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Why can't proper balancing exist before an update gets released?

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It's been a recurring issue that after each big update, some things (like warframes, most notably) have to go through a period of rebalancing (because things are either way too weak, or way too strong for what you intially intended).

And when they are way too strong and inevitably a "nerf" occurs, the forums (and even the YouTube community) gets completely riled up, with hundreds upon hundreds of negative comments and rants. Of course, if things were never too strong to begin with, this whole scenario wouldn't be dialed up to 11 (sure, people would probably still ask for buffs, but all the negative comments and rants about the "nerfs" would never to come into exitence in the first place).

So with all this in mind, I can't help but wonder... Why? Why does this keep happening? Do these incidents don't represent an issue for the public image of the game?

I know that Warframe is pretty strong financially, but surely it would be better if after each big update the forums (and social media) didn't get flooded with all this anger. 

Edited by -CRONO-
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those issues come from the fact that warframe is a very complex game, and testing teams needs to be massive to truly cover it all effectively. Sadly it's not something DE has. Test cluster are an alternative, but those can result in leaks and require coordination to get working properly.

it's sadly just a thing we all need to make peace with. However, those period of fixes can be made brief if we all take time to look at things and report them quickly. The speed at which the devs came to dante surprised and shocked a lot of player, but that's because a lot or watchful player made report as soon as they noticed. 

Thuis, i hope you join the people who make quick report on the balance of patch so the instable period after each update can end quickly

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9 hours ago, -CRONO- said:

It's been a recurring issue that after each big update, some things (like warframes, most notably) have to go through a period of rebalancing (because things are either way too weak, or way too strong for what you intially intended).

And when they are way too strong and inevitably a "nerf" occurs, the forums (and even the YouTube community) gets completely riled up

Caliban is still giga garbage even after what, 2-3years? He got like no adjustments despite being TERRIBLE.


dante is good for ONE WEEK. And he gets hit with the hardest nerfs we’ve ever seen, not even enoguh time to determine if he’s overperforming.


catchmoon, kuva nukor, kuva bramma, all of them were overperforming MASSIVELY, and even they only got hit with minor adjustments.

not to mention, rebb, the creative director, said they were LOOKING at ‘tweaks’ and they wouldnt be all ‘cavalier’ with them, but not even a week after she says this, hotfix drops and their ‘little tweaks’ and ‘not cavalier’ MEGA NERF drops. Not to mention the LOS garbage, absolutely the worst thing you can do to a warframe with how godawful the detection is. I swear i shoot an AOE weapon at a big ball of enemies in Larva or ensnare and only some of them get hit somehow (not to mention some enmies not even being pulled by many abilities despite being visible)

Rebb either doesnt know what her devs are doing, or she blatantly lied to us, both of which are not good. And also poor community team now has to deal with the complete mistep of the devs who very clearly did not take a second to test these changes (i mean really, you can see issues with Line of sight just by sitting behind a pipe on the new tileset and using tragedy)


I dont know why they cant go a patch without making a mistake that makes everyone mad

AoZ it was voidsling and Overguard (I still think voidsling is the worst and most clunky POS they’ve added, overguard would be fine if it wasnt so common and EXCLUSIVE to eximus)

Tennocon last year it was Heirloom (Completely stupid idea and just blatant fomo garbage, only barely fixed by making it well worth the price in plat and awaiting a future pack to see if they actually took notes from that fiasco)

WITW it was Netracells having terrible rewards and the prompt removal of steel path cells making the gamemode a MASSIVE drag and boring as hell.

whenenver the battery weapon changes had to be reverted aswell. Just sometimes DE DOES NOT THINK. Any amount of thought or input from Rebb or even one of the primetime players should say all these decisions were completely moronic and needed adjustment.

DE always make at least one stupid and avoidable mistake per major update cycle, and it’s usually adressed which is nice, but not always in a satisfying way.

i think dante, Nezha augment, tbh all the nerfs this patch needs a revert, he was so god damn fun (and the augments were bandaids for pretty lame frames, and arca titron nerf like wtf? Dont nerf niche garbage because it was decent for one second) they need to go back to the drawing board and actually put thpught into nerfing/adjusting him properly like they did for nourish and eclipse.

Also, while they’re at it, they should buff Caliban because my god, 1 week for a sledgehammer nerf to dante, but 2+ years for zero buffs or fixes to cali. It’s cherrypicking balance for DE that annoys me tbh, always so fast to nerf but if a frame is underperforming or clunky as hell, not a word or whisper from them.


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vor 17 Stunden schrieb kerozen666:

those issues come from the fact that warframe is a very complex game 

This my friends, is utter poopoo.

While the statement on itself is kind of true, the implied meaning isn't.
Let me elaborate;

The issues come from DE never listening, outside of situations where tons of people and streamers make their rage known on Youtube.
The game suffers from DE's poor decisionmaking.
That's all.

Thank you.

Edited by VoyrenTV
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In the case of Dante specifically, The nerfs came because of a vocal minority on the forums asking for everything to be nerfed.

The majority of people were happy with Dante so they had no reason to come to the forums leaving it freely for the nerf crowd.

What does DE see when they open the forums for feedback ? "dante strong pls nerf"

At least that's when it comes to Dante, i wonder why it's so hard to buff Dagath/Qorvex or spice their kits a bit unlike it was fast to nerf dante ?

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