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Just Another Circuit Defense Thread

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The defense mode of the Circuit really pisses me off. Excavation does too, but not as much because at least if those are insta-dying you don't lose everything and you can still eventually finish. Yeah, excavation sucks solo, always has, seems it always will. Anyways, this is about defense in particular:

Sure, I get it, you don't want people just sitting in the Circuit forever, but you know what? Sometimes I'd like to actually keep playing even when my entire team quits. Defense makes this impossible unless I have the 1 or 2 frames that are suited to actually protect it enough to have a decent chance.

Another thing, something like 3/4 of all pub teams leave before or at wave 5. I don't like that. I want to keep playing. Yet because of this one defense section I am completely prevented from doing so (well, depending on the loadout & decrees sometimes I can manage one or two defense sections, at great risk ofc, great risk).

So... anyways, how about some suggestions, any of the following would be most welcome:

  1. When solo, remove defense and excavation
  2. Give the objective DR based on how many players are present. The fewer the players, the more DR/resistance
  3. Increase the native heal of it exponentially while not attacked. If I manage to kill everyone, at least let me sit around for a bit to get it back up to full instead of taking like two hours to recharge or whatever (a common occurrence. If I can clear the enemies, I should be able to take the next wave. As it is, if the objective takes >60% dmg even if I clear all the enemies in the wave, it's gg no matter what and I just have to exit instead of trying another wave, like whelp, guess I can't get through it after all. Live and learn I guess? Actually die and learn. Not great design)
  4. Allow warframe heals and more DR sharing to work on the defense objective. This would open up the possibility for more frames to continue so long as their healing is enough to sustain the objective. For example would include things like Wisp motes, Blood Altar, Hallowed Ground, Trinity 4... and DR like Citrine, Baruuk Desolate Hands and Eclipse augment, and also stuff like Arcane Pulse. Basically, treat the objective like an ally that can be healed and shielded and protected. Even give it overshields and overgaurd. Currently, only Gara can do this. You could also take all of this and apply it to excavation too btw, js.
  5. Create better versions of the defense game mode to replace all defense missions everywhere (we've needed this for many, many years now).
  6. And if you want to stop people from playing the circuit endlessly, ok, just stop them. Cap consecutive circuit play at tier 10 or 20 or 30 and then force a reset. Don't force an impossible and doomed mission on us. Don't force us to fail due to things out of our control. Bad.

Please actually do something about it, thanks.

Edited by CrownOfShadows
clarity on point 4 & typos
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Actually, the point about removing defense and excarvation when solo is surprisingly good. Thinking about it, the most effective way to protect these is by distracting enemies with your body, by standing closer to them than the objective is - obviously this just isn't possible when solo, as enemies spawn 360° around the objective (and even almost on top of it).

I'm not sure it really matters in the end, as the Circuit is already dead to me either way (random garbage equipment? No thank you, I've already got my Incarnons), but making the mission type selection solo-friendly is a good idea in principle, at least.

All of that being said, it is possible to stay in the Circuit indefinitely, solo, and without a frame that can defend objectives - it's just not worth the risk or hassle, with enemies spawning on top of excarvators and killing them in one hit, sometimes even before they hit the ground.

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8 minutes ago, Traumtulpe said:

killing them in one hit, sometimes even before they hit the ground.

Yeah I've had this happen many times, dead before it even lands. Like wow, glad I could do anything about that lol. Kinda funny the first time. Not so much after that.

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I'd rather have defence replaced with something else, like maybe void cascade.

Excavation would be fine if DE fixed the energy cell spawn. Most of the time the mission drags because the damn things don't want to appear. Because at the end of the day it is as you said, you will finish it eventually.

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My only criticism of circuit mode is that reward points must be deposited into the account with each change of scenery, reward points must be deposited into the account with failed mission.

I have already lost thousands of points in missions longer than 40 minutes and the problems are known in warframe game: host migration, boss spawn freeze, game crash, mission failure due to team disappearance, incompatibility and incapacity of warframe / weapons with the different types of modes etc...

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I literally just got booted from SP Circuit 10 minutes ago.  I was in a full squad and a host migration kicked everyone out to solo play.  I'm now tasked with defending the objective from lv 2000 enemies and there's nothing I can do but watch the health bar just chunk down every second.

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15 hours ago, Alphas said:

I literally just got booted from SP Circuit 10 minutes ago.  I was in a full squad and a host migration kicked everyone out to solo play.  I'm now tasked with defending the objective from lv 2000 enemies and there's nothing I can do but watch the health bar just chunk down every second.

This has happened to me some times, is a great example. now my personal rules for playing circuit mode:

1. Don't trust the team, always start the mode anticipating that the mission will fail as it was not designed to trust the team's connection.
2. After 15~20 minutes of mission it's time to get out, it's a long mission.
3. The time spent should reward you anyway so don't waste the time spent.

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