it though


On 2024-01-10 at 7:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

setting off "change of plans"

Happens at random times, has nothing to do with thermal sunder.


On 2024-01-10 at 7:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

blinding everyone

Other weapons and abilities blind as well, DE just has to implement ways to reduce vfx


On 2024-01-10 at 7:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

making missions take twice as long as they should while thinking they're being "efficient"



On 2024-01-10 at 7:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

Yeah, I do, that's why I'm making the post. I'm not spending five+ minutes chasing a broken waypoint on a mission that should be over in two.

If the sunder dude isn't chasing it and he practically does all the killing, why would you be running after the broken wp?? 


On 2024-01-10 at 7:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

say the people who put it on frames that do not engage with the parkour system.

I don't think it's too difficult to follow another player


On 2024-01-10 at 7:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

We're not talking about xyz frame. The fact that Gauss has the best version of the ability but is never the frame you see doing it is telling as is. The fact that it's used on low level content is even worse, not an excuse. Especially when it's Earth or Mars, and an MR20 is using it in a room with MR2's.

True true, I agree with your statement. However any mr20 with or without thermal sunder will be practically killing the whole map so the new players won't ever have much chance to do anything either


On 2024-01-10 at 7:50 AM, Hyohakusha said:

and if you had any idea what you were doing, you would bring Wisp or Volt to keep the squad together so the reactant spawns are consistent, instead of breaking them to the point where they're so spread out they don't even get marked on the map.

Anyone else can bring a speed buffer warframe as well. In the end all that you must do is run to extraction. If the thermal sunder person is always in front of you and reached extraction with 10 reactant, then you'll find enough reactant before reaching extraction as well

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