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phantasma prime/base screen shake


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video evidence of phantasma having terrible screenshake which just ruins the weapon for me and multiple other users
the weapon isnt even overpowered or anything and the fact that it was added post launch doesnt help the situation either

the prime suffers from this issue as well, not sure if its bug or intended

a fix or response would be appreciated, its one of my most used weapons and the screen shake is just killing it for me

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38 minutes ago, DeathOfASaint said:

a fix or response would be appreciated

How about a workaround?  Recoil reduction affects it.  I

I'm not troubled by screen shake myself, but I agree it's crappy DE added recoil to Phantasma (and some other beam weapons) long after its creation.

26 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

Disable camera shake in the option menu.

That option does not turn off recoil-induced screen shake.

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3 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

It turns off something, because my Phanntasma shooting doesnt look like his.

When you turn it on, can you tell a difference with Phantasma?  I can't.  (Actually I want to say it looks very slightly worse  without screen shake on, but I'm sure this is my mind playing tricks on me.)

The video shake looks a step worse than it does for me in game too.  Perhaps there is a +recoil riven involved, or maybe another video setting.  The FoV looks low compared to mine, and maybe that makes the effect worse.

In any case, the weapon originally and for a long time had zero recoil.  And then it got added, which wasn't cool for people prone to suffering motion sickness from these effects.  And it definitely is recoil, since it can be reduced by Stabilizer Counterbalance etc.

Edited by Tiltskillet
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4 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

The video shake looks a step worse than it does for me in game too.  Perhaps there is a +recoil riven involved, or maybe another video setting.  The FoV looks low compared to mine, and maybe that makes the effect worse.


my FoV is maxed out and i don’t have +recoil on my riven, im using counterbalance as an exilus now and it has reduced it but some amount of screen shake still does exist

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Just now, DeathOfASaint said:

my FoV is maxed out and i don’t have +recoil on my riven, im using counterbalance as an exilus now and it has reduced it but some amount of screen shake still does exist

I wonder why it looks worse in your video than it does for me in game.

Anyway, I agree on Counterbalance, and if I add Deadhead  I can't detect it all on my screen.  Although I'm also not sensitive to screen shake so YMMV.   If you don't have or don't want to use Deadhead, there's Soft Hands and Reflex Draw.  These stack with each other if you need them both, but either one requires regular swapping.

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Welcome to my hell of being forced to waste Exilus slot, Arcane slot, and or having to roll a -Recoil Riven due to DE's crappy design choices. The recoil doesn't even add anything, nor does it make weapons more difficult to use, it's just annoying. It doesn't even make sense. Given the fact what Warframes are and their strength, they should have any recoil when using 'normal' weapons.

21 minutes ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

Larkspur has the same issue but you can't actually do anything about it.

You're right but it's an Archgun so I kinda understand there would be recoil or some negative side effect when I'm shooting something so huge.

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11 hours ago, (PSN)Sentiel said:

Welcome to my hell of being forced to waste Exilus slot, Arcane slot, and or having to roll a -Recoil Riven due to DE's crappy design choices. The recoil doesn't even add anything, nor does it make weapons more difficult to use, it's just annoying. It doesn't even make sense. Given the fact what Warframes are and their strength, they should have any recoil when using 'normal' weapons.

You're right but it's an Archgun so I kinda understand there would be recoil or some negative side effect when I'm shooting something so huge.

the main reason why it is so frustrating it is everyone is accustomed to this gun for years then out of nowhere after 4-5 years they just add screenshake to it without a headsup (although i was on a hiatus so i'm not sure if they gave one)

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2 hours ago, DeathOfASaint said:

the main reason why it is so frustrating it is everyone is accustomed to this gun for years then out of nowhere after 4-5 years they just add screenshake to it without a headsup (although i was on a hiatus so i'm not sure if they gave one)

Nope. They just added it with it's Prime release. DE had a period of adding ridiculous recoil on everything. They're slowly letting go of that but sometimes they still do it for some weird reason, with the worst offender being Gammacor Incarnon. That S#&$ is literally migraine and vomit inducing.

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On 2024-02-04 at 5:09 PM, DeathOfASaint said:

a fix or response would be appreciated, its one of my most used weapons and the screen shake is just killing it for me

19 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

The video shake looks a step worse than it does for me in game too.  Perhaps there is a +recoil riven involved, or maybe another video setting.  The FoV looks low compared to mine, and maybe that makes the effect worse.

15 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

I wonder why it looks worse in your video than it does for me in game.

Looked at the video and noticed the same. Knowing the design ethos behind this game, I took the most cynical guess possible, and after a few minutes of A/B-testing in Simulacrum, it turns out the guess happened to be right:

The amount of shaking is tied to your max framerate setting.

OP has like 250-300 FPS in the video, so the shake is horrible. I use 200, so it's slightly less horrible. However if you set it down to 60, there's clearly less shake. The easiest way to measure it, is by staring at some object at the very edge of the screen, and not touching the crosshair at all in between making the changes.

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3 minutes ago, aivastus said:

Looked at the video and noticed the same. Knowing the design ethos behind this game, I took the most cynical guess possible, and after a few minutes of A/B-testing in Simulacrum, it turns out the guess happened to be right:

The amount of shaking is tied to your max framerate setting.

Haha, WF strikes again.  Thanks for figuring this out. 

I'm curious... at 200fps, do you still see recoil shake on the Phantasma or Phantasma Prime if you have Soft Hands and Deadhead slotted?  (Apologies if you don't have these yet.)

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45 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Haha, WF strikes again.  Thanks for figuring this out. 

I'm curious... at 200fps, do you still see recoil shake on the Phantasma or Phantasma Prime if you have Soft Hands and Deadhead slotted?  (Apologies if you don't have these yet.)

I have only rank 4 Deadhead. With Counterbalance (60%) + Soft Hands (-40%) the shake completely disappears in the Simulacrum, but Soft Hands only lasts for 8 seconds after swapping.

I'd imagine Counterbalance + max-ranked Deadhead is a permanent solution, assuming the arcane does what it says.

Edited by aivastus
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