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Railjack void storm, no relic rewards after 1st run

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Today I played like everyday Railjack but after this Update; Railjack Void Storms become UNPLAYABLE.

So thats how the Issue happen:

1. I Play a Railjack Void Storm (Relics doesnt matter) getting 10/10 Reactant and Finish Objectives. We get our 1. Relic Reward.   so far so good.

2. We start mission again from Railjack (mostly the same mission) getting 10/10 Reactant and Finish Objectives. This time and following Mission we dont get any Relic Reward and the Relic dont Consume.


Only way to fix it is visiting every First Mission Back to Dry Dock, But honestly it is UNPLAYABLE.

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Happened to me and a friend yesterday as well.  We clearly equipped the relics before the mission.  Got credit for the first one, no credit for the second mission in a row.  Went back to dry dock to try again, no credit for the 3rd mission.

He was also complaining to me today he did a long excavation void mission today and only got 1 relic reward for the whole thing at the end.

No problems before the patch and it's broke as hell now.

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After running a void storm mission, if you try to run a 2nd mission you are not able to get subsequent relic rewards because it's always registered as "No relic equipped", even though a relic was picked before the start of the mission as normal.

I've run a few missions like this. Every time we tried to run a 2nd mission from the railjack after finishing a mission (without going to the dry dock) and equip a new relic, everyone that was already in the party from the 1st mission could not pick the new relic reward at the end of the mission due to having "No relic equipped".
On a second note, if a new member joined the party during the 2nd mission, they would receive relic rewards accordingly at the end, but everyone else that was already present from the previous mission would still not be able to get a reward due to "No relic equipped".

This issue seems to have started happening after the new Dante update and is very consistent as well, as it seems to be happening every time, not just randomly.

Also want to add that I've run a good amount of "1st runs" and never got a missing relic (assuming I had equipped one beforehand), so no problem there. only on 2nd and subsequent runs from the railjack.

Edited by ThDusk
added a bit more of context
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Having the same issue on my end - ran a Void Storm Skirmish on Saturn, solo. First run gives me a prime part, but subsequent runs doesn't give it. Extracting to the railjack with either the Omni or through the fast travel menu doesn't seem to make a difference.
Possibly the worst part being the relics still being consumed even if only one reward is received.

Returning to the Dojo and then launching another Void Storm mission in the same session will have that mission give a prime part reward, but not on the next. 

For comparison I've ran an Omnia Void Fissure on Persto and didn't experience any problems, got all the prime parts in that run.

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i experienced the same issue.

I also experience i think it could be related the same style of bug where no relics are opened despite showing reactant on the side of the screen if you join an already in progress void storm mission not as a host.

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