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Whispers in the Walls: Hotfix 35.0.11


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How about if you make YOUR DX 12 compatible with Radeon Boost (VRS) soo you won't have to decrease the resolution that is needed in fast movement oooh and fixing the performance in deimos and sanctum anatomica which is garbage

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When is the next part of the companion rework?

Helminth Charger is still falling behind the rest even with its set mods.

Vicious Bond still isn't working on Ragdolled enemies so half the cases where you group them for AOE armour stripping doesn't work like using Larva or Coil Horizon which would otherwise be perfect since it damages too.

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Make the fish SHUT. UP! in Dojo.

Remove all fade to blinding-white screens.

Fix warframes getting immobilized for a few moments for no reason, randomly.

Fix getting sent to the start of the map when falling out of bounds with operator.

Fix getting stuck after a cipher hack, having to jump to be able to move.

Enemies may have lost "critical damage output" but their crit. chance must've been small because now they deal more damage than before, enemy damage got buffed

FIX squads getting randomized during mission load and ending up with TOTALLY DIFFERENT people that do NOT have the required relics!

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Isnt 4 shards too mcuh for a single tauforged especially in case that this is currently one of the most hard things to farm and most desireble for warframe builds and which also based on random which separates progression of some players compare to the others quite much . If need to be more grindy just increase the price of a single fusion in several times like from 100 to 500 but using 2 shards instead of 4.

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Have DE changed weapon leveling, I have ran 6 missions today all with 2 new guns on and using my melee for leveling, got back to the mission complete screen and no exp on the weapons, never had to use the weapons in mission before to get exp but seams like you have too, wondering if anyone else is having the same issue.

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4 hours ago, Thegrimreamer said:

Have DE changed weapon leveling, I have ran 6 missions today all with 2 new guns on and using my melee for leveling, got back to the mission complete screen and no exp on the weapons, never had to use the weapons in mission before to get exp but seams like you have too, wondering if anyone else is having the same issue.

You have to use the weapons to get XP, your weapons get XP if you're in a squad.

Edited by Slayer-.
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Would be nice if when the host leaves squad the x250 molt augmented charges wouldn't reset to 0, which should've been fixed since that arcane got introduced, same as getting stuck on random surfaces since I've been saying that for 8 years and it's only now gonna get "fixed". It's 11 years too late because it never should've existed and the fact that someone that isn't even in the warframe team solved it, says it all... especially since the maps are absolutely riddled with petty ways of slowing and getting the player stuck... there are creative and good ways to slow down pacing instead of just placing illogical obstacles everywhere.

2 times happened today, weapons, abilities and transference got disabled during gameplay and it's only fixed by dying.

Edited by -.GALAHAD.-
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Solo Netracells needs a 20-30% enemy density increase... between the 1000m distance from one console hack to another, 2 necramites often hidden to be as time-wasting as possible (which are supposed to be weak reasons to not play solo I guess but it's actually much faster solo because in a group the alert level drops much slower regardless of the "increased" enemy density with a full squad, while of course having at least 2 useless players in every squad, usually on console because couch and gamepad...) and more often than not also with a very large distance from the killing ground to the necramite and the overall senseless traversing from one end to another of the map instead of just making it take time by adding rewarding and creative steps to the mission, not "go to that point then run for 900-1000m to another point" and so on.

Abilities that swap between modes like Minelayer, Bastille etc. need to have an ability cost, their cost shows 0 because it costs nothing to swap between them instead of showing it for when they're actually cast.

The sound effect and animation for such an excellent ability like Nourish most definitely need to be improved, it sounds like someone is vomiting and a sumo slam because... game is "ninjas in space and ninjas are from Japan...?!?" we get it, it's the ability of a frame that's on the plus size, so what? His theme is gluttony not sumo.

Fissures started from dojo or relay only makes the host's reward available and only to that person.

Extermination missions need to show the next cluster of mobs FORWARD towards extraction, not the single one that's 300 meters BEHIND and close to where you started from.

Edited by -.GALAHAD.-
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It's been a month without any hotfixes...on a supposed spool-up where all of your resources are focused on getting ready for the next launch.  In that time, this game seems to be buggier than ever...  I'm not submitting this to the thread for bugs because I expect it to be entirely ignored there, because there's never any obvious sign that bugs are being worked on.  As such, this is less about asking for a solution and more about compending the issues.  

  1. If you die in Duviri, and cannot resurrect before the timer goes off, you cannot summon a warframe with your 5 without instantly dying.  That's right, press 5 to die.
  2. If you die while facing the Jackal in Duviri it can despawn...leaving you on a floating island without a way to progress.
  3. Speaking of Duviri, we are back to sometime being reward locked.  3 Arcane Intentions in a single run is statistically insignificant, but yet...
  4. More Duviri...why not?  You can be teleported at random when entering a gate.  Went to the undercroft, spawned a white screen, and wound up half way across the map with the map and other features broken.
  5. Moving on, the netracell is a great weekly...until you have 3 in a row break at the entrance door.  Yep...that speaks volumes when the door won't open despite 2 instances of each key.
  6. Two instance of each key?  Yep.  When console players inevitably start dropping you have to have your own keys...because if they drop they'll kick you to your own instance and not let you simply have the key auto-assigned.  Yep, mission failure.
  7. Oh, but those rewards.  The netracell is great if you get good rewards.  Less so when your rewards are meh.  The amount of grinding necessary to unlock the faction isn't enough to guarantee that you get all of the arcanes...but when your reward for a timed weekly exclusive mission is the same as you can purchase from much easier to obtain standing points it's difficult to see this as anything more than a bad reward.  Note that this includes both arcanes and the adapters...so the common rewards literally make grinding for the faction worse.  This is why I've never purchased an arcane adapter...because eventually the netracell will make them worthless.
  8. Speaking of worthless, I know why you don't want to offer archon shards and tauforged shards in the netracell.  It's another infinite grind if you've only got 104 per year, with only 52 having a small chance at being tauforged.  If you suddenly can get about 4 per week, with 1 being low percentage tauforged and 2 being vanishing percentage tauforged, then the grind starts to be much lower.  4*52 = 208.  You only have 50ish warframes, so you need 250 shards...oh my.  You could outfit all of your warframes with something in about 1.25 years of grind...or 1.3 at the rate new ones are coming out.  Then what is the evergreen grind?  Well, the combined shards are interesting and double, quadruple, or octuple the grind if you require 4 base shards to make tauforged.  That means another 2-4 years of grind to stave off the grind-hards.  Do you really believe that we don't see this...and do you really believe that some of us don't engage with the systems explicitly because we see this? 
  9. So...about the content part of this game.  You've doubled down on the "but."  Deimos is regular game modes, but with a small twist.  The netracell is basically corrupted keys, but not limited to mods and time locked.  Steel Path is literally the regular node but with numbers much higher and requiring more tactically focused play (ie, you need to pay attention to elements and armor instead of just choosing a big enough numbers gun).  The incarnons are upgraded weapons...but only for a short time after charging.  Do you guys have anything left?  My personal suggestion is that instead of trying to "but" us into submission maybe you make old game modes suck less?  I'd love it if I didn't have to hate sharkwing because the best mods with huge costs didn't suck so bad.
  10. Finally, let me end on a positive note.  I...want to suggest Deimos's expansion was a relatively good launch.  A new weapon, a bunch of new mods that make it amazing, and something resembling a reason not to simply hold down melee button to win with Tennokai.  It doesn't feel like you guys gave it as much thought as you should have, but the Grimoire and Tennokai have potential to be rewarding.  There's now an argument for Arcane Energize or Zenurik not being necessary, so maybe this is a turning point where the space ninja game gets back to being about that...instead of fishing.  


Unfortunately, we'll know soon.  You're now competing against companies that do almost everything you do better.  You've effectively silently raised prices on content that is a decade old.  You are releasing content basically twice to three times a year, with quarterly footnotes for frames and weapons that aren't enough to change the tide.  As AAA gaming continues to fail, and the developers escaping that ship continue to found their own new vision of gaming, we'll get to see how you navigate competition.  Hopefully it's by listening to complaints, instead of telling consumers what they want.  That said, I'm looking forward to how Soulframe is either DOA or cuts into Warframe resources.  We'll see if this is another DE non-launch, or if it's the coming of the studio into having more than one active IP.

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