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I'm in Netracell HELL


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2nd post on this matter, maybe DE will hear someone on this.

To be clear:

1) I don't mind the running around for the terminals.

2) I don't care about people not killing the mobs outside the red circle (I'm doing it solo now) no more headaches 

BUT this is the 3rd or 4th week that I get trash. My drops has gotten consistently worse. Last week I got 1 legenday arcane, this week nothing, zilch, nada. and one of my missions that goddammit netromite spawned in the wall so I had to quit and the mission was gone.

Almost everyone is complaining about this mission and DE wants to fix this in the next update?!?

I'm sorry but that is a bad deal :p

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16 minutes ago, Aldain said:

I can't even find a group for them half the time, and I know good and well I can't solo them because I'm not modded to the hilt.

check out one of Knightmareframe vids on YouTube. check the one about best melee warframe and the one about arcane I fluence. I use Voruna with a I fluence hate but you can use a weapon that you like and if you have a riven is even better. I don't have a riven for my hate but it helps me. I just posted a vid on my YouTube of the solo run last 10 min. angelopinho or something like that (not sure). if you can't find the build ill send you my. better to do it solo than to get aggravated with people that don't care about the mechanics  and to have a looooog mission and get nothing for it.

in any case if you need it, ill make a short vid on the matter so you can do it solo. fyi my vids are terrible cause I have no idea how to do it. I just post from what I record from the xbox :(

Edited by (XBOX)APinho
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On 2024-01-30 at 12:50 AM, (XBOX)APinho said:

Almost everyone is complaining about this mission and DE wants to fix this in the next update?!?

the strange thing is that for whatever reason, Reb and the team focused entirely on trying to make the legendary Arcanes more accessible, which is fine.. but they aren't removing the common, purchasable Arcanes from the drop table, which is the one thing that like 90% of people running Netracells (myself included) actually want, and it's not like we haven't talked about it enough for them to notice, there must have been dozens upon dozens of posts about it since WitW dropped. 

if there's a legitimate reason they can't change it, then they should say so. yeah, people may not like it, but honesty is the best policy, and I'd have a lot more respect for DE on this if they came out and said it, rather than trying to hide the truth and side-step it all the time. 

4 hours ago, Aldain said:

I can't even find a group for them half the time, and I know good and well I can't solo them because I'm not modded to the hilt.

have you got Hildryn or Revenant? if all else fails, take a frame that won't die, find a terminal and call your Necramech ASAP, Voidrig's 4 will clear the kill zone, even if the rest of your gear won't. 

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On 2024-01-29 at 7:50 PM, (XBOX)APinho said:

2nd post on this matter, maybe DE will hear someone on this.

To be clear:

1) I don't mind the running around for the terminals.

2) I don't care about people not killing the mobs outside the red circle (I'm doing it solo now) no more headaches 

BUT this is the 3rd or 4th week that I get trash. My drops has gotten consistently worse. Last week I got 1 legenday arcane, this week nothing, zilch, nada. and one of my missions that goddammit netromite spawned in the wall so I had to quit and the mission was gone.

Almost everyone is complaining about this mission and DE wants to fix this in the next update?!?

I'm sorry but that is a bad deal :p

I got a legendary core before I got a Tauforged shard…that’s saying something. 

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On 2024-01-31 at 10:10 AM, Aruquae said:

I got a legendary core before I got a Tauforged shard…that’s saying something. 

Im sorry for your pain, but that was funny. I feel you mate, I really loved wispers in the wall, but netrahell really got me going. I think they don't care because is not affecting new player. And that is the same mistake ESO Dev team did, not to listen to vet players and they lost a huge amount of players like me.

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3 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

I had to start playing these solo too. Just way too painful in a group.

Reward table is too diluted.

I think that solo or not the chances are the same. In solo at least we don't have the headache of telling people to kill the uglys inside de red zone and they still do it outside.  It is muuuuuch faster (with a group that has no understanding of mechanics it takes 25 to 30+ min. Solo 11 to 15 tops). 

And I may die once or twice but This way I believe I can maintain sanity with nooooo stress :)

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